British PM: Pedophiles Could Be Allowed To Adopt


Well, if I'm apparently a 'chickadee' then in keeping with the ornithological narrative you're a complete ****(erel).

The Mother Hen (annateddenini) does keep a close eye on you Art.

Your Tatchell tripe has been addressed over and over on your own ego fest and as such warrants no further mention.

I understand that further talk about well known UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell talking about the attributes of adult-child sex is pushing your comfort boundaries.

If at some point you want to address how the OP was in any way grounded in reality and not simply ignorant clickbait then hey, bring it on. Otherwise recognize your own limitations and switch your computer off...

OK: Should government laws and agencies such as the UK's "Vetting and Barring Scheme" allow people like Peter Tatchell, who is a well known UK homosexual activist that wrote a letter to the editor embracing sex between certain 9 year olds and adults be allowed to mentor or adopt children?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The Mother Hen (annateddenini) does keep a close eye on you Art.

I understand that further talk about well known UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell talking about the attributes of adult-child sex is pushing your comfort boundaries.

OK: Should government laws and agencies such as the UK's "Vetting and Barring Scheme" allow people like Peter Tatchell, who is a well known UK homosexual activist that wrote a letter to the editor embracing sex between certain 9 year olds and adults be allowed to mentor or adopt children?

Your 'letter' was addressed and undoubtedly still in your beloved 'table of contents' on your 4 year ongoing borefest thread. Alright took you to task over it if you recall? I ain't rehashing the same crap over here just for you to pull the exact same stunts and deflections as you did there thanks.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

When I say "sexual freedom", I'm really talking about anarchy. Totalitarianism comes with anarchy, including the sexual anarchists who are currently running the US and the UK.

I forgot you're a fan of the Shah of Iran's secret police torture tactics.

Which means that you're a fan of the Ayatollah Khomeini who did the following:

Khomeini fatwa 'led to killing of 30,000 in Iran'

Feb. 4, 2001

CHILDREN as young as 13 were hanged from cranes, six at a time, in a barbaric two-month purge of Iran's prisons on the direct orders of Ayatollah Khomeini, according to a new book by his former deputy.

More than 30,000 political prisoners were executed in the 1988 massacre - a far larger number than previously suspected. Secret documents smuggled out of Iran reveal that, because of the large numbers of necks to be broken, prisoners were loaded onto forklift trucks in groups of six and hanged from cranes in half-hourly intervals.

Gruesome details are contained in the memoirs of Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri, The Memoirs of Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, one of the founders of the Islamic regime. He was once considered Khomeini's anointed successor, but was deposed for his outspokenness, and is now under house arrest in the holy city of Qom.

Face it anna: Your heroes aren't good for children.

It'll burst your totalitarian bubble, but the majority of child molestation and abuse cases are found in family and close acquaintance situations which can be found just as easily on Main St. in Mayberry as in your fevered urban jungle. Unless you're ready to start fingerprinting parents, all extended family, and the next-door neighbors.

How about we recriminalize homosexuality and prevent a movement whose leaders were known pederasts and pedophiles and who started pedophile organizations like NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) and the UK's PIE (Pedophile Information Exchange) from running freely throughout society (i.e. legislating laws and having influence on our cultural mores')?

Seems like a common sense thing to do.


Your 'letter' was addressed and undoubtedly still in your beloved 'table of contents' on your 4 year ongoing borefest thread. Alright took you to task over it if you recall? I ain't rehashing the same crap over here just for you to pull the exact same stunts and deflections as you did there thanks.

Point well taken Art. There is no need to "rehash" the same discussion (i.e. defense of UK pedophile Peter Tatchell) from another thread when you can answer a simple question right here and now:

Should the author of this letter to the editor be allowed to mentor or (God-forbid) adopt children?



like marbles on glass
aCultureWarrior;4762941[/quote said:
Which means that you're a fan of the Ayatollah Khomeini who did the following:

Under what rules of logic could you possibly come up with that clunker?

We both know that you've publicly stated your support for the shah's secret police, saying that they didn't torture enough.

Face it anna: Your heroes aren't good for children.

Face it, aCW: You live in an alternate reality.

How about we recriminalize homosexuality and prevent a movement whose leaders were known pederasts and pedophiles and started pedophile movements like NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) and the UK's PIE (Pedophile Information Exchange) from running freely throughout society (i.e. legislating laws and having influence on our cultural mores')?

Seems like a common sense thing to do.

How about you spend the same percentage of time researching the enormous problem of children who are exploited by heterosexual family members and acquaintances as the percentage of their actual occurrence? What will you do then? Criminalize parenthood? Criminalize siblings, cousins, dad's best friend from college?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Point well taken Art. There is no need to "rehash" the same discussion (i.e. defense of UK pedophile Peter Tatchell) from another thread when you can answer a simple question right here and now:

Should the author of this letter to the editor be allowed to mentor or (God-forbid) adopt children?


Tell ya what aCW. If you're so keen to rehash this Tatchell stuff then let's do the same with Phil - 'Get em' when they're 15' Robertson yes?

I hold no truck with paedophilia or the advocation of it by anyone, including far right zealous cranks. Your Tatchell obsession was addressed and countered by Alright on your WHMBR! thread more than once as you well know. Are you going to post deliberately photoshopped pics as well?


New member
"Helen Reece, a reader in law at the London School of Economics, spurred the then Home Secretary to relax the rules which bans sex offenders from caring for children.

In an article in the respected Child and Family Law Quarterly, Miss Reece suggested that reoffending rates were not high among sex criminals, adding: “despite growing public concern over pedophilia, the numbers of child sex murders are very low.”

That's right. It was Helen Reece. Not Theresa May.

Have you caught up yet?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Point well taken Art. There is no need to "rehash" the same discussion (i.e. defense of UK pedophile Peter Tatchell) from another thread when you can answer a simple question right here and now:

Should the author of this letter to the editor be allowed to mentor or (God-forbid) adopt children?

Tell ya what aCW. If you're so keen to rehash this Tatchell stuff then let's do the same with Phil - 'Get em' when they're 15' Robertson yes?

It was a simple question Art: Should the author of a pro pedophile letter to the editor, who just happens to belong to a movement whose leaders were and currently are pedophiles and pederasts, be allowed to mentor or adopt children.

You can copy and paste this "Yes" without even giving an explanation, or you can copy and past "NO!" and I'll write the explanation for you:

"NO! Those filthy child molesting homosexual degenerates shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children!"

I hold no truck with paedophilia or the advocation of it by anyone, including far right zealous cranks. Your Tatchell obsession was addressed and countered by Alright on your WHMBR! thread more than once as you well know. Are you going to post deliberately photoshopped pics as well?

It's so simple even a UK hair dresser can do it.

"Yes" promoters of pedophilia like UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell, who wrote a letter to the editor embracing adult sex with children should be allowed to mentor and adopt children.


"NO! Those filthy child molesting homosexual degenerates shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children!"

Come on Art, you can dooooes it.


That's right. It was Helen Reece. Not Theresa May.

Have you caught up yet?

I caught on to the fact that Theresa May took the advice of sex offender apologist Helen Reece when I read the article.

Is I a good student whose payin attenchun in class rex?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Which means that you're a fan of the Ayatollah Khomeini who did the following:

Under what rules of logic could you possibly come up with that clunker?

Under the rules of common sense someone who continues to attack the late great Shah of Iran, (who amongst other things was responsible for tremendous advances for women in a Muslim culture) knowing what barbarianism followed his regime is a "fan".

We both know that you've publicly stated your support for the shah's secret police, saying that they didn't torture enough.

Did I? I thought I said that the pro American Shah of Iran didn't kill enough of those filthy child raping and murdering Muslim barbarians. You can copy and paste this statement for the next time you use this smokescreen to defend your Muslim and homosexual heroes.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How about we recriminalize homosexuality and prevent a movement whose leaders were known pederasts and pedophiles and started pedophile movements like NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) and the UK's PIE (Pedophile Information Exchange) from running freely throughout society (i.e. legislating laws and having influence on our cultural mores')?

Seems like a common sense thing to do.

How about you spend the same percentage of time researching the enormous problem of children who are exploited by heterosexual family members and acquaintances as the percentage of their actual occurrence? What will you do then? Criminalize parenthood? Criminalize siblings, cousins, dad's best friend from college?

Once again: You don't fix a messed up society by embracing a movement whose leaders were and currently are pedophiles and pederasts, a movement that indoctrinates sexually confused and gender confused children to their evil ways.

The traditional family is the nucleus of a society. I've described what that means in another thread (which happens to have 4 parts to it). If you need further explanation, just ask.


Well-known member
:yawn: ad hominem (Eph 4:14).

Ha ha! You're lovely! Do you know what 'ad hominem' is, or how it is used?

Let's have a look at the 'news' site that you selected for your most recent vomit-filled idea, this time about the UK's new Prime Minister.

So you trawled up a site called 'World-Truth' which in true Orwellian fashion is more correctly identified if one reverses the name into 'World-Rubbish'! I like it! It's disclaimers are many, and printed warnings such as 'While the site attempts to be as accurate as possible, it should not be relied upon as error free. World Truth is not responsible for news errors.'........ clearly had little impact upon you! :rofl:

The shock title for your thread appears to be more important to you than any truth, more Serpent than dove, methinks.

I mean, the rubbish it prints. For instance, it quotes John:Every spirit that does not recognise Jesus is not from God........ and then, straight after it quotes..... Confucious! :Signs and Symbols rule the World, not words nor laws. :rofl:

Eddie (who seems to own the site) bans ads for personal services or products, unless of course you would like to pay.....!!!!! Love it! Ad hominem!

....and the content!! dear patient readers, please do visit this site and see some of the 'news' items posted therein. Ad hominem.

Serpentdove...... I only ever seem to see stuff that you have trawled up which is about dirtyness, nastiness, horror and hate. Where is the love, the hope, the beauty that you are surely hiding from us all?


Britain is just one big idiot box, it seems. After the Paris attack, guess what Britain's remedial statement was?
~No guns~

They don't get tired of saying the same old things, do they? I'm not surprised they would bring up alleged custody rights of pedophiles, being that sexual deviance is their side dish to disarming society :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Britain is just one big idiot box, it seems. After the Paris attack, guess what Britain's remedial statement was?
~No guns~
We can have guns, you sweet child. :)
But first we must be vetted, checked out, security vetted, licensed and insured.
Don't hold your breath. Your own people will be clamouring for such sense, soon enough.

They don't get tired of saying the same old things, do they? I'm not surprised they would bring up alleged custody rights of pedophiles, being that sexual deviance is their side dish to disarming society :rolleyes:
Sexual deviance our side dish? All 65 million of us?
You're growing on me...... I think I like you, because you make me smile!
I'll forgive you your sweeping prejudice, although Christians should surely be more....... fair?