Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


New member
There plenty of lifestyles people lead that you don't approve of. I am sure you do not hate those people, or even advocate hate against those people.

Am I right about that?

Lifestyle is a nasty little word that is tossed out to trivialize gays and lesbians. When you yammer of about "lifestyle" you are saying that it isn't an intrinsic part of a person’s identity but it's just a habit. So why would anyone want to demean others like this? Hate.

patrick jane

Lifestyle is a nasty little word that is tossed out to trivialize gays and lesbians. When you yammer of about "lifestyle" you are saying that it isn't an intrinsic part of a person’s identity but it's just a habit. So why would anyone want to demean others like this? Hate.
A "lifestyle" is the essence of one's being :chuckle:


Well-known member
:nono: All sin is hell-worthy because it comes from the heart. Mark 7:20.
The reason I disagree with you is 'because' you think some 'sins' are 'okay.' :nono:

How falsely you construe a simple sentence by Jesus. 'What comes out of a man, that defiles a man'.
You manage to 'spin' an impurity (risk of sickness, weakness, tribal breakdown) into 'Hell-worthiness'.

You have completely misconstrued the reasoning behind the 613. And you...... call me and others 'retard'.

Now I've shown you what Jesus said about name-calling, so let's see if you obey his commands, or carry on, which would simply show your hypocrisy.


Well-known member

It seems that we cannot discuss whether God's Word calls homosexual activity sinful - because you do not accept the New Testament as God's Word.
You do sneak about....... Where Paul says he writes for the Lord, he writes for the Lord. Where he says he does not.... then he does not.
This you take, and spin out into 'you don't accept the NT.'
I've told you before...... that's a deception.

I wonder... what Scripture do you believe constitutes God's Word, and on what basis? That may be put aside for a separate thread.
I wonder what scripture you cling to, what scripture you add to, and what you ignore or discard?
We could find out how much you cherry-pick.
We could find out how much you adjust and edit.

We can discuss the legality of homosexual marriage, though.
From a strictly legal standpoint - what do you say marriage is?

I do believe that we debated legality several pages back, and both agreed that only a religious debate was left to continue.


New member
Telling the truth?
How much do you know about homosexuality?

I know:

1. It is UN-natural.

2. It is a perversion of all that is "natural".

3. It is nasty.

4. It is forbidden by God to live that life style.

5. Those who ignore God's warning against it and never repent will spend eternity in hell.

6. Romans chapter 1. lays out the downward progression of "how" anyone ends up in same sex.

7. It is the only sin I know of in scripture that at some point God gives those therein a "reprobate" mind.
Look up "reprobate" it means a mind UN-able to make a sound judgement.If God gives someone a "reprobate"
mind who or where can they go to remove their reprobate mind ?


New member
I know:

1. It is UN-natural.
it occurs in nature

2. It is a perversion of all that is "natural".
It occurs naturally

3. It is nasty.
I find your opinions nasty and perverse, so what?

4. It is forbidden by God to live that life style.
there is no such thing

5. Those who ignore God's warning against it and never repent will spend eternity in hell.
It seems that those eager to condemn people to hell are only to gleeful to do and and are always sure to be clear that they wont be sent to hell.

6. Romans chapter 1. lays out the downward progression of "how" anyone ends up in same sex.
in same sex? is that like ending up in New Jersey

7. It is the only sin I know of in scripture that at some point God gives those therein a "reprobate" mind.
Look up "reprobate" it means a mind UN-able to make a sound judgement.If God gives someone a "reprobate"
mind who or where can they go to remove their reprobate mind ?

1. an unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately).
synonyms: rogue, rascal, scoundrel, miscreant, good-for-nothing, villain, wretch, rake, degenerate, libertine, debauchee; More
2. CHRISTIAN THEOLOGYarchaic (especially in Calvinism) a sinner who is not of the elect and is predestined to damnation.

if God creates anyone predestined to hell then there is no such thing as free will and no such thing as sin.

So all in all you are pretty much ignorant of homosexuality


Well-known member
I know:

1. It is UN-natural.
We keep ducks!
Our drakes love each, often!
Also, Dolly (crested) duck loves molly (tree duck).
..... so they're bound for hellfire, I'll gues. :rotfl:

2. It is a perversion of all that is "natural".
You must love this talk, 'cos you've repeated yourself already!

3. It is nasty.
To whom? You?
How is SSM nasty to you?

4. It is forbidden by God to live that life style.
Wrong! It WAS forbidden, way back in the day, with all those other laws which you ignore.

5. Those who ignore God's warning against it and never repent will spend eternity in hell.
You and I both need to check out our own records before we start judging who is for hell, or not.

6. Romans chapter 1. lays out the downward progression of "how" anyone ends up in same sex.
So the Romans were all heavily into bi-sexuality. Paul needed to rant at them quite a lot because he referred to the 613. We are talking about SAME SEX MARRIAGE here.

7. It is the only sin I know of in scripture that at some point God gives those therein a "reprobate" mind.
Look up "reprobate" it means a mind UN-able to make a sound judgement.If God gives someone a "reprobate"
Look.... after reading Christians telling how they want to chuck nuclear weapons about and goodness knows what else, I have a fair idea about who might be judged as a reprodate.

mind who or where can they go to remove their reprobate mind ?
I would suggest that you stop this continual 'mind-chewing' over gays, how they live, how they might make love, etc.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Howe you love to link 'Gays wishing to marry' to sexual criminals.

how you love to ignore the fact that perversion is perversion, regardless of what today's corrupt, immoral society says about the legality of it

i-durrrrr said:
Twisted mind, or twisted heart?

in your case?

i'd say just a case of terminal retardation


New member
MrDante;5043107]it occurs in nature

Rattlesnake poison is in nature go drink some.
It occurs naturally

I find your opinions nasty and perverse, so what?

Folks who are told the truth while living a lie usually do.

there is no such thing

Sure there is and your denial is telling.

It seems that those eager to condemn people to hell are only to gleeful to do and and are always sure to be clear that they wont be sent to hell.

I don't have to condemn anyone God has already condemned them.

1. an unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately).
synonyms: rogue, rascal, scoundrel, miscreant, good-for-nothing, villain, wretch, rake, degenerate, libertine, debauchee; More
2. CHRISTIAN THEOLOGYarchaic (especially in Calvinism) a sinner who is not of the elect and is predestined to damnation.

if God creates anyone predestined to hell then there is no such thing as free will and no such thing as sin.

So all in all you are pretty much ignorant of homosexuality

Nah, I know it is nasty ,perverted, UN-natural, and condemned by God.

Definition of reprobate
reprobated; reprobating
transitive verb
: to condemn strongly as unworthy, unacceptable, or evil reprobating the laxity of the age
: to foreordain to damnation
: to refuse to accept : reject
reprobativeplay \ˈre-prə-ˌbā-tiv\ adjective
reprobatoryplay \-bə-ˌtȯr-ē\ adjective


Well-known member
i wonder what other sexual perversions he doesn't think are sinful

That's all about your mind.
Taking SSL and SSM and chewing it over and over, doing your best to link it to criminal offences.

You have not got a legal debate, and you haven't got a religious one, so all you do now is chuck your personal comments and insults.

That was easy.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's all about your mind.
Taking SSL and SSM and chewing it over and over, doing your best to link it to criminal offences.


doing my best to point out that it's a perversion, just the same as many things that are criminal and many things that aren't


New member

doing my best to point out that it's a perversion, just the same as many things that are criminal and many things that aren't

What they want to avoid.

1. They will not come to the light.

hn 3:19
“And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
Jhn 3:20
“For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.

2. The light exposes their evil deeds.

3. 2Ti 3:4
traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,


Well-known member
What they want to avoid.

1. They will not come to the light. ]

Yes they do.....
They come into the light, standing together, taking vows together, for all to see.

SSM is here to stay, Imo, and it is slowly becoming legal throughout the western world, and there is no religious argument against it either, unless of course you are Muslim?


Well-known member

doing my best to point out that it's a perversion, just the same as many things that are criminal and many things that aren't

You just keep shouting about perversion like some kind of mantra.
Which shows that you have no valid debate at all.
Very weak.....