ARCHIVE: Telling a lie can be righteous!



Yes it was sinful....justified in respect to the greater evil awaiting (the slaughter of the children).


Is there a right way to be a whoremonger so that only the wrong way to be a whoremonger is its cause for being listed among the list?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Yxboom
Yes it was sinful....justified in respect to the greater evil awaiting (the slaughter of the children).
Well at least you gave a direct answer. Wrong, but direct.


New member
Has God Himself ever lied, tricked or mislead anyone?
Well, I'm not sure that these passages suggest that He ever lied to anyone or tricked anyone or mislead anyone. But He certainly did keep some secrets...
1Co:2:6: Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought:
1Co:2:7: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
1Co:2:8: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
Eph:3:9: And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:
Col:1:26: Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:
Ro:16:25: Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,

God in His infinite wisdom clearly kept some information shut up unto Himself until He decided to reveal it. And based on 1 Cor 2:8 it's a good thing He did. :thumb:


From the get go I made my answer direct. Egad man think this is Jaltus posing as the Shadow Despot?


Originally posted by Xmansmommy

Well, I'm not sure that these passages suggest that He ever lied to anyone or tricked anyone or mislead anyone. But He certainly did keep some secrets...

Don't post that in the Preterism thread.

To keep a secret is not a lie unless of course the secret is used as an act of perjury, but then it would be perjury.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Yxboom
Is there a right way to be a whoremonger so that only the wrong way to be a whoremonger is its cause for being listed among the list?
Well that's the rub...... lying is different than all the other items on the list in the verse you supplied.

That's what is so interesting about "lying". It is different.... ergo my thread!

Lying is sort of like hate.

Hate can be good or bad depending on it's context.


I am in dire need of a bigger spoon!

You make no sense. You can't commit a hate. You commit a lie.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Yxboom

Don't post that in the Preterism thread.

To keep a secret is not a lie unless of course the secret is used as an act of perjury, but then it would be perjury.

Have you ever heard of a "lie of omission"?
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So God was lying by omission by not laying out the mystery of the Body of Christ?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Yxboom
I am in dire need of a bigger spoon!

You make no sense. You can't commit a hate. You commit a lie.
Dude, are you smokin crack?

I said...

"Lying is sort of like hate.

Hate can be good or bad depending on it's context."

I said "Like".

A lie is like hate in that it can be good or bad depending on motivation.

You certainly do not reject righteous hatred do you?


You sig says you are watching. Since you are watching me you should know.

Are you lying?

Of course there is righteous hatred. As there is a wicked love. My point was lying is an act against another...hate and love are not. They are motives rather than actual acts. So, lying CAN'T be LIKE hate or love. Lying isn't a motivation but an act of one.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Yxboom
My point was lying is an act against another...
And therein lies your confusion. Lying is NOT always a "act against another", an example would be lying to the Nazi's that you don't have Jewish children hiding in your basement. IN that case the lie is an act FOR, not against another. A brave act! A beautiful act! The liar would be laying his life on the line for the well being of another just like the Hebrew midwives risked their very lives to protect the baby Hebrew boys.

The lie was an act FOR........ not against.


Egad man!!!

Regardless it is an ACT...not to be equated with hate or love which are motivations. Out of hate a person may lie...out of love a person may lie. Lying and hating can not be LIKE each other.


New member
So, unlike Corrie Ten Boom, you'd turn Jews over to the Nazis to be killed rather than tell a lie. Is this what you're saying, Jaltus?
I would be honest but evasive. I would not lie.


New member
Does anyone actually plan on interacting with my two major points?

1) Jesus is the Truth. Lying is the opposite of the truth.

2) We are called to be like Jesus (I John 2:6, among others). Jesus never lied. Therefore, we should never lie either.

A sin can be justified when present and up against a greater sin but in no way makes the sin holy or righteous.
Sin can NEVER be "justified." Where is that in the Bible?

All the examples that you guys give are from NARRATIVE PASSAGES. Nothing in the text says whether what they did was good or evil. Nothing says that is what we are to do. The Assyrains murdered people, and that is recorded in the Bible. Should we do the same thing?

Judas betrayed Christ. Should we do the same thing?

You need to make a decision about what is descriptive and what is prescriptive. Just because it is recorded in the Bible does not mean it is the right or God-approved thing to do.