Appeal to the Moderators: TOL is for Dialogue? Really?

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New member
Trad looked "straight at the woman" with a "giant grin on his face" and called her the n-word - that's not careless, that's INTENT.

The woman probably has heard it her whole life - and it most probably hurt her every. single. time. You think n-words only hurt when you're a child? They're even more cruel said to a child, but the n-word has no age limit on hurt. Or hate. Do you think because "she's used to it" that it somehow mitigates Trad's behavior? If so, that's a part of the harm caused by overt racism and bigotry.

Frankly, the way you keep giving him the benefit of the doubt is mind-boggling, particularly when he undercuts you repeatedly by saying that yes, that is what he meant, what he thinks, what he is.

How could it be with intent when he was shocked at the realization that she read his lips?


New member
PC is often a reaction in the extreme.

As is often many a reaction to what is percieved by another as being an extreme PC reaction.

To be PC or not PC...

Often, neither is the nobler.

The middle ground between the two inadvertently compromised.


Well-known member
Trad looked "straight at the woman" with a "giant grin on his face" and called her the n-word - that's not careless, that's INTENT.

And a half truth is still a full lie. Your nose grows and grows, Anna.

He was in a closed car and the girl turned her head and may have read his lips. You spend so much time looking for evil, it makes me think you need it to survive. Blood in the water. It may only be a cut finger, but this shark will seek it out. :think:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In today's lesson, we are going to define the word 'bigot' and how in some instances it actually refers to the person stating it more so then the person who is being labeled so.

Bigot- a person with strong, unreasonable ideas about other people

Who is stating logical conclusions, and who is mindlessly throwing anyone who disagrees derogatory statements?

Let that sink in, GM.

Your uncanny brilliance amazes me. :darwinsm:


Well-known member
Zoo is almost as intelligent as an "Intellectually Slow Amoeba."

Oh dear, calling an Amoeba "intellectually slow" is so intolerant. :shocked:

You'd best stand in the corner until the PC police give you permission to leave.

(Just make sure you apologize profusely and promise to never be that cruel and disdainful ever long as you live, amen.)


Well-known member
"But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Matthew 5:28

Here ya me the lust. :chuckle:

Originally Posted by Traditio View Post
I am driving through a parking lot and this black lady (as I recall it) is taking her good ole' time crossing the cross-walk (as black people tend to do...they tend not to walk very fast...especially when they have the opportunity to get in the way). I don't exactly remember the context, but my sister and maybe one or two other people are in the car, who (at least at the time) didn't use the n-word. I look straight at the woman (I'm in my car, mind you, with the windows rolled up...this was for the "benefit" of those in the car with me) and find myself saying, with a giant grin on my face, (again, I don't remember the context; this may or may not have been in the context of a sentence) "[n-word]!" It just so happened that, at that very moment, she happened to look straight at me, and I'm like: "Crap! She read my lips, didn't she...?"


Well-known member
Peacemaker beat you to it. Did you see her recent thread?

Not exactly, of course, but the association was made. :p

Oh yes, and Town quotes lusting verses when I mentioned the lady crossing the street. He must think you are secretly attracted to black ladies. This is like a "whisper game". Peacebreaker compares you to school shooters with Asperger Syndrome and Town thinks you need to be schooled on lusting.

I can hardly wait for these red hot rumors to reach Anna's ears and see what comes out her mouth. :chew:
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