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Okay.God is spirit; God is love; God is truth; God is light.
Okay.God is spirit; God is love; God is truth; God is light.
It isn't a matter of opinion. That's the definition of the word "righteous". If God does not choose to act in the best interest of others then it is meaningless to refer to Him as righteous.I would not agree with that, but it's not a real point of contention for me either.
Then, by definition, you do not believe God is righteous. You just believe that God is God and that's it. In effect you've impaled yourself on one horn of Euthyphro's dilemma. The fact is that words mean things and their definitions are not matters of opinion. That's not to say that someone can't dispute some particular definition of a term but that's not what I'm getting at. What I'm saying is not a matter of opinion is the concept that is being communicated when the word 'righteous' is used. When people talk about someone being righteous, they are talking about that person having chosen to act in the best interests of others. That's what the term means - period. And in fact, your difficulty in communicating what it means for God to be righteous stems precisely from the fact that you've attempted to divorce yourself from the actual meaning of that term, which cannot be done, and the result is confusion. It would be like trying to define color while denying it has anything to do with light. It just doesn't work.I do not think that God is righteous by His works. And I do not think that He chooses to act in our best interest.
It is in His nature to do so! He's righteous!I believe that He acts in our best interest because it is His nature to do so.
Thank God for what?God is love, He cannot choose otherwise.
Thank God.
Consider carefully what I say here. I have said it before and i will say it again. The trinity as it is presently taught in the churches today is not biblical. It is incoherent and confusing. God is not the author of confusion.I have heard something that I strongly disagree with, and it wasn't from those guys.
I think you need to reconsider your position on the identity of Jesus.
Consider careflly what I say here. I have said it before and i will say it again. The trinity as it is presently taught in the churches today is not bilical. It is incoherent and confuseing. God is not the author of confushion.
Fact #1 There is but one God. Not three gods agreeing together as one. I use to believe this because it is what I was taught to believe.
Fact #2 God the Father is the one true God. It is God the Father that thinks, speaks and is substantive.
Fact #3 The Holy Spirit of God is the life that is God. The Holy Spirit gives animation to the Father. The Holy Spirit is not the Father but is the life of the Father. When some one tells me that they are partakers of the Holy Spirit they tell me they are partakers of God's life and where is God's life? Is it not with the Father. The Holy Spirit cannot be where the Father is not. If the Holy Spirit left the Father the Father would be dead.
Fact # 4 The word of God is the dynamic creative communicative force of God. The word is the expression of God. The word goes forth from the mouth of God and accomplishes all that the Father intended when the word was spoken by Him. So yes, In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God the same was in the beginning with God. Just as the life that sustains and animates God is eternal, so is His word because it comes forth from Him.
Fact #5 Jesus is the word of God made flesh. Jesus had no existence before the life of Jesus was imparted to a women by the spoken word of God and a child was conceived in her womb by the Holy Spirit of God. God gave that child of His life and the word of God was resident in that child. That child's name was Jesus. The life that sustained Jesus is the same life that sustained God , His Father. Jesus was in fact the Son of God in the flesh.
So before anyone calls me a heretic again. be prepared to defend your phony trinity logic. If you say that Jesus could have sinned be prepared to defend your phony logic. I will defend the honer of my King with my life if need be.
Then why the big fuss about me saying that Jesus is not god but the Son of God? All of Jesus authority came from God but that does not make Him God.e4e The trinity does not teach that there are 3 gods. Mormonism is tritheistic, not triune, and does teach that they are 3 separate gods/personages.
You are rejecting a straw man caricature.
Then why the big fuss about me saying that Jesus is not god but the Son of God? All of Jesus authority came from God but that does not make Him God.
How can Jesus be anything less than divine when He is born of God's seed? He was not created like you and me. That still does not make Jesus God but the Son of God.Many false religions can say that Jesus is the Son of God, but define this title in an unbiblical way. Only true Christians can say He is the Son of God and God the Son.
A denial of who He is (Deity) is a denial of Christ Himself. A counterfeit Christ (2 Cor. 11:4) is worthless and a false gospel leaves one eternally cursed (Gal. 1:6-10).
How can Jesus be anything less than divine when He is born of God's seed? He was not created like you and me. That still does not make Jesus God but the Son of God.
Jesus does not have duel natures. Never did and never will. You and I are the ones with the duel natures. Being born of God in the Spirit and of man in the flesh. Jesus was born of God in the form of a man not of the seed of a man.We partake of the divine nature, but we are not God. The Deity of Christ is more than this. Jesus was worshipped as God and said to be equal with the Father. He is the uncreated Creator, not a creature. John 1:1 is explicit. The Word, who is God, became flesh, one person with two natures (Deity and Humanity, not just a divine man, whatever that means).
Not necessarily. The earth is a witness of God's creative power. The message of Christ is a witness of God's love.
"Now go, write it on a tablet before them And inscribe it on a scroll, That it may serve in the time to come as a witness forever".
John 1:1 ¶In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 ¶And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
I agree that Jesus was the word made flesh but where in there does it say that Jesus had two natures?
It isn't a matter of opinion. That's the definition of the word "righteous". If God does not choose to act in the best interest of others then it is meaningless to refer to Him as righteous.
According to you, but I do not believe you., nor do I accept your faulty "dilemma". God is not a free moral agent. God has nothing to do with morality. That is the concept of a false god. A god created by man.Then, by definition, you do not believe God is righteous.
Yes they do, but they are only relevant to man, not to God. Man is unrighteous and not good, because man is not God.The fact is that words mean things and their definitions are not matters of opinion.
That is not how I would understand or use the term. That is a false idea of being righteous. People have lots of false ideas about terms.When people talk about someone being righteous, they are talking about that person having chosen to act in the best interests of others.
No, it does not. It does not mean that at all.That's what the term means - period.
The "confusion lies in your misappropriation of the term. In fact, to believe that righteous is the result of doing what is right, is exactly the opposite of what the term means. The one who does righteouness is righteous (not declared righteous). Just as the one who sins is a sinner (not declared a sinner). The nature dictates the action.And in fact, your difficulty in communicating what it means for God to be righteous stems precisely from the fact that you've attempted to divorce yourself from the actual meaning of that term, which cannot be done, and the result is confusion.
The nature of the light dictates the color.It would be like trying to define color while denying it has anything to do with light.
How is it "vice-versa"? God is not righteous because He acts righteously.God IS righteous therefore He acts righteously and vise-versa!
Because I am thankful that He cannot choose to do otherwise. Just as I am thankful that I can no longer choose to not be in Christ. That I no longer have free will to be other than who I am in Christ.If God cannot do otherwise how is He deserving of any thanks?
If God were a man, but He is not.It is precisely God's ability to do otherwise (His ability to choose) that gives His love (i.e. righteousness, justice and any other qualitative attribute you can think of) meaning.
I read it.(Read this)
Is the Holy Spirit in us? Was it also in Jesus? Why can't the Holy Spirit be in the Father and in Jesus and in you?Fact #3 The Holy Spirit of God is the life that is God. The Holy Spirit gives animation to the Father. The Holy Spirit is not the Father but is the life of the Father. When some one tells me that they are partakers of the Holy Spirit they tell me they are partakers of God's life and where is God's life? Is it not with the Father. The Holy Spirit cannot be where the Father is not. If the Holy Spirit left the Father the Father would be dead.
The reason for the temptations of Christ was certainly not to get Jesus to sin. That was an impossibility. It wasn't for Christ's benefit. He gained nothing by it. It was not for the father's benefit. he already knew. The only possible reason for Christ being tested as He was must have been for our benefit. It was proof positive that Jesus was exactly who God the Father said He was. That we may believe who Jesus is. We are the only skeptics on the block. Things are tested to prove reliability. Jesus was proven reliable for our sake.Ok, but in this conversation, a witness for proof is a second person's word.
What I have been telling E4E all along is that Jesus didn't need to prove his righteousness by being tempted for 40 days. The temptation was for a different reason, not proof.
E4E is confused by a lot of things in the Bible, mostly because he adds his own thoughts to what he reads. This with this one example of Christ's temptation, I am trying to show him his ideas are not the only ideas, so he shouldn't apply them to the word.
If that made since...
We shouldn't have any ideas about the parts of the word that not much is said on. Those parts are a "mystery" to us, and we should respect that.
I agree with this, but I also believe He was tempted to deny who He was, just as we are. "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased".The reason for the temptations of Christ was certainly not to get Jesus to sin. That was an impossibility. It wasn't for Christ's benefit. He gained nothing by it. It was not for the father's benefit. he already knew. The only possible reason for Christ being tested as He was must have been for our benefit. It was proof positive that Jesus was exactly who God the Father said He was. That we may believe who Jesus is. We are the only skeptics on the block. Things are tested to prove reliability. Jesus was proven reliable for our sake.![]()
If the Holy Spirit of God is in us why is it necessary for our Spirit to commune with God's Spirit? The only answer that I can come up with is that the new birth is a birth of a new spirit in life from the Holy Spirit of God the Father. This makes the new creation, us, of the same Spirit that was in Christ Jesus as both He and us are born of God. The difference between us and Jesus is that His body also was born of the Holy Spirit. We shall receive a new glorified body like that of Jesus upon His return. Our spirit is as holy as that of Jesus. That is why He is the firstborn among many brethren. We have the same Father.Is the Holy Spirit in us? Was it also in Jesus? Why can't the Holy Spirit be in the Father and in Jesus and in you?
The reason for the temptations of Christ was certainly not to get Jesus to sin. That was an impossibility. It wasn't for Christ's benefit. He gained nothing by it. It was not for the father's benefit. he already knew. The only possible reason for Christ being tested as He was must have been for our benefit. It was proof positive that Jesus was exactly who God the Father said He was. That we may believe who Jesus is. We are the only skeptics on the block. Things are tested to prove reliability. Jesus was proven reliable for our sake.![]()