British PM: Pedophiles Could Be Allowed To Adopt


The review would have focused on whether current policy violated the human rights of convicted sex offenders, as requested. And I imagine, since we didn't hear about Britain legalizing such adoptions, it probably resulted in a legal explanation for how the current policy worked.

What exactly are the "human rights" of people who rape little children rex?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What exactly are the "human rights" of people who rape little children rex?

The rights that humans have when they commit serious crimes.

As in a right to a fair and speedy trial. I'm not aware that once that accused child rapist is convicted that he has some kind or "right" to be around or mentor children, which this thread is all about.

Correct me if I'm wrong here rex.


There's a central pro and a central con to homosexuals adopting:

-the pro is that you get more children out of the system and into a normal lifestyle
-the con is that you advance the abnormal lifestyle of homosexuality

The parent's sexual orientation is not a factor in the child's- their physical desires will stem from their social life in school or otherwise among friends.
The ONLY way a person can say otherwise if they propose that the parents themselves will influence them to be gay, which of course is as ridiculous as saying they are all 'pedos'.

On the other hand, what will affect the children is the acceptance, in which they will not impress upon children of their own a traditional sanctity of sexuality. In other words, it's a stopper in said traditional heritage among any who are adopted to gay parents.

I recommend, simply, that people weigh these things rather than act dumb about it- it's happening, and you'll get nowhere simply relating them to Satan :rolleyes:


No, I don't think they [convicted sex offenders] have any such right. Who said they did?

"Helen Reece, a reader in law at the London School of Economics, spurred the then Home Secretary to relax the rules which bans sex offenders from caring for children.

In an article in the respected Child and Family Law Quarterly, Miss Reece suggested that reoffending rates were not high among sex criminals, adding: “despite growing public concern over pedophilia, the numbers of child sex murders are very low.”


There's a central pro and a central con to homosexuals adopting:

-the pro is that you get more children out of the system and into a normal lifestyle
-the con is that you advance the abnormal lifestyle of homosexuality...

You're probably not aware that you contradicted yourself, so I'll point it out for you:

How is it possible for children to be put into a normal lifestyle if the person or people adopting them live an abnormal lifestyle?


like marbles on glass
No, I don't think they [convicted sex offenders] have any such right. Who said they did?
"Helen Reece, a reader in law at the London School of Economics, spurred the then Home Secretary to relax the rules which bans sex offenders from caring for children.

In an article in the respected Child and Family Law Quarterly, Miss Reece suggested that reoffending rates were not high among sex criminals, adding: “despite growing public concern over pedophilia, the numbers of child sex murders are very low.”

That's not a right, that's a suggestion from 6-plus years ago by someone without any power to effect a change in the law, and that suggestion is being used now as clickbait.


That's not a right, that's a suggestion from 6-plus years ago by someone without any power to effect a change in the law, and that suggestion is being used now as clickbait.

Here's a simple question that your little chickadee refused to answer:

Peter Tatchell, UK homosexual activist and letter to the editor writer who defended certain cases of pedophilia (as long as it wasn't unwanted by the child), under UK law is eligible to mentor and even adopt children: In your opinion, should he be?


like marbles on glass
Don't allow pedophiles to adopt children.

The OP is referencing a decision from six years ago canceling impending legislation which would have required an estimated 25% of the adult population to pay £64 to be put into a huge database which was supposed to prove that no, they're not a pedophile. This database would have included children's authors visiting schools, parents driving carpools, etc. The legislation was determined after review to be too draconian, and it was decided to rework it.


[ This database would have included children's authors visiting schools, parents driving carpools, etc. The legislation was determined after review to be too draconian, and it was decided to rework it.

Is there a specific location where sex offenders operate anna? Sex crimes take place in all kinds of venues: schools, churches, gymnasium locker rooms, etc.

The idea is to keep these evil degenerates away from children.


How about you answer my post to you, instead of redirecting?

How about I lay it out plan and simple for you?

The entire system is broken if someone like UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell, who wrote a letter to the editor talking about children as young as 9 years old having sex with adults (in that faggot's mind it was ok because the children "wanted it"), is able to mentor or adopt children.

That not only goes for the UK supposed child protection system, but here in the United States as well.


like marbles on glass
Is there a specific location where sex offenders operate anna? Sex crimes take place in all kinds of venues: schools, churches, gymnasium locker rooms, etc.

The idea is to keep these evil degenerates away from children.

Do you not see the ramifications of putting people not charged of any crime in a government database and make them pay £64 to prove their innocence?

(Rhetorical question. Of course you don't.)

And spare me the unnecessary lecture on sex crime while you're at it.