Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


New member
You have totally lost the plot.
Nowhere in those verses is Gay-Marriage, a bond between two persons, mentioned.

On the side, dedicated researchers claim that Ephesians was not written by Paul.

Could be Jesus was not specific because He knew it had been taught thoroughly in the OT and nothing changed in the NT as same sex was eternally an abomination to God.

Mar 10:6
But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.
‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife,[fn]

Mar 10:8
and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh.

Hello the two,male and female, shall become one flesh. NO provision by Jesus for 2 men or 2 women to be together in a relationship as same sex is perverted UN-natural , and nasty.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Could be Jesus was not specific because He knew it had been taught thoroughly in the OT and nothing changed in the NT as same sex was eternally an abomination to God.

Mar 10:6
But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.
‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife,[fn]

Mar 10:8
and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh.

Hello the two,male and female, shall become one flesh. NO provision by Jesus for 2 men or 2 women to be together in a relationship as same sex is perverted UN-natural , and nasty.

Jesus dint say anything about cannabilism either, so i-durrrr thinks it's just hunky dory


Well-known member
He may have?
If Jesus felt strongly about anything, then he would most probably have been very clear about it.

Mar 10:6
But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.
‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife,[fn]

Mar 10:8
and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh.

Oh..... three years. So you prefer John's timeline to Marks, I'm guessing?

No. Do you? But please let's not presume what he might have said.

I do not have to. I know for a fact that the Gospels are not a record of every word spoken by Jesus Christ during His ministry on Earth (John 21:25). I also know that He gave His Apostles the authority to teach and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19). So when one of His Apostles teaches that homosexuality is sinful (1 Corinthians 6:9), I believe him, because I believe the One Who sent him (John 20:21).

Do you?


New member
Rattlesnake poison is in nature go drink some.
It occurs naturally
Yes it occurs in nature making it natural

Folks who are told the truth while living a lie usually do.
You haven't said anything true. All you have done is show you don't have a clue what makes something natural

Sure there is and your denial is telling.
Is there a heterosexual lifestyle? No. Is there a black lifestyle? No. and her isn't a gay lifestyle either, it's just something made up.

I don't have to condemn anyone God has already condemned them.
:loser: You just demonstrated my point. Good job.

1. an unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately).
synonyms: rogue, rascal, scoundrel, miscreant, good-for-nothing, villain, wretch, rake, degenerate, libertine, debauchee; More
2. CHRISTIAN THEOLOGYarchaic (especially in Calvinism) a sinner who is not of the elect and is predestined to damnation.

if God creates anyone predestined to hell then there is no such thing as free will and no such thing as sin.
Have some trouble with the quote tags?

Nah, I know it is nasty ,perverted, UN-natural, and condemned by God.
Sure you do


New member
MrDante;5043662]Yes it occurs in nature making it natural

The point is we can do anything we want but that does not mean it will not kill us or that it is good for us.

You haven't said anything true. All you have done is show you don't have a clue what makes something natural

Sure I have YOU have no clue what the truth is is the problem.

Is there a heterosexual lifestyle? No. Is there a black lifestyle? No. and her isn't a gay lifestyle either, it's just something made up.

Gender identity is not rocket science . Drop pants look at genitalia BINGO that is your orientation and gender.

You just demonstrated my point.

Only in your deluded delusions.

Have some trouble with the quote tags?

lol, when you have nothing check grammar or quote features.

Sure you do

That was what I said.


Well-known member
OK..... let's get to it...
You quoted Dodge:-
Mar 10:6 But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’
10:7 ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife,[fn]
Mar 10:8 and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh.

'Shall'..... not 'Will'..... That's a much more definite action, right there. In the second Person Singular it is clearly a command, but even so, in the third person it is a fairly strong instruction.

But Jesus and Paul did not...... and so quoting this passage to prove that SSM is a hellfire and damnation perversion, a satanic abomination.... and all the rest of such drivvle, is just that..... drivvle.

Dodge clearly wants to quote the OT Laws, and Mark 6 was a way of sneaking that in, really, don't you think? There are 24 laws about sexual relations and 22 laws about marriage in the 613. One of them actually forbids our marriage on the grounds of infertility, but NOBODY on this thread has called our union perverted and abominable...... either because they're ignorant of the old laws, or scared of moderation, or because THEY ARE CHRISTIANS AND HAVE A NEW COVENANT!

Tell me, if a single-man's uncle died, would it be acceptable for him to marry his father's brother's widow? Well, would it? Certainly any Western Country would allow that marriage, and I suspect that mostly any Christian Church would allow it, because the single man is simply marrying a widow with a totally different bloodline. But the OT forbade it. I wonder if you know why......

Only 3 of the 24 laws about sexual relations mention homosexuality, and extreme Christians who have been subjected to whole-life prejudiced indoctrination will ignore scores of the old laws whilst railing and screaming about others. It is hypocrisy but easy to defend because most of the bigots are ignorant about the OT laws, and why they were written.

They weren't written to save the people from Hell.... That word was only written about twice in Moses' books. They were written to make the Israelites the strongest and most successful tribe in all the lands. Physical strength and success. Not for Christians to rant on about Hellfire and damnation for Gays!

Those thre laws about homosexuality...... Why would Leviticus 18:14 outlaw homosexuality with a man and his uncle? Why would Leviticus 18:7 forbid homosexuality with a man and his Dad? Specifically...... why? What was the need for those laws if Leviticus 18:22 forbade homosexuality? Well, I'll try to explain, and if dodge and dosey are reading this maybe they'll learn something from it...... just maybe.....

Every man was expected to marry, and his wife bear many children; it was the only way for the Israelites to grow fast and strong. And so there was absolutely no place for homosexuality, because to protect from illness and weakness Israelites must only have one sexual partner, to produce lots of kids. Most of those old laws were done away with, or I would never have been allowed to marry my wife!

Today we don't need couples to have lots of kids, so the more responsible folks support contraception (!) and support those who don't want kids...... and Gay SSM couples don't make kids. Some Christians are stuck in a Time warp of ignorance, and some are just plain hypocritical, but we in the Western World are not going back into the darkness, and even the Pope, no doubt sitting on the seat of Saint Peter, is speaking up for Gays.... and his words are the words of God, I have been told by another member.


Well-known member
You are rationalizing scriptures.
Of course!
The 613 were down-to-earth laws intended to increase, strengthen and make the Israelites the most successful people in the lands.
Why can't you see that?

Jesus was a 100% rational being, with a 100% rational mission, and when Christians demand that the sciptures should be treated and responded to irrationally ....... well, that's just.... irrational.

:nono: I KNOW my bible. You? Do you read your bible everyday in the morning? How many times have you read through the whole thing?
No.... I don't read the bible every morning.
No...... I don't 'know' any translations of the bible to a standard of intimate knowledge. I have never met any person that did....... even JW elders carry a bible with them, and they have the most intimate knowledge of their bibles that I have ever known.

I 'think' you are projecting here. Look, ALL I want to do is love and honor the Lord Jesus Christ and if at all I am capable, love my fellow man.
I cannot shove scriptures down your throat, but I can challenge you to read them.
Jesus never intended his followers to deny happiness to any others.
There are no scriptures about Jesus that deny SSM

Depends on our goals. Me? I seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness. Matthew 6:33

Even you have said, in this very thread, that the Apostle Paul clearly denounces homosexuality. There is NO scripture about a 'loving' sexual relationship BUT a man and wife as God made them. Paul says "To the rest I say this..." 1 Corinthians 7:8

You can think as you like. We are responsible before God. I yet, encourage you to be faithful and molded, by the scriptures. You've already said, in this very thread, that the Apostle Paul preached against homosexuality.

I worry about some of the 'things' which Paul wrote, and I worry about the findings of theological researchers who have reduced Paul's writings down to seven 'boks/letters/epistles'.

I worry that Paul wrote down the verses that offered bad people some self-righteous defence for enslaving others.

Paul wrote a sentence, or two sentences about homosexuality, because at that time it was bi-sexuality, and could spread sickness. SSM is a closed relationship and therefore cannot spread any sickness.


Well-known member
Tell me, if a single-man's uncle died, would it be acceptable for him to marry his father's brother's widow? Well, would it?

Tell me - if a single-man's sister-in-law died, would it be acceptable for him to marry his own brother?

(I ask because you have yet to clarify your stance on homosexual incest)

How about addressing this?

I do not have to. I know for a fact that the Gospels are not a record of every word spoken by Jesus Christ during His ministry on Earth (John 21:25). I also know that He gave His Apostles the authority to teach and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19). So when one of His Apostles teaches that homosexuality is sinful (1 Corinthians 6:9), I believe him, because I believe the One Who sent him (John 20:21).

Do you?


Well-known member
and even the Pope, no doubt sitting on the seat of Saint Peter, is speaking up for Gays.... and his words are the words of God, I have been told by another member.

The Pope spoke ex cathedra about homosexuality? That's news to this Catholic!

Please cite.


Well-known member
Tell me - if a single-man's sister-in-law died, would it be acceptable for him to marry his own brother?

(I ask because you have yet to clarify your stance on homosexual incest)

I wonder what the law stipulates about briothers in marriage?

But what I wonder about more, is how you failed to respond to, or reply to my whole post, showing quite clearly how ssm today is reasonable, and acceptable in our societies.

Why did you fail to acknowledge the opinions and words of the Pope? This is suggesting that you are steeped in dogmatic institutionalised indoctrination to an irreversible point, and that no matter what.... you're never going to alter your hard-set concepts about what is important or truth. But your writings have an inestimable value, because I'm guessing that the young people out there might occasionally see what you have written, and in amazed horror show it to all out there in the World, not because it's well-sick (very very good) but because it's 'so weird' (very very bad).

How about addressing this?

Just a sec....... I've forgotten what 'that' even was..... it's time for you to access these links.

Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people ...
‎ 26 Jun 2016 ... Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had treated them.
In an hour-long conversation with reporters on the plane taking him back to Rome from Armenia,the pontiff was asked if he agreed ...
Francis: Christians must apologize to gay people for marginalizing ...
‎ 26 Jun 2016 ... Must say this to gays, the poor and "mistreated women." ... Pope Francis answers
questions from journalists aboard his flight from Yerevan, ...
What does Pope Francis's 'apology' to gays really mean? - Crux Now
‎ 1 Jul 2016 ... Amid contrasting interpretations of what Pope Francis said recently about making
an apology to gays, what he seems to be advocating is not ...
Pope Francis says transsexuals and gay people should be ...
‎ 4 Oct 2016 ... Pope Francis has called for transsexuals and homosexuals to be accepted and
embraced by the Catholic Church, but said he was staunchly ...
Pope Francis says Christians should apologize to gay people - CNN ...
‎ 27 Jun 2016 ... Aboard the Papal Plane (CNN) Pope Francis said Sunday that Christians owe
apologies to gays and others who have been offended or


New member
The point is we can do anything we want but that does not mean it will not kill us or that it is good for us.
Which has nothing to do with being natural or as you put it "UN-natural"

Sure I have YOU have no clue what the truth is is the problem.
The fact that you can't quite grasp your own claims about what is and what isn't natural demonstrates just who doesn't have a clue

Gender identity is not rocket science . Drop pants look at genitalia BINGO that is your orientation and gender.
OK, you have to be a Poe because no real person could possibly be this stupid.