British PM: Pedophiles Could Be Allowed To Adopt


New member
Britain is just one big idiot box, it seems. After the Paris attack, guess what Britain's remedial statement was?
~No guns~

The Brussels Bombers had been planning more then just the Paris atrocity, it turns out. They had talked about taking their attacks to Britain, as reported 'the pair decided that the UK is "too complicated to strike, that Belgium should remain their operational base and so they should hit France".'

For 'too complicated' read 'too hard to get weapons in or to'.

The lack of guns affects criminals severely, and has prevented terrorist attacks. I don't see the plethora of guns in the US preventing the cop murders. How safe do they feel with everyone on every dark corner carrying guns and a grudge? There is a reason why there has been a majority in the US for decades in favour of stricter gun control


I own a gun!
Look, it is easy, you had to learn, take a test, get licensed, get insured before you could drive a vehicle. True?
Common sense.

Yeah, good luck getting around a corner with it :rolleyes:

We're no fools around here- stop pretending.


Turkey legalizes pedophilia

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).


Well, Elton John and his spouse did, and I'll bet that their kids will get a much better chance in life than you ever did.

John somewhat recently filed a lawsuit in the UK courts to keep his 'husband's' (David Furnish) menage a' trois out of the UK media.

Not only do the poor kids adopted by John and Furnish have to be raised in household that embraces homosexuality, they have to read about their 'parents' lifestyle in the tabloids.



Well-known member
if they were executed, like God demands, it wouldn't be a problem

the homos, not the children :noid:

Fortunately, many Christian denominations now support same-sex marriage, and this could be the beginning of the end for more extremist Christian groups. It was Ireland that was the first country to legislate for same-sex marriage, which just shows that Christian extremism has not got long to last now.......


I don't see the plethora of guns in the US preventing the cop murders.

The Second Amendment is to protect citizens from the police.

I know that's hard for conservative America to fully understand with this current violence against police officers- they've spent so much time treating the police as a monolith that they've lost sight of why the amendment exists in the first place.
Fortunately, many Christian denominations now support same-sex marriage, and this could be the beginning of the end for more extremist Christian groups. It was Ireland that was the first country to legislate for same-sex marriage, which just shows that Christian extremism has not got long to last now.......

Granted, the execution part is stupid extremism, only worthy of some Muslim, and not, in the least, Christian, Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

But your "Christian denominations" that support same sex marriage? There are zero mature, authentic Christians who support homosexual marriage. There is no such thing as homosexual marriage. You need to qualify that deluded Christian denominations, fake Christian denominations, reprobate Christian denominations, disobedient to Christ Christian denonominations, apostate Christian denominations, or just remove "Christian" from whatever freak show "denominations" you're talking about. Like you can't reconcile snow cones in hell, you can't reconcile this "homosexual marriage" perversion to anything Godly, period. If you try, you're just a liar and an enemy of God, not a Christian. Hey! Lying denominations?

Romans 1

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.

Revelation 21

7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.
8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
The Second Amendment is to protect citizens from the police.

I know that's hard for conservative America to fully understand with this current violence against police officers- they've spent so much time treating the police as a monolith that they've lost sight of why the amendment exists in the first place.

I have never heard police lumped in with tyrannical government, in Second Amendment terms, the view perverse your gun is there to protect you from law enforcement officers, enforcing the accepted laws in this Constitutional republic against crime. There's no legal precedent you're free to fire on law enforcement officers, and this neither a prescribed remedy if there are rogue, criminal police. A person has a right to self defense, but even this neither includes begging the police to shoot you, when they've issued a lawful command to desist from something. People who hate police are also fools, who don't realize they're an arm of God's societal order, without which you'd be dead meat for any criminal that comes along. Since you'd not have a safe society without them, maybe you should put a lid on waving your gun around, because there are police, and throwing out the entire baby with the bath, because of a few rogue cops. Neither have I ever known a single policeman, looking for a shootout with a law abiding citizen. Or a shootout with a crook, for that matter.

Police live with danger, and see some of the ugliest evil mankind has to offer. Stirring this pot of hatred for police you see all the time helps nothing. With this combination of circumstances, if a person had any sense they wouldn't jack around with them, in the first place, as they can't help but presume an adversarial person is just another dangerous scumbag. Of course, it would be beyond the pale, to say anything nice about the people protecting you, putting their lives on the line, for low pay a lot of places. Would that they were the heroes of the anonymous message board, doing so much more for society.


I have never heard police lumped in with tyrannical government, in Second Amendment terms, the view perverse your gun is there to protect you from law enforcement officers, enforcing the accepted laws in this Constitutional republic against crime. There's no legal precedent you're free to fire on law enforcement officers, and this neither a prescribed remedy if there are rogue, criminal police. A person has a right to self defense, but even this neither includes begging the police to shoot you, when they've issued a lawful command to desist from something. People who hate police are also fools, who don't realize they're an arm of God's societal order, without which you'd be dead meat for any criminal that comes along. Since you'd not have a safe society without them, maybe you should put a lid on waving your gun around, because there are police, and throwing out the entire baby with the bath, because of a few rogue cops. Neither have I ever known a single policeman, looking for a shootout with a law abiding citizen. Or a shootout with a crook, for that matter.

Police live with danger, and see some of the ugliest evil mankind has to offer. Stirring this pot of hatred for police you see all the time helps nothing. With this combination of circumstances, if a person had any sense they wouldn't jack around with them, in the first place, as they can't help but presume an adversarial person is just another dangerous scumbag. Of course, it would be beyond the pale, to say anything nice about the people protecting you, putting their lives on the line, for low pay a lot of places. Would that they were the heroes of the anonymous message board, doing so much more for society.

You don't get it.

As soon as you understand that that the Brits policed America, or that the Union usurped, through no Constitutional gambit, authority over the South, the picture will come together for you.
You don't get it.

As soon as you understand that that the Brits were the police here in America, the sooner the picture will come together for you.

No, I get it. You're dead wrong. And the British were a governing body, with an army that was fought. Even those in the police capacity, during British rule, who tended to robbers or murderers, societal order, had nothing to do with the colonists' grievances. All governments, no matter how good or bad, have police that enforce criminal law. The police are not coming for you over your politics. You don't get it, are just redacting history and political science into something bizarre that is, actually, apples and oranges. When the army starts coming after you, or the Constitution is abolished, then come back and rail against police, many of whom would be on your side, in this case. Grow up. This isn't the Soviet block or Venezuela, yet, despite Obama.


No, I get it. You're dead wrong. And the British were a governing body, with an army that was fought. Even those in the police capacity, during British rule, who tended to robbers or murderers, societal order, had nothing to do with the colonists' grievances. All governments, no matter how good or bad, have police that enforce criminal law. The police are not coming for you over your politics. You don't get it, are just redacting history and political science into something bizarre that is, actually, apples and oranges. When the army starts coming after you, or the Constitution is abolished, then come back and wrail against police, many of whom would be on your side, in this case. Grow up.


If you don't want Americans killing cops, then stop killing them. I'm not 'railing' against police, I'm railing against your defense and otherwise indifference of police tyranny.

All you people are doing is fanning the flames, and then crying that it's too hot.

But it's all about who wins, I suppose. General Lee was a 'traitor', but that's not because he really was, but because he lost. How convenient that you dictate by whoever wins out.
But it's all about who wins, I suppose. General Lee was a 'traitor', but that's not because he really was, but because he lost. How convenient that you dictate by whoever wins out.

This is becoming entertainingly bizarre. We've gone from rogue police hiding under your bed to General Lee, sans any historical context, surprise, surprise.

Nobody, in his day, said General Lee was a traitor. He was educated at West Point, which, in a gentlemanly fashion, allowed other patriots to go fight for their home state cause. People fought that war on the side of their people, most of all, weren't going to fight against their own families and the people they grew up with. This was considered the honorable thing to do, and nobody considered General Lee a traitor, then or now.

Like a lot of message board people, information challenged one can only suspect, you guys just like to make things up to fight over, no nexus with reality, or even the conversation context, required. It's bizarrely amusing to behold. What next? Police of the Illuminati conspiring against you? How I'd have a different attitude, if Genghis Kahn had been a policeman? How Napoleon would be considered a policeman, had he won? (Or how about just surprising me, with another inexplicable non sequitur. Robert E. Lee. Say whut?)
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This is becoming entertainingly bizarre. We've gone from rogue police hiding under your bed to General Lee, sans any historical context, surprise, surprise.

Nobody, in his day, said General Lee was a traitor. He was educated at West Point, which, in a gentlemanly fashion, allowed other patriots to go fight for their home state cause. People fought that war on the side of their people, most of all, weren't going to fight against their own families and the people they grew up with. This was considered the honorable thing to do, and nobody considered General Lee a traitor, then or now.

Like a lot message board people, information challenged one can only suspect, you guys just like to make things up to fight over, no nexus with reality, or even the conversation context, required. It's bizarrely amusing to behold. What next? Police of the Illuminati conspiring against you?

The 2nd Amendment is about protection from the police.

It's crystal clear, plain as day. When Malcolm X and the Black Panthers were carrying around rifles, the police didn't mess with them.

Voila, protection from tyranny. The police.
But you all want to compartmentalize it all within your own brand of 'America', and turn it into something it is not.
The 2nd Amendment is about protection from the police.

It's crystal clear, plain as day. When Malcolm X and the Black Panthers were carrying around rifles, the police didn't mess with them.

Voila, protection from tyranny. The police.

I've got news. If the government decides you're going down, you don't have a prayer against a trained tactical group. If they have warrants, you and your whole group will go one of two ways, in cuffs or on a gurney. Citizens would neither be a match for the army. The real protection of armed citizens is in the threat of things getting so bad that it provokes widespread insurrection, civil war, but, if they didn't take out your Black Panthers, they had a reason not to, unrelated to a group of gunslingers, and it wasn't because they didn't have the power to. They'll surround you, with a sniper on all your craniums you won't even be able to see, anytime they choose to assemble the troops, know how to take down even militia groups. You're living a delusion your 38 Special, or even AR-15, protects you from government. I'd advise you stay on the right side of the law, avoid waving your gun around and becoming an item on the late news.
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I've got news. If the government decides you're going down, you don't have a prayer against a trained tactical group. If they have warrants, you and you're whole group will go one of two ways, in cuffs or on a gurney. Citizens would neither be a match for the army. The real protection of armed citizens is in the threat of things getting so bad that it provokes widespread insurrection, civil war, but, if they didn't take out your Black Panthers, they had a reason not to, unrelated to a group of gunslingers, and it wasn't because they didn't have the power to. They'll surround you, with a sniper on all your craniums you won't even be able to see, anytime they choose to assemble the troops, know how to take down even militia groups. You're living a delusion your 38 Special, or even AR-15, protects you from government. I'd advise you stay on the right side of the law, avoid waving your gun around and becoming an item on the late news.

It's not that black and white, as people in the government would take sides as well. The government is not some singularity.

Those as yourself dreamed up that false dichotomy.

But, good job putting your neck to a boot. Maybe you should go to China since that's your thing :idunno:
It's not that black and white, as people in the government would take sides as well. The government is not some singularity.

Those as yourself dreamed up that false dichotomy.

But, good job putting your neck to a boot. Maybe you should go to China since that's your thing :idunno:

Are you saying the Chinese make good boots? I've always preferred more Anglophile brands, but, hey, wave your little gun around, and maybe we could send somebody to test them on your neck. Sorry, but I’m not as much the neck guy.

Here I was under the impression the Chinese already owned America, that you could just drive to any Walmart, and you'd be in China. Anyway, who can argue with the singularity of false dichotomies, or whatever it is you're mumbling about the police under your bed, and in your closets, are persecuting you for?


Quote Originally Posted by musterion

Don't let homosexuals adopt children.

if they were executed, like God demands, it wouldn't be a problem

the homos, not the children :noid:

I was talking to a guy who like you wanted Old Testament laws legislated and was especially keen on homosexuals being stoned.

Turns out he was trying to get rid of a few...ahem...witnesses ;)