Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


Well-known member
Nope. The 613 were all about producing a stronger, more cohesive, more successful nation, or people.
You've got that badly wrong.
You cannot quote any of the 613 that don't fit with my claim, including the sacrificial laws, although Jesus dumped those with one sentence.
Matthew 22:38-40 :think: One of us is right.

No Lon..... I'm calling you irrational.
You aren't even getting scriptures right, so no surprise. Do you imagine the Lord Jesus Christ is pleased with you? :think:
You've already said you don't read scriptures in the morning. It is obvious or at LEAST beginning to look that way.
I tell you that I do not read the bible each morning (or day?) and you write the above.
I could not trust a word you say. So much for your search for the truth.
Uhmm, bait and switch. Nice try. Yes I knew it may not mean no scripture at all, BUT your prowess obviously isn't here. No scriptures come to your mind. You post none. Guess what? I 'think' and breathe them. You? :nono: Why? :think: Seriously, think.

I said that I did not read the bible every morning and you spin it into 'I have no need'.
Seems I cannot trust you.
Let me be bold then. I truly think you are not my peer on these matters. Sorry. It is, I believe, a correct assessment.

What a big head you've got.
Honestly, you remind me of the Pharisees.
I'll bet $500 you don't know any. Not a one. It is incredibly telling that this dumbed-down (and imho, 'brainless') accusation gets toss around. I truly think it is about as bad as the Hitler fallacy. It is simply a way to try to marginalize. And yes, I have a big head. Sorry, I really don't think you any where near my peer. I 'think' It an accurate assessment. If so, it isn't a big head, just accurate assessment. I'm definitely not into false humility. Next: Does it make me by any necessity, more spiritual than you? No. Spiritual is really about how much we are filled with the Lord Jesus Christ. I 'think' I know Him and His scriptures better than you do. :think:

Learn just one true fact from me......
A person can spend a lifetime in hard devout study and search and not find the truth, yet another person can accomplish all in the time that it takes to make one pace. Although I'm not saying that's me.
Sorry, no. Not a fact. Try and come up with a few scriptures you 'think' discount my assertion. :nono: They will not, in fact, mean what you think they do. Only cults believe in osmosis spirituality and biblical thinking. Rather...John 16:13 " you 'into' all truth..." 2 Timothy 2:15. The more I talk to you, the smarter I think I am than you :(

A person, working hard all day long in a spirit of service to his community can accomplish more spiritually than a self righteous person with a bible.
Show me. Luke 10:38-42 Matthew 26:11 Mark 14:7 Matthew 6:33

And yet you have no clue about the reasons for the old laws, and may not really understand what Jesus's mission was all about.
You might be too close to the wood to see the trees.
:think: Matthew 5:16-18 Matthew 22:38-40 One of us probably knows more than the other guy does. :think:

I believe that you mean what you say, but you've got Jesus so wrong. It's almost incredible that anybody who reads the bible so much can be so blind to the truth. I believe in the life and mission of Yeshua BarYosef, but my belief is far far from yours.
Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree.
:nono: You haven't quoted a thing He said, let alone any other scripture. You literally are too far from the source. Hate to tell it to you straight. You are into lip-service.

You can't recognise anything about SSM that is accurate imo.
My suggestion is: obey the laws of your country, and leave folks to be happy as they can.
Your belief is a control-freak determined that its way is the only way.
You're wrong.
Of course. One of us reads scriptures and knows them. The other does not. It is just that plain and clear. Sorry 'bout that.

Absolute balderdash.
You can't possibly know your bible as well as you boast:-
Colossians 4:1 1 Peter 2:18 Ephesians 6:5 Colossians 3:22 Titus 2:9 1 Timothy 6:1-2
Incredibly better than you. My IQ is higher than yours too. Bragging? No, just telling you, you are not my peer. Not even close.

I have never been Gay.
Married for 20 years. Widowered. Married for 25 years.
And my pagan wife had never had a boyfriend at 24 years old, when I met with her.
NonChristian wife? 1 or 2: 1) You became a Christian recently so cannot possibly have known the Lord as long or as conversely as deeply and are an arrogant fraud. 2) You were disobedient and married unequally, thus not only don't know Him as well or as long, but don't obey Him either.

Which is it? :think:

Let me see..... I'll take a gamble:-
I don't believe you. Please 'source' what Jesus said about celibacy being 'better'.
Please DO NOT try and quote Jesus's support for genderlessness. That is different/.
Matthew 19:10,11

Look, it is clear I know scripture and the Lord Jesus Christ better than you do. Bragging? No, does it make a difference? ONLY insomuch as you may want to 'listen more than you speak.' Other than that, it is rubbish and bragging. If that is all you've gotten these last two posts, then I've done you a disservice. RATHER it is my desire to drop you down a notch from disservice to the Lord Jesus Christ and disobedience to Him. That's it. My IQ is higher. My study is deeper, and my time with Him is longer, and I'm foolish for saying so. It is true, none-the-less. Learn from Him, not from me, but please stop posing and posturing. You've given naught but 5 scriptures, suddenly, after many posts of nothing. Oddly, not a one from the Lord Jesus Christ, for a guy that seriously questions adherence to Paul :plain: You are woeful in your studies and negligent in your devotion and obedience. I am your Master in this thread (good scriptures, listen to them). -Lon


Well-known member
I am not asking what the current law states. I am asking what you think it ought to be.

Do you agree with the current law, that brothers should be denied marriage equality? Or do you think it should change?

Romans 13:1 !

Why are you so interested in my opinion about unlawful unions?
Please understand that I support LEGAL freedom of sexual orientation and LEGAL freedom for SSM.

Can't you understand that I also support Equality of LEGAL opportunity and freedom for all adult people, regardless of Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Colour, Nationality, Age, Religion, Creed, Ability/Disability and Marital Status? This means that I could not support any incestous marriage at all, sister/brother, sister/sister or brother/brother...... AND it's unlawful.

You're just stuck in a corner, looking for tricky situations that might make the whole tower block come crashing down, but it won't, and you can't.


Well-known member
........I truly think you are not my peer...........
....... I really don't think you any where near my peer.
.......the Lord Jesus Christ. I 'think' I know Him and His scriptures better than you do.
...... The more I talk to you, the smarter I think I am than you
.......Incredibly better than you.
.......My IQ is higher than yours too.
....... you are not my peer. Not even close.
.......I know scripture and the Lord Jesus Christ better than you do.
....... My IQ is higher.
...... I am your Master in this thread
Well Lon....... all the above, that is you........

.....please stop posing and posturing.
Well Lon.......... all the above, that is you........

And yes, I have a big head
Well Lon........ all the above, that is you.........

it isn't a big head, just accurate assessment.
Well Lon....... meet yourself........

NonChristian wife? 1 or 2:
1) You became a Christian recently so cannot possibly have known the Lord as long or as conversely as deeply and are an arrogant fraud.
2) You were disobedient and married unequally, thus not only don't know Him as well or as long, but don't obey Him either.
That was so easy.
The big-heads fall easiest!

Oh Boy...... !
This thread is about SSM, and you don't even accept Christian/non-Christian marriage!
Wow! Now that's an interesting thread!

I wonder what Jesus thinks about such as you.....


Well-known member
Romans 13:1 !

Why are you so interested in my opinion about unlawful unions?
Please understand that I support LEGAL freedom of sexual orientation and LEGAL freedom for SSM.

Can't you understand that I also support Equality of LEGAL opportunity and freedom for all adult people, regardless of Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Colour, Nationality, Age, Religion, Creed, Ability/Disability and Marital Status? This means that I could not support any incestous marriage at all, sister/brother, sister/sister or brother/brother...... AND it's unlawful.

You're just stuck in a corner, looking for tricky situations that might make the whole tower block come crashing down, but it won't, and you can't.

Brother, you're not making sense, here. I am not trying to insult you - just speaking candidly.

What are you actually saying?

You don't think brothers should marry because it's illegal (ok, does that mean you didn't support homosexual marriage before its legalization? You didn't want it to be legalized? Can you not distinguish what is from what ought to be?). And you don't support legalizing the marrying of brothers because...??? You have not stated why.


Well-known member
The only way a professing Christian can support homo marriage is to believe that men penetrating each other's lower intestines, or women penetrating each other with sticks, are good and normal AND GODLY things.


Well-known member
Brother, you're not making sense, here. I am not trying to insult you - just speaking candidly.

What are you actually saying?

You don't think brothers should marry because it's illegal (ok, does that mean you didn't support homosexual marriage before its legalization? You didn't want it to be legalized? Can you not distinguish what is from what ought to be?). And you don't support legalizing the marrying of brothers because...??? You have not stated why.

This links to my strong belief in, and support for...Equality for all.
Before legislation for ssm we had legislation for civil-partnerships.
Before Civil-Partnerships we had Gay-rights which supported gay couples, but they had to make very exact Wills to protect their partners in the event of death.

I have always supported gay rights, but have always wanted equality laws as well.

That's the way it is, for me.
On the side, if two brothers lived over the road to me, and I had once seen them holding hands, or kissing, that wouldn't stop me from being a good neighbour to them, or riendly with them. How about you?

Glass Jester...... you can dissect, fiddle with, worry at.... the simple common sense of gay-rights and ssm, but I don't think that you could change any of it now.

I'll go to your next post to answer, because there's been some exciting developments on this thread now.


Well-known member
Perhaps trying to "get" someone is not the most effective or sincere way to communicate.

No....... but it works on big-heads! :rotfl:

Now, GlassJester, you must admit that you've asked lots of searching questions, and I have tried to answer as honestly as possible. But you see, your questions were almost certainly trying to 'get' at my religious and political position. :D

I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions, all initiated from another member's recent post:

1. Can a simple person who cannot read or understand Christianity attain to Heaven after death?

2. Do you believe that Christians should not marry non-Christians, and that this is a defilement of God's law?

3. Do you believe that High Intelligence quotient does help a person to reach Heaven after death?


New member
Quote Originally Posted by Lon View Post
........I truly think you are not my peer...........
....... I really don't think you any where near my peer.
.......the Lord Jesus Christ. I 'think' I know Him and His scriptures better than you do.
...... The more I talk to you, the smarter I think I am than you
.......Incredibly better than you.
.......My IQ is higher than yours too.
....... you are not my peer. Not even close.
.......I know scripture and the Lord Jesus Christ better than you do.
....... My IQ is higher.
...... I am your Master in this thread.

The above is obviously edited, but having checked the original post, I note that you haven't twisted nor taken anything out of context.

Your post might well become a motto for those of the REFORMED cult.

Ego puto vere sunt non pari
... mihi cogitare tu vere non quo aliquo pari prope meo.
... Domino Jesu Christo. 'Ego existimo, melius, quam scriptura scio eum et faciatis eius.
... magis quam loqui ad te, et peritiorem reddant ego puto te esse
... Incredibly melius quam tu.
... mihi IQ sit altior quam tuus quoque.
... Non te pari. Non etiam prope.
... Scio Scripturis divinis, quam Dominus Iesus Christus meliora facis.
... Ego in sequela Magistri.



Well-known member
Your opinion and $3.00 will get you a ride on a bus. Frankly, you're a hate filled person.

We've got bus passes, so you can send me off anywhere as long as it's after 0930 hours! :D
I bet you play (or played) rugby....... you look like a 'forward' in your TOL pic. Too big for a three-quarter. (Jonah was the exception which proves the rule).


Well-known member
No....... but it works on big-heads! :rotfl:

Now, GlassJester, you must admit that you've asked lots of searching questions, and I have tried to answer as honestly as possible. But you see, your questions were almost certainly trying to 'get' at my religious and political position. :D

I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions, all initiated from another member's recent post:


1. Can a simple person who cannot read or understand Christianity attain to Heaven after death?

With God, all things are possible.

2. Do you believe that Christians should not marry non-Christians, and that this is a defilement of God's law?

Not necessarily so.

3. Do you believe that High Intelligence quotient does help a person to reach Heaven after death?

I doubt there's any correlation between IQ and salvation.

You've still managed to leave this one question unanswered: Do you think brothers should be allowed to legally marry?


Well-known member
Not what you said:

so get to the apologizing and try to be honest about it

Injustice is unloving.

Which homosexual person did I treat unlovingly?

Was it the one who I lived in a religious community with for a year? Was it my best friend's brother? Was it my cousin?

Which of those homosexuals in my life have I treated unlovingly?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Fair enough. That's your belief.
It's only when people's beliefs cause them to want to contyrol the lives of other people with differing beliefs that it becomes a problem.
I will tell people that their sexual preferences, both hero and homo, will keep them out of God's Kimgdom. Beyond that, they must make their own decision. If they prefer sex over God, well, they must live with the consequences of their choice.


Well-known member
Fair enough. That's your belief.
It's only when people's beliefs cause them to want to contyrol the lives of other people with differing beliefs that it becomes a problem.

So you have a problem with people sued out of business for refusing to bake sodomy cakes, or for refusing to house sodomites under their roof?