Appeal to the Moderators: TOL is for Dialogue? Really?

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Grosnick Marowbe

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My testimony is that I don't remember which of my many salvation experiences was the first real one. I was saved at nine because i wanted to receive communion like everyone else. I grew to dislike church as I grew older because they always made me doubt my salvation. It was always stemming from some sort of behavior standard. I would end of repenting and my assurance would always leave the moment my behavior fell below a certain standard. I know if it wasnt before hearing Grace preaching , my salvation definitely came during my immersion in that preaching. I came to a point where I told God that I can't keep up to all these seemingly arbitrary rules. I said I can't even keep from doing things I know are wrong. I am just going to trust that the sacrifice of your son in my place is sufficient and nothing more than that is necessary regardless of how bad my behavior is. I've had peace ever since.

That was your Testimony. Thanks.


New member
Wrong, I don't care about your behavior.
I was talking about your claiming you could lust and it wouldn't be wrong.
You were using the law, but twisting it to justify your behavior.

See, you twist the law to justify your behavior.
Which proves to me you are under the law for righteousness.

I'm not under the law, so I don't need to twist the law to justify myself or my behavior.

He is dead in sin.


New member
I agree. Also, would a *true* believer ever pretend to not believe in God?

Do you think there would ever be a sufficient reason for a Christian to deny the existence of their deity by claiming to be a nonbeliever?

I never pretended to not believe in God. The part I was playing was an atheist. A movie actor would do the same.


Well-known member
With context:

Oh, so claiming she didn't believe you about something I had said years earlier means she called you a liar? No. Rather, you made the false claim that she called you a liar.

You are a liar because my wife didn't try to get me to be a polygamist. Believing it's not a sin (acceptable) and suggesting it is not trying to get me to become a polygamist.


Well-known member
I never pretended to not believe in God. The part I was playing was an atheist. A movie actor would do the same.

Now he's claiming the part he was playing was an atheist.

The other day he was claiming it was agnostic.

Today he's claiming to be a Christian.



Well-known member
Of course he was ... he never denied it. Nor has he ever pretended to be a non believer.

Thank you. The significance escapes them.

As a Christian, can you think of any reason that would be good enough to deny your belief in God?

I'm convinced they will never answer that question until ClimateSanity isn't their "friend" anymore.


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Hall of Fame
Do you still ever sin? Yes or no?

Yes, i do, do things that the law define as sin only those laws no longer apply to me. So - Am i held accountable for it, no, all my sins have been paid for at the cross, past present future.

Im not so arrogant to say i never do anything that the law said was wrong though, like you are.


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Oh, so claiming she didn't believe you about something I had said years earlier means she called you a liar? No. Rather, you made the false claim that she called you a liar.

You are a liar because my wife didn't try to get me to be a polygamist. Believing it's not a sin (acceptable) and suggesting it is not trying to get me to become a polygamist.

That quote is about extremely exceptional young adults and does nothing to help you support your idea that I'm a misogynist.

:think: weird thing for a chick to say there... who are you again posting under that name?

As I recall, I already quoted to you Rusha's weird post accusing me of putting men first, women and girls as an afterthought.

What should be weird to you is that she did that.

You do put men first (easily proven since you actually tried to get your hubby to try polygamy for example according to him) , that by far doesnt make a female a misogynist, and usually only men, or very butch women accuse others of thinking they are a misogynist...

Ill bet that was hubby using your name wasnt it...

Quote. I know you can't, because no such thing would have been said. Unreal.

Ouch. Read it and weep. Better talk to your husband quick since he said it just as i said, that IS your husband isnt it?

Yeah, she posted in the past, but that was a dismal failure. :chuckle:. Now she just reads from time-to-time. She enjoys posting on unassisted child birth forums more.

Anyway, my wife thinks polygamy is acceptable, and she has even suggested it for our marriage. However, I am opposed to polygamy for our marriage. One woman is enough for me...and about all I can tolerate. :chuckle:

You may apologize now for implying i lied. :cloud9:

So now you question my gender identity....

No worries here, i questioned whether it was a woman called 1pm posting, or her husband elohiym/doormat posting under her name, dont know which you are, but i do see he posts under 1pms name to fix her "dismal failures".

....and now my user identity. :plain:
yes, i did. :cigar:

That again, and only she AND YOU, still support polygamy and those (IN SUPPORT OF IT) statments are RECENT.


New member
Yes, i do, do things that the law define as sin only those laws no longer apply to me. So - Am i held accountable for it, no, all my sins have been paid for at the cross, past present future.

Im not so arrogant to say i never do anything that the law said was wrong though, like you are.

It's easy when you water down the law.


Hall of Fame
Thank you. The significance escapes them.

I see that. I can guarantee you that had you been pretending or lied about not being Elo when you were posting under Doormat, I would have called you out on it.


Well-known member
Do you still ever sin? Yes or no?

Yes, i do, do things that the law define as sin only those laws no longer apply to me. So - Am i held accountable for it, no, all my sins have been paid for at the cross, past present future.

You believe you have a license to sin.

See 1 John 3:6-10 and Galatians 5:19-20.

Repent or perish.

Don't pretend to be a follower of Christ until you actually repent.


New member
Hall of Fame
A sock is a sock is a sock, its always used to pretend you are someone you arent, doorknob/doormat/eloyhim is no less guilty of it than cs.

Some are used for a fresh start, some are used to harrass others unknown to them(doormat) some are used to back their own arguments (doormat) and support people (doormat and eloyhim posting in the same night, in the same debate) and some are used to skirt bans, both doormat and cs.

Ive never used one, i am me like it or not.


New member
Hall of Fame
You believe you have a license to sin.

See 1 John 3:6-10 and Galatians 5:19-20.

Repent or perish.

Don't pretend to be a follower of Christ until you actually repent.

You can claim whatever you want, you didnt save me, He did, and ive already repented and been saved. By Him via the gospel of salvation. Not yours.

I continue to repent (not for salvation, but for relationship) do you still say you are sorry to your wife when you screw up or will you claim you never do?
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