ARCHIVE: Telling a lie can be righteous!

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Yxboom
Otherwise if lying which is wrong ever had a circumstance where it was right would result in the banishment of absolute since by circumstance everything is relative. Sin can be righteous given the right circumstances, would undermine God's absolute and therefore call into question what were you trying to prove in the Battle Royale against Zakath.
Only if one assumed (erroneously) that lying was absolutly wrong.
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New member

Many things in the Scriptures make no sense to the mind, like the Trinity-three in one. But the reality is there is a higher law, a law of love that supersedes absolutes. For example, if a woman and her children are being physically abused by her husband/father I believe she has the right to divorce her husband (though the Scriptures speak of only two allowances of divorce-unfaithfulness & abadonment) because of the higher law of love.

And God is love. God is above all absolutes.
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New member
The midwives were blessed because they "feared the Lord" (Ex. 1:21) -- not because they lied. They feared falling into the hands of the living God after killing his children more than they feared Pharaoh.

Btw, I hate the spelling of "Pharaoh."
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New member
He is outside time, space, and absolutes. You are attemtping to put Him within some absolute. He is above it.


New member
Yes, I made a absolute statement. But God is above it. Think about it. Or better yet think out of your absolute box.


New member
For example: Lying is wrong. It is a absolute.

However, within the law of love, God allows that absolute to be suspended for there is higher law-a law of love. God is outside absolutes. He is not limited.

Brother Vinny

Active member
Originally posted by Freak
Yes, I made a absolute statement. But God is above it. Think about it. Or better yet think out of your absolute box.

If God is above the absolute statement, isn't this yet another absolute statement about God?

I have to disagree. God isn't above absolutes; rather, He's the standard by which many of our absolutes are set. God is absolute good; the relative goodness of all men will be measured against that absolute goodness.

We know from Scripture that God cannot deny Himself. This is another absolute statement that God is not "above."

Proof that God is not above absolutes is that you, Freak, keep using absolute definitions to describbe Him. He is either absolutely above absolutes-- which is a rational impossibility, like creating a rock heavier than He can lift-- or He isn't.


Let's say one of our Unitarian friends decided that he was going to go to the law of love and not worry about lying about rejecting Jesus as God.

His motives are about love, He wants to show us how we are (supposedly) Biblically wrong.

Wouldn't he be exempt of the rules under your theory, freak?


New member

God is not the father of lies but Satan is. Lying is a absolute. It is wrong according to Collossians 3:9. But lying can be suspended to bring about the motion of love.


New member
God is not above His own character, He is his own character.

Titus 1:2
2 a faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time,


If God does not lie, and this would include Jesus unless you are a Uni, then we are called to not lie as well.

I John 2:6
Whoever claims to live in Him must walks as Jesus did.

I want to walk like Jesus, not like man. Man lies, God does not.


New member
Hebrews vi, 18: "That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us."