Is that your picture in avatar or a movie star or something?
He looks like Jim Hilston and AMR seems to think that's who it is as well...
Compare AMR's post #2547 and the "About Me" quote
HERE and notice also that the "My Website" link takes you to Jim Hilston's web page and I know for certain that roundslanteye is Jim AOL instant messenger screen name (He's half Asian (Thai, I think) and half Caucasian).
He's Dispensational, which Jim is as well and so things are beginning to add up here. I've suspected for a while that it was Jim but AMR's post confirms it, or at least it would if I had some reliable information about why AMR believes it to be him. For final confirmation we could have Knight or Turbo check his IP address, although I really don't think that's necessary.
By the way, what it took AMR "some time to get to the bottom of" I figured out in about 30 seconds. It's not hard to figure such things out, nor is it a state secret.