Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


New member
I wonder what the law stipulates about briothers in marriage?

But what I wonder about more, is how you failed to respond to, or reply to my whole post, showing quite clearly how ssm today is reasonable, and acceptable in our societies.

Why did you fail to acknowledge the opinions and words of the Pope? This is suggesting that you are steeped in dogmatic institutionalised indoctrination to an irreversible point, and that no matter what.... you're never going to alter your hard-set concepts about what is important or truth. But your writings have an inestimable value, because I'm guessing that the young people out there might occasionally see what you have written, and in amazed horror show it to all out there in the World, not because it's well-sick (very very good) but because it's 'so weird' (very very bad).

Just a sec....... I've forgotten what 'that' even was..... it's time for you to access these links.

Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people ...
‎ 26 Jun 2016 ... Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had treated them.
In an hour-long conversation with reporters on the plane taking him back to Rome from Armenia,the pontiff was asked if he agreed ...
Francis: Christians must apologize to gay people for marginalizing ...
‎ 26 Jun 2016 ... Must say this to gays, the poor and "mistreated women." ... Pope Francis answers
questions from journalists aboard his flight from Yerevan, ...
What does Pope Francis's 'apology' to gays really mean? - Crux Now
‎ 1 Jul 2016 ... Amid contrasting interpretations of what Pope Francis said recently about making
an apology to gays, what he seems to be advocating is not ...
Pope Francis says transsexuals and gay people should be ...
‎ 4 Oct 2016 ... Pope Francis has called for transsexuals and homosexuals to be accepted and
embraced by the Catholic Church, but said he was staunchly ...
Pope Francis says Christians should apologize to gay people - CNN ...
‎ 27 Jun 2016 ... Aboard the Papal Plane (CNN) Pope Francis said Sunday that Christians owe
apologies to gays and others who have been offended or

What authority has the Pope and his organisation have to lecture anyone on gay issues?


New member
MrDante;5043857]Which has nothing to do with being natural or as you put it "UN-natural"

I see you still do not get it. Is it natural to drink rattle snake poison I mean after all it is in nature ? Same for same sex it is in nature but is UN-natural for people to accept or indulge in that nasty, perverted, and UN-healthy behavior. Fecal matter is supposed to be flushed not played with.

The fact that you can't quite grasp your own claims about what is and what isn't natural demonstrates just who doesn't have a clue

There are many things in "nature" that will kill or make a human sick not everything in nature is good for folks. I understand perfectly that the same sex community uses perversion of nature to justify their perversion.

OK, you have to be a Poe because no real person could possibly be this stupid.

Nah, the stupid ones drop their pants sees their genitalia and then says nope that is not who I identify as now that is not only stupid but eternally dangerous.


Well-known member
Same for same sex it is in nature but is UN-natural for people to accept or indulge in that nasty, perverted, and UN-healthy behavior. Fecal matter is supposed to be flushed not played with.

Dodge..... the way that you're thinking........
Evil be who evil thinks.
Honi Soit Qui Mali Pense.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What makes you think you're in a position to question me?

i'm not a retard
you are a retard

and it wasn't a question to you (although i can understand why that might be confusing for a retard like yourself), it was a comment on your retardedness :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hiya Dosey! :D
Dodge wrote to me. I wrote back.
What makes you think you're in a position to question me?

Don't worry about the resident cave dweller. He needs to use the word 'retard' 231 times a day or else his head explodes - which in his case would probably lead to better material...



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Let's be real. It's actually about the person you wish to spend your life having sex with, and having everyone recognize it as legit.
Lets be really real here. I have been married to my wife for nearly thirty years. It turns out that sex is a surprisingly small part of the marital relationship. If sex is all you have then that relationship WILL fail. You CANNOT build a relationship on sex. A marriage is for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

My own belief is that this bond is best shared between a man and a woman as their natural differences are complementary and make their union stronger. My belief is that God will not recognize homosexual marriages as anything other than sexual immorality.


Well-known member
I wonder what the law stipulates about briothers in marriage?

What do you say about brothers in marriage?

But what I wonder about more, is how you failed to respond to, or reply to my whole post, showing quite clearly how ssm today is reasonable, and acceptable in our societies.

As reasonable as a sterile, incestuous couple. Do you support their marriage equality?

Why did you fail to acknowledge the opinions and words of the Pope? This is suggesting that you are steeped in dogmatic institutionalised indoctrination to an irreversible point, and that no matter what.... you're never going to alter your hard-set concepts about what is important or truth. But your writings have an inestimable value, because I'm guessing that the young people out there might occasionally see what you have written, and in amazed horror show it to all out there in the World, not because it's well-sick (very very good) but because it's 'so weird' (very very bad).

I haven't said anything weird. I haven't said anything against Catholic doctrine at all. Nor has the Pope.

Just a sec....... I've forgotten what 'that' even was..... it's time for you to access these links.

"This" is this:
I do not have to. I know for a fact that the Gospels are not a record of every word spoken by Jesus Christ during His ministry on Earth (John 21:25). I also know that He gave His Apostles the authority to teach and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19). So when one of His Apostles teaches that homosexuality is sinful (1 Corinthians 6:9), I believe him, because I believe the One Who sent him (John 20:21).

Do you?

Well... do you?

Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people ...
‎ 26 Jun 2016 ... Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had treated them.

In an hour-long conversation with reporters on the plane taking him back to Rome from Armenia,the pontiff was asked if he agreed ...
Francis: Christians must apologize to gay people for marginalizing ...
‎ 26 Jun 2016 ... Must say this to gays, the poor and "mistreated women." ... Pope Francis answers
questions from journalists aboard his flight from Yerevan, ...

What does Pope Francis's 'apology' to gays really mean? - Crux Now
‎ 1 Jul 2016 ... Amid contrasting interpretations of what Pope Francis said recently about making
an apology to gays, what he seems to be advocating is not ...
Pope Francis says transsexuals and gay people should be ...
‎ 4 Oct 2016 ... Pope Francis has called for transsexuals and homosexuals to be accepted and
embraced by the Catholic Church, but said he was staunchly ...
Pope Francis says Christians should apologize to gay people - CNN ...
‎ 27 Jun 2016 ... Aboard the Papal Plane (CNN) Pope Francis said Sunday that Christians owe
apologies to gays and others who have been offended or

I agree. Anyone treated unlovingly deserves an apology.

What does it have to do with homosexual marriage?

You're taking the Pope's words and using them to support a view he does not agree with. Show me where the Pope has advocated homosexual marriage, or any change of Catholic doctrine at all.

Just an aside - are you familiar with the Catholic understanding of papal infallibility? Not what those outside of the Church claim about it, but what the Church actually teaches.


Well-known member
I was objecting to your flase claim.

What false claim? I asked you if there are people whose lifestyles you do not think are good. You objected to the word "lifestyle."

It was a question; not a claim.

I'll ask again. I'll rephrase it, as it seems the word "lifestyle" is just too horribly offensive.
Are there people who live their lives in a way that you do not think is good?


Well-known member
If you live by that nonsense God nor morality mean a thing to YOU.

SSM and SSCP's are becoming legal all over the western world.
Closed partnerships are good, and please don't try to imagine how people in love make love. Couple's lovemaking can be as different as fingerprints.
I can't discuss love-making on this forum.


Well-known member
..................... My belief is that God will not recognize homosexual marriages as anything other than sexual immorality.

Fair enough. That's your belief.
It's only when people's beliefs cause them to want to contyrol the lives of other people with differing beliefs that it becomes a problem.


New member
Fair enough. That's your belief.
It's only when people's beliefs cause them to want to contyrol the lives of other people with differing beliefs that it becomes a problem.

So what? Everyone, including you, has behaviors they want controlled or denied (or for that matter promoted) in others.