Appeal to the Moderators: TOL is for Dialogue? Really?

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New member
I've asked many, so called Christians on TOL to give their Testimony of how
they became a Christian. Either they: go to another thread, ignore the question,
or get very angry. A "True Believer" would be happy to give their Testimony?

My testimony is that I don't remember which of my many salvation experiences was the first real one. I was saved at nine because i wanted to receive communion like everyone else. I grew to dislike church as I grew older because they always made me doubt my salvation. It was always stemming from some sort of behavior standard. I would end of repenting and my assurance would always leave the moment my behavior fell below a certain standard. I know if it wasnt before hearing Grace preaching , my salvation definitely came during my immersion in that preaching. I came to a point where I told God that I can't keep up to all these seemingly arbitrary rules. I said I can't even keep from doing things I know are wrong. I am just going to trust that the sacrifice of your son in my place is sufficient and nothing more than that is necessary regardless of how bad my behavior is. I've had peace ever since.


Well-known member
Can't say the same about you, since you've confessed to dishonesty.

You claimed you could be aroused by a woman not your wife and there was nothing wrong with it. :think:

He is a racist, and you are defending a racist.

Do you consider Trad a believer? Yes or no?

You're an idiot and your wife defends you.

Does he consider you a believer.....that's all you have a right to know.


New member
Wait, you're calling him a troll? :plain: But in a minute...

So that's SOP for trolls. And it goes to credibility. Were you pretending then or now?

By way of example:

Do you live anywhere near Musterion?

Watch your step in the library.

I was just filling out my bracket for the Humble-Off this year. We have chrys and meshak penciled in. Should be a great one. I mean, in a muted, humility filled way.

You really cannot be this dense. I was pretending to be someone else to save my rear end so to speak. I probably would not have been allowed to stay if I revealed myself. It doesn't matter if other people create socks to troll. What matters is why I did it. It was not to troll, but you already knew that.....I hope...or you really at dense.


Well-known member
I grew to dislike church as I grew older because they always made me doubt my salvation. It was always stemming from some sort of behavior standard.

That's what you have been doing to other people, hypocrite.

I would end of repenting and my assurance would always leave the moment my behavior fell below a certain standard. I know if it wasnt before hearing Grace preaching , my salvation definitely came during my immersion in that preaching.

Do you believe in OSAS?

I came to a point where I told God that I can't keep up to all these seemingly arbitrary rules. I said I can't even keep from doing things I know are wrong.

In other words, you needed a license to sin.

I am just going to trust that the sacrifice of your son in my place is sufficient and nothing more than that is necessary regardless of how bad my behavior is. I've had peace ever since.

But you claim a person who commits rape was never a Christian, so you obviously are looking at behavior as a standard.


Well-known member
You really cannot be this dense. I was pretending to be someone else to save my rear end so to speak. I probably would not have been allowed to stay if I revealed myself. It doesn't matter if other people create socks to troll. What matters is why I did it. It was to troll, but you already knew that.....I hope...or you really at dense.

Townie the Clownie doesn't care about anything but how he sounds when he pontificates.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You really cannot be this dense.
I'm trying to get you to see a point, so there's reason to wonder right there. :plain:
I was pretending to be someone else to save my rear end so to speak.
Maybe you were, maybe you weren't. How am I to know you weren't merely doing what amused or interested you? Once you have an admission that goes to veracity it's hard to put that one back in the bottle.

I probably would not have been allowed to stay if I revealed myself. It doesn't matter if other people create socks to troll. What matters is why I did it. It was to troll, but you already knew that.....I hope...or you really at dense.
Appraise the weather as it suits you. It will not make it rain an inch. :nono:


New member
Can't say the same about you, since you've confessed to dishonesty.

He is a racist, and you are defending a racist.

Do you consider Trad a believer? Yes or no?

He appears to be a believer just from what I sense. It would take a bit of deeper questioning to feel more confident. I'm not defending a racist. His racsim is wrong and sad. I'm saying you cannot define a person based on one trait or weakness. By the way, you cannot call a person as dishonest from one act. Everyone is dishonest about something in their life at one point or another, even as a christian. It is actually the height of dishonesty to declare me a dishonest person based on one act and to declare trad as unsaved because of his racist attitude. He actually isn't full blown racist because be wishes them well and does not seek them harm. I cannot say the same for you and Rusha and many others. You set out her daily to trash peoples character whom you don't like. That's not the behavior of a saved person.


Well-known member
That's what you have been doing to other people, hypocrite.

Do you believe in OSAS?

In other words, you needed a license to sin.

But you claim a person who commits rape was never a Christian, so you obviously are looking at behavior as a standard.

Elo, if you spent as much time examining yourself as you do CS, you'd be much better off. You might actually understand the purpose of the law and what it takes to be saved. You might even come to see just how ignorant your statement (above in yellow) actually is.


Well-known member
You claimed you could be aroused by a woman not your wife and there was nothing wrong with it. :think:

See? You judge behavior and place people under laws you imagine.

Considering polygamy was never a sin, a married man couldn't be sinning if he was attracted to another women. Coveting another man's wife is a sin, but you want to make it about just being attracted or aroused by the opposite sex. Go heap laws like that on your husband if you want, but don't claim it's from the Bible.


New member
Elo, if you spent as much time examining yourself as you do CS, you'd be much better off. You might actually understand the purpose of the law and what it takes to be saved. You might even come to see just how ignorant your statement (above in yellow) actually is.

There is one thing I am 99% confident in declaring:

If you treat Grace teaching as a license to sin, you have never , ever, ever known Christ. Your Christ is actually a demon on the order of Beelzebub.


Well-known member
Elo, if you spent as much time examining yourself as you do CS, you'd be much better off. You might actually understand the purpose of the law and what it takes to be saved. You might even come to see just how ignorant your statement (above in yellow) actually is.

There are at least a couple of discussions that you and ClimateSanity will not finish. For example, neither of you will address the discrepancy between your claim that a rapist cannot be a Christian and poster JohnW's claims that he can murder someone today and still be forever justified. Finish that discussion if you have the nerve. I sense you and the others are running from the point, obfuscating with ad hominems and straw man arguments.


Hall of Fame
I've asked many, so called Christians on TOL to give their Testimony of how
they became a Christian. Either they: go to another thread, ignore the question,
or get very angry. A "True Believer" would be happy to give their Testimony?

I agree. Also, would a *true* believer ever pretend to not believe in God?

Do you think there would ever be a sufficient reason for a Christian to deny the existence of their deity by claiming to be a nonbeliever?


Well-known member
See? You judge behavior and place people under laws you imagine.

Wrong, I don't care about your behavior.
I was talking about your claiming you could lust and it wouldn't be wrong.
You were using the law, but twisting it to justify your behavior.

Considering polygamy was never a sin, a married man couldn't be sinning if he was attracted to another women. Coveting another man's wife is a sin, but you want to make it about just being attracted or aroused by the opposite sex. Go heap laws like that on your husband if you want, but don't claim it's from the Bible.

See, you twist the law to justify your behavior.
Which proves to me you are under the law for righteousness.

I'm not under the law, so I don't need to twist the law to justify myself or my behavior.


Hall of Fame
That's what you have been doing to other people, hypocrite.

Do you believe in OSAS?

In other words, you needed a license to sin.

But you claim a person who commits rape was never a Christian, so you obviously are looking at behavior as a standard.

:plain: Nothing new. Just the same convenient inconsistencies.
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