Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


New member
Just a man and a woman in lust.

Lev 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

To believe God ever condoned SSM is evil on its face and shows the ones taking that position do not know God.


New member
According to both Jesus and Ezekiel, the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was inhsopitality.

What the perverts in Sodom actually did according to scripture was attempt to rape the 2 angels that went to Lot's house, and if you actually read the event in scripture Lot offered to send his daughters out to the perverts in Sodom to stop them from raping the 2 angels that appeared to Lot as men.

Gen 19:5
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

The old English "that we may know them" means that we can have sex with them.


Well-known member
You've still managed to leave this one question unanswered: Do you think brothers should be allowed to legally marry?

Yes I did..... answer the questtion. I did.
This is part of what I said....:
Can't you understand that I also support Equality of LEGAL opportunity and freedom for all adult people, regardless of Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Colour, Nationality, Age, Religion, Creed, Ability/Disability and Marital Status? This means that I could not support any incestous marriage at all, sister/brother, sister/sister or brother/brother...... AND it's unlawful.

Now........ come on........ admit I answered.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes I did..... answer the questtion. I did.
This is part of what I said....:
Can't you understand that I also support Equality of LEGAL opportunity and freedom for all adult people, regardless of Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Colour, Nationality, Age, Religion, Creed, Ability/Disability and Marital Status? This means that I could not support any incestous marriage at all, sister/brother, sister/sister or brother/brother...... AND it's unlawful.

Now........ come on........ admit I answered.

so your determination on what you will support depends on the whims of the current law?


Well-known member
I will tell people that their sexual preferences, both hero and homo, will keep them out of God's Kimgdom. Beyond that, they must make their own decision. If they prefer sex over God, well, they must live with the consequences of their choice.

Fair enough.
If that is your belief then that is your belief.
And, equally, if a person does not believe that their sexual orientation or behaviour will keep them from Heaven, then that is their belief.

Yep..... I can embrace all of that.


Well-known member
including pedophiles?

incestuous couples?



Hi ya doey! :D
Dosey, convicted paedophiles, incestuous couples, beastophiles lose quite a lot of their rights where I live.

But polygamistss commit no crimes. Have you had a girlfriend? Have you had two girlfriends? Well, that's polygamy and not a crime where I live.

On the side, do you think it's OK for a Christian to marry a non-Christian?


Well-known member
so your determination on what you will support depends on the whims of the current law?

Not about Equality, no.
I support equality of opportunity, position, rights, etc of all adult-folks regardless of gender, ability/disability, age, race, marital-status, nationality, religion, creed, colour or sexual orientation.

I would support that inlaw or outlaw.


Well-known member
Well Lon....... all the above, that is you........

Well Lon.......... all the above, that is you........

Well Lon........ all the above, that is you.........
Yep. You? Worse. I at least, admit it. You just look down from your pedestal WITHOUT the means to stand there.

Well Lon....... meet yourself........
Yep. How is the air down there? Feeling ignorant yet?

That was so easy.
The big-heads fall easiest!

Oh Boy...... !
This thread is about SSM, and you don't even accept Christian/non-Christian marriage!
Wow! Now that's an interesting thread!

I wonder what Jesus thinks about such as you.....
Of course I don't condone Christians marrying nonChristians. None of us who follow Christ do.
It sure explains a lot about you though. You are a pagan and will not obey the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Every time I meet a man, unregenerate, it boggles my mind that he is so prideful and arrogant in it. Liberal Christianity is NOT Christianity.
There is no Christ in it. You? You have failed to quote my Lord, God, and Savior even once. :plain:

You are just a humanitarian pagan, Eider. You cannot 'fake it.' You need Him and His Salvation. John 3:3 (Read the whole chapter again, your bible study and devotion is greatly lacking).

I wonder what Jesus thinks about such as you.....
He loves me. Big head and all. You are caught in idolatry and the cares of this world. The Lord Jesus Christ invades people. Revelation 3:20 You need to become a symbiote . Until then 1) You are arrogant and 2) don't know Him at all. Jeremiah 29:13 Matthew 6:33 Know God. Know His scriptures. Frankly, you don't. -Lon


Well-known member
Yep. You? Worse. I at least, admit it. You just look down from your pedestal WITHOUT the means to stand there.

Yep. How is the air down there? Feeling ignorant yet?

Of course I don't condone Christians marrying nonChristians. None of us who follow Christ do.
It sure explains a lot about you though. You are a pagan and will not obey the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Every time I meet a man, unregenerate, it boggles my mind that he is so prideful and arrogant in it. Liberal Christianity is NOT Christianity.
There is no Christ in it. You? You have failed to quote my Lord, God, and Savior even once. :plain:

You are just a humanitarian pagan, Eider. You cannot 'fake it.' You need Him and His Salvation. John 3:3 (Read the whole chapter again, your bible study and devotion is greatly lacking).

He loves me. Big head and all. You are caught in idolatry and the cares of this world. The Lord Jesus Christ invades people. Revelation 3:20 You need to become a symbiote . Until then 1) You are arrogant and 2) don't know Him at all. Jeremiah 29:13 Matthew 6:33 Know God. Know His scriptures. Frankly, you don't. -Lon

Your Saturday night rant?
Feeling Better?


Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by Lon View Post
........I truly think you are not my peer...........
....... I really don't think you any where near my peer.
.......the Lord Jesus Christ. I 'think' I know Him and His scriptures better than you do.
...... The more I talk to you, the smarter I think I am than you
.......Incredibly better than you.
.......My IQ is higher than yours too.
....... you are not my peer. Not even close.
.......I know scripture and the Lord Jesus Christ better than you do.
....... My IQ is higher.
...... I am your Master in this thread.

The above is obviously edited, but having checked the original post, I note that you haven't twisted nor taken anything out of context.

Your post might well become a motto for those of the REFORMED cult.

Ego puto vere sunt non pari
... mihi cogitare tu vere non quo aliquo pari prope meo.
... Domino Jesu Christo. 'Ego existimo, melius, quam scriptura scio eum et faciatis eius.
... magis quam loqui ad te, et peritiorem reddant ego puto te esse
... Incredibly melius quam tu.
... mihi IQ sit altior quam tuus quoque.
... Non te pari. Non etiam prope.
... Scio Scripturis divinis, quam Dominus Iesus Christus meliora facis.
... Ego in sequela Magistri.

Worse? You do it but cannot admit it to yourself. The Apostle Paul, whom he hates, bragged. Did he say he was foolish for doing so? Yep. Did he do it anyway? Yep.

Then the vomit? Pride, Truster. Nobody likes trying to address somebody more intelligent than they are. Rather, it is more telling that you can't stand an intelligent man. Look to yourself. 2 Peter 3:16 Acts 17:11 2 Timothy 2:15 It ever surprises me that any man would despise a faithful well-educated man of God. Daniel 1:20. Know who wrote that? Daniel. :noway: !!!

In addition: 1) Know I never compare my prowess to another, until that one lords it over in the first place. I've never done so to you. 2) You are interfering in an unproductive manner, with what this gentleman needs: Humility before God. He thinks he knows, when all along, he is a bible corrector. It is to your shame, that you took the side of a pagan today. Intelligence is the prize of the unbeliever. On Mars Hill, they called Paul, one of the more brilliant men they'd ever seen, mad. Imagine that! 3) It counts for nothing, it is just assessments. 4) Don't use English to Latin translators 5) Don't read another's 'quote' of me. Yes I was being audacious, but he purposefully misquoted because his feelings were hurt and he imagines there is no godliness in being studios and well-attended in the scriptures. He doesn't read them, corrects them. You know better Truster, and you walked into the enemy's camp willingly with this attack :plain: Thanks again...for being knee-jerk first in all your judgements. You NEED to judge righteously and are messing it up, again. -Lon
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Well-known member
No....... but it works on big-heads! :rotfl:
What is worse, having a 'reason' for a big-head or having no right to one?
My head is VERY small next to my Lord God and Savior. Pride comes before a fall BUT it requires that one is falsely assessing their ability.
So far, I've simply said you are not my peer and you are not spiritually in any position to compare yourself to another. Sorry, fact.

Now, GlassJester, you must admit that you've asked lots of searching questions, and I have tried to answer as honestly as possible. But you see, your questions were almost certainly trying to 'get' at my religious and political position. :D
I respect GJ but am not a Catholic. I disagree on about 10% of doctrines, including being unequally yoked with an unbeliever. You? You've shown you eschew Paul. I can talk and reason with GlassJester over our huge disagreement. 2 Corinthians 6:14

I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions, all initiated from another member's recent post:

1. Can a simple person who cannot read or understand Christianity attain to Heaven after death?
John 14:6 HOWEVER, many have come to Him that could not read. Understand 'Christianity?' Awkward question.

2. Do you believe that Christians should not marry non-Christians, and that this is a defilement of God's law?
2 Corinthians 6:14 1 Corinthians 7:1-15 Yeah, No!

3. Do you believe that High Intelligence quotient does help a person to reach Heaven after death?
No, rather the one who has less needs to study more and not try and teach (education isn't his/her spiritual gift).
The real question is this: Can any man or woman know God without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and becoming a new creation? :nono:
1 Corinthians 2:14 Philippians3:3 For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh— 4 though I myself have reasons for such confidence.
If someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5 circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; 6 as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness based on the law, faultless.
7 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.


Well-known member
Yes I did..... answer the questtion. I did.
This is part of what I said....:
Can't you understand that I also support Equality of LEGAL opportunity and freedom for all adult people, regardless of Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Colour, Nationality, Age, Religion, Creed, Ability/Disability and Marital Status? This means that I could not support any incestous marriage at all, sister/brother, sister/sister or brother/brother...... AND it's unlawful.

Now........ come on........ admit I answered.

You didn't answer at all, Eider.
You're still describing what is, and not what ought to be.

Why should the marriage of two brothers be illegal?


Well-known member
You're just stuck in a corner, looking for tricky situations that might make the whole tower block come crashing down, but it won't, and you can't.
:nono: See? Your big head gets in the way first and has been an issue all thread. It is assertion without the means to back any of it up. Frankly, you can't. You liberals are anathema. False teachers.