ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 2

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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I'm flattered, and humbled. I'm sure Jim will be insulted.
IF (that's a big 'IF') you aren't him, you are the one who should be insulted (an insult I will quickly recant if you turn out not to be Jim, by the way).

If you are him, this response of yours amounts to a lie.

The same thing that makes Him holy, love, just.
The exact same thing Jim would say! :think:

Answer the question.

What makes God righteous?


New member
IF (that's a big 'IF') you aren't him, you are the one who should be insulted (an insult I will quickly recant if you turn out not to be Jim, by the way).

If you are him, this response of yours amounts to a lie.

The exact same thing Jim would say! :think:

Answer the question.

What makes God righteous?
Settle down, my friend. All that anger will lead to grayer hair, and alot less of it.

Yesterday, we were penpals, and you were complimenting me on my exchange with the "z" man (He must be in a coma by now) :sleep: ...zzzzz.

It's His nature, Clete. His glory is a witness to His nature.


TOL Subscriber
Settle down, my friend. All that anger will lead to grayer hair, and alot less of it.

Yesterday, we were penpals, and you were complimenting me on my exchange with the "z" man (He must be in a coma by now) :sleep: ...zzzzz.

It's His nature, Clete. His glory is a witness to His nature.

Or is His righteous nature a witness to His glory?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Settle down, my friend. All that anger will lead to grayer hair, and alot less of it.
Why does everyone assume I'm angry? I'm not angry! Hateful toward liars and hypocrites, yes, but angry? No, not at all.

Yesterday, we were penpals, and you were complimenting me on my exchange with the "z" man (He must be in a coma by now) :sleep: ...zzzzz.
Very early yesterday and your response to my PM caused me to notice how much you look and sound like Jim. AMR's post served to confirm it for me though. I have very little doubt that you are Jim Hilston.

It's His nature, Clete. His glory is a witness to His nature.
Yet another thing that Jim would say.

Righteous is an adjective describing God's nature and so once again, just as Jim would do, you've not answered the question.

Please answer the question Jim!

What makes God's nature righteous?

Resting in Him,

P.S. Note that any Open Theist could answer this question with one sentence that any child would understand. It is not a difficult or complex question and yet Jim, nor any other Calvinist likes to answer it.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

Saying that God is subject to His nature is a meaningless tautology.

"God is....."

Fill in the blank and you are describing His nature thus God cannot be subject to His nature because then that subjectivity would be part of His nature and the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town. :dizzy:


New member
Why does everyone assume I'm angry? I'm not angry! Hateful toward liars and hypocrites, yes, but angry? No, not at all.
When the time comes, I'll accept your apology in the form of a Christmas present. :chuckle:

Note that any Open Theist could answer this question with one sentence that any child would understand. It is not a difficult or complex question and yet Jim, nor any other Calvinist likes to answer it.
I'm answering your question the only way I know how. Perhaps you could share with me the Open Theists answer so that I might be able to broaden my vocabulary skills.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I'm answering your question the only way I know how. Perhaps you could share with me the Open Theists answer so that I might be able to broaden my vocabulary skills.
This is unbelievable.

Was Jesus righteous?

If so why?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
One needs to be careful how far to push the analogy between man and God (a common error by open theists), for the analogy originates with God. See here.

The Imago Dei is not pushing an analogy. It is biblical truth. A theocentric worldview is the foundation for Open Theism as much as your 'view'.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
"Mystery" is the key here. From one of his posts in the BR forums:

"the revelation of the Mystery supplanted the nation of Israel (their tree was pulled out of the root) so that the Body of Christ (the subject of the Mystery) could be grafted in. That is why Paul is quoting the promises of Israel. They do not apply to the Body. Israel needed to know that their distinctive Hope was not lost, but only put on hold."

Another can of whup butt laid upon godrulz by someone who is almost a Calvinist...or at least was once almost one a few years ago. Does life get any better than this? :chuckle:

My Acts 2 dispensationalism agrees with the gist of the quote. Either you need to read me more carefully, or I need to edit a post for clarification.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I have a meeting in 5 minutes. It should last about 2 hours.


I have it on good authority that in fact you are not Jim Hilston.

Thank God for small miracles! (Where's the "Praise the Lord" smilies when you need it?!)

That photo of yours sure looks like him though! And you do a terrific imitation of his style. I wonder though what it was that AMR spent so much time getting to the bottom of that made him believe you to be Jim Hilston? There is no question that he got that "...ignominious know-it-all" quote from Jim's blog page.

At any rate, I won't be referring to you as Jim any longer and I apologize for the insult. I'll look forward to your response in a few hours (or whenever - there's no big hurry), its one of my favorite topics of discussion.

By the way, the Open Theist's answer to the question would be simply that God is righteous because He chooses to act in the best interests of others.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
By the way, the Open Theist's answer to the question would be simply that God is righteous because He chooses to act in the best interests of others.

Resting in Him,

i.e. Love...chosing the highest good of God and others.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
God would be righteous regardless. :rolleyes:

Well, now that we know what the non-Christian contingent of the group thinks, how about we restrict the remainder of the conversation to those who actually believe Jesus to be God and worships Him as such? I mean I know that this thread is not in the exclusively Christian forum, but who here really cares about what an unbeliever thinks about God's righteousness?

Resting in Him,


TOL Subscriber
i.e. Love...chosing the highest good of God and others.

Do you mean to say and imply, that God would not have been righteous in essence, if He had NOT done good to "others" (His created beings)?

That means, if God had not created "others" to supposedly do good for, that He was not righteous according to His own essence?

This is a faulty theory. . .

This concludes God's righteousness is dependent upon His doing good for others, and I submit God is good because He does good for Himself and His good pleasure, alone.

"Our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases." Psalm 115:3

This is the righteousness of God.



New member
Well, now that we know what the non-Christian contingent of the group thinks, how about we restrict the remainder of the conversation to those who actually believe Jesus to be God and worships Him as such? I mean I know that this thread is not in the exclusively Christian forum, but who here really cares about what an unbeliever thinks about God's righteousness?

Resting in Him,
I believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, Not God. Prove me wrong dim wit.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well, now that we know what the non-Christian contingent of the group thinks, how about we restrict the remainder of the conversation to those who actually believe Jesus to be God and worships Him as such? I mean I know that this thread is not in the exclusively Christian forum, but who here really cares about what an unbeliever thinks about God's righteousness?

Resting in Him,


If God did evil, He would not be righteous by definition. God does not do evil, period. He is holy and will always be so.

Confusing the technical category of metaphysics vs morals is part of his problem. Philosophers debate issues of being vs volition, so we should be prepared to think this through.


TOL Subscriber
I believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, Not God. Prove me wrong dim wit.

You witness you are an anti-christ, so Clete nor the rest of us are obligated to prove you wrong, let along obligated to communicate with you further.

I would suggest this anti-christ be shunned and put on everyones' ignore list.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Do you mean to say and imply, that God would not have been righteous in essence, if He had NOT done good to "others" (His created beings)?

That means, if God had not created "others" to supposedly do good for, that He was not righteous according to His own essence?

This is a faulty theory. . .

This concludes God's righteousness is dependent upon His doing good for others, and I submit God is good because He does good for Himself and His good pleasure, alone.

"Our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases." Psalm 115:3

This is the righteousness of God.


You are misunderstanding and misrepresenting what I am saying.

I simply said that God loves and is love. He demonstrates this love in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. It is not just a matter of being (Rom. 5:8; Jn. 3:16).
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