British PM: Pedophiles Could Be Allowed To Adopt


Do you not see the ramifications of putting people not charged of any crime in a government database and make them pay £64 to prove their innocence?

Welcome to the world of sexual freedom anna.

Screening is currently done for all adult's involved in youth mentor groups here in the US. Should a background check not be done?


Was or was not your answer to rexlunae completely lame?

I'll answer for you if you're unable.

I'll settle for an answer as to whether or not a leading UK homosexual activist who wrote a letter to the editor talking about the attributes of adult-child sex should or shouldn't be allowed to be around children, mentor them, or (God forbid) adopt them.

patrick jane

Welcome to the world of sexual freedom anna.

Screening is currently done for all adult's involved in youth mentor groups here in the US. Should a background check not be done?
complete screenings and background checks should be done for anyone involved with children, what's your point?


like marbles on glass
Welcome to the world of sexual freedom anna.

Screening is currently done for all adult's involved in youth mentor groups here in the US. Should a background check not be done?

I've had my own background checks and my fingerprints are already on file, for volunteer and work-related purposes. I don't have a problem with that.

I would have a problem with the government telling me I couldn't drive (with her permission) my friend's kids to school unless I was first was entered into a government database.


like marbles on glass
I'll settle for an answer as to whether or not a leading UK homosexual activist who wrote a letter to the editor talking about the attributes of adult-child sex should or shouldn't be allowed to be around children, mentor them, or (God forbid) adopt them.

Your answer to rex was lame. You attempted to make it appear that a right was granted when it was not.


I've had my own background checks and my fingerprints are already on file, for volunteer and work-related purposes. I don't have a problem with that.

As do I. I do have a problem that everyone is treated like a suspected child molester, but then like I said before:

Welcome to the world of sexual freedom and all of government bureaucracy that goes with it.

I would have a problem with the government telling me I couldn't drive (with her permission) my friend's kids to school unless I was first was entered into a government database.

You make it sound like there is a law against you driving your next door neighbor's child to school without first getting a background check.


If that driving entailed you being a mentor in an organization like the pro abortion/pro lesbian Girl Scouts, yes, that's required.

But then you knew that and are playing on the sympathy of others who didn't.

Back to our broken system and how people like leading UK homosexual activist and defender of certain kinds of pedophilia (as long as the 9 year old "wanted it")Peter Tatchell (and HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean) would be allowed to mentor and even adopt children.

I must have missed your earlier reply.


How is it possible for children to be put into a normal lifestyle if the person or people adopting them live an abnormal lifestyle?

Group home, statistically likely to end up a criminal, likely to end up minimum wage; welfare.
Family home, normal social life, normal schooling, likely to end up productive and independent.

Your regard for children sucks- it's completely taken over by your prejudice.


Group home, statistically likely to end up a criminal, likely to end up minimum wage; welfare.
Family home [with a traditional married mom and dad], normal social life, normal schooling, likely to end up productive and independent.

Fixed that for ya.

Your regard for children sucks- it's completely taken over by your prejudice.

Being raised by a proud and unrepentant homosexual hasn't helped you have an objective outlook on the subject.


In a perfect world, 'traditional' parents would be great. But, we have a lot of 'traditional' people who don't care about children in the system so guess what?

That's right. Don't blame your failures on others :rolleyes:

You don't fix an imperfect world by allowing proud and unrepentant moral degenerates to be around children.


You're such a righteous man, ac dub

I learned it from this book:


You really should pick one up and read it, the Truth in it is amazing.



There's always been strong ties to pedophilia and wicked religion. Many mystery religions and cults have had fascinations around general carnal depravity, especially with those involving sex.

Among the oldest known, actually, are the inhabitants of Sodom. They thought that by raping the innocent and anything that may have a supernatural element to them (such as angels), they would absorb their soul and power.

The thing with Satanism though is that it really atheistic- Satan simply is their idol, declaring emancipation from holy values and embracing carnality.


like marbles on glass
As do I. I do have a problem that everyone is treated like a suspected child molester

Then we agree on that at least. It's a rarity, but it does happen from time to time.

Welcome to the world of sexual freedom and all of government bureaucracy that goes with it.

And that's where it ends. You want more totalitarianism in your government than I do. Convict the criminals for their crimes, but according to our laws (not forgetting that the OP is re: the UK of course), citizens are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

You make it sound like there is a law against you driving your next door neighbor's child to school without first getting a background check.


If that driving entailed you being a mentor in an organization like the pro abortion/pro lesbian Girl Scouts, yes, that's required.

I did some more checking (on an issue that came and went six years ago...) and it appears that in general, informal carpooling wasn't going to be affected, so I stand corrected.

But then you knew that and are playing on the sympathy of others who didn't.

Actually, no I didn't. I post from a position of honesty based on the information I'm working with, and if I make a mistake, I'll admit it.

Back to our broken system and how people like leading UK homosexual activist and defender of certain kinds of pedophilia (as long as the 9 year old "wanted it")Peter Tatchell (and HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean) would be allowed to mentor and even adopt children.

I must have missed your earlier reply.

I haven't even bothered to pursue that line, and I won't until you can answer my first post to you. I'm too familiar with your habit of trying to take things in all different directions so you don't have to answer.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As do I. I do have a problem that everyone is treated like a suspected child molester

Then we agree on that at least. It's a rarity, but it does happen from time to time.

We agree, but for the wrong reasons. See my answer directly below.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome to the world of sexual freedom and all of government bureaucracy that goes with it.

And that's where it ends. You want more totalitarianism in your government than I do. Convict the criminals for their crimes, but according to our laws (not forgetting that the OP is re: the UK of course), citizens are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

When I say "sexual freedom", I'm really talking about anarchy. Totalitarianism comes with anarchy, including the sexual anarchists who are currently running the US and the UK.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You make it sound like there is a law against you driving your next door neighbor's child to school without first getting a background check.


If that driving entailed you being a mentor in an organization like the pro abortion/pro lesbian Girl Scouts, yes, that's required.

I did some more checking (on an issue that came and went six years ago...) and it appears that in general, informal carpooling wasn't going to be affected, so I stand corrected.

If this is supposed to be some kind of 'bonding moment' between us, it's not working. That being said: correction noted.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Back to our broken system and how people like leading UK homosexual activist and defender of certain kinds of pedophilia (as long as the 9 year old "wanted it")Peter Tatchell (and HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean) would be allowed to mentor and even adopt children.

I must have missed your earlier reply.

I haven't even bothered to pursue that line, and I won't until you can answer my first post to you. I'm too familiar with your habit of trying to take things in all different directions so you don't have to answer.

Like your little chickadee Art Brain, you do know your limitations.

This thread is about safeguards governments are supposedly taking to prevent sexual deviants from being around/mentoring and adopting children.

Until laws are once again legislated that prevent these proud and unrepentant sexual deviants from running loose in society (which means legislating laws and having a huge influence on our society's cultural mores'), then no child will be safe.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As do I. I do have a problem that everyone is treated like a suspected child molester

We agree, but for the wrong reasons. See my answer directly below.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome to the world of sexual freedom and all of government bureaucracy that goes with it.

When I say "sexual freedom", I'm really talking about anarchy. Totalitarianism comes with anarchy, including the sexual anarchists who are currently running the US and the UK.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You make it sound like there is a law against you driving your next door neighbor's child to school without first getting a background check.


If that driving entailed you being a mentor in an organization like the pro abortion/pro lesbian Girl Scouts, yes, that's required.

If this is supposed to be some kind of 'bonding moment' between us, it's not working. That being said: correction noted.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Back to our broken system and how people like leading UK homosexual activist and defender of certain kinds of pedophilia (as long as the 9 year old "wanted it")Peter Tatchell (and HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean) would be allowed to mentor and even adopt children.

I must have missed your earlier reply.

Like your little chickadee Art Brain, you do know your limitations.

This thread is about safeguards governments are supposedly taking to prevent sexual deviants from being around/mentoring and adopting children.

Until laws are once again legislated that prevent these proud and unrepentant sexual deviants from running loose in society (which means legislating laws and having a huge influence on our society's cultural mores'), then no child will be safe.

Well, if I'm apparently a 'chickadee' then in keeping with the ornithological narrative you're a complete cockerel.

Your Tatchell tripe has been addressed over and over on your own ego fest and as such warrants no further mention.

If at some point you want to address how the OP was in any way grounded in reality and not simply ignorant clickbait then hey, bring it on. Otherwise recognize your own limitations and switch your computer off...


like marbles on glass
When I say "sexual freedom", I'm really talking about anarchy. Totalitarianism comes with anarchy, including the sexual anarchists who are currently running the US and the UK.

I forgot you're a fan of the Shah of Iran's secret police torture tactics. It'll burst your totalitarian bubble, but the majority of child molestation and abuse cases are found in family and close acquaintance situations which can be found just as easily on Main St. in Mayberry as in your fevered urban jungle. Unless you're ready to start fingerprinting parents, all extended family, and the next-door neighbors...

If this is supposed to be some kind of 'bonding moment' between us, it's not working. That being said: correction noted.


You can rest assured the thought never occurred to me.
