Appeal to the Moderators: TOL is for Dialogue? Really?

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Hall of Fame

And I don't have time to bother with either.


Of course you dont, deceiver, using your doormat name and your eloyhim (main account name) on the same days in the same threads to support yourself and your wife while pretending to be different people is really really creepy and dishonest.

I think most people will agree.


New member
Enter Danoh, with his high horse speech, trying to be relevant.


Consider that you have just proved the validity of what I posted.

I know, I know; time for more of the same from you.

You might do well to pause and consider, though, that all you are actually doing by that is further enmeshing yourself in the flesh's delusion that what our fleshly mind lies to us about what's what, together with its' thumbs down urging one to unleash a payback, is the way to go.

The Apostle Paul might point out...

Ephesians 4:20 But ye have not so learned Christ; 4:21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: 4:22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. 4:25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. 4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 4:27 Neither give place to the devil.

Join me in that, PJ.

Enough of this giving in to the fleshly mind's belief in perceived injury together with its urging "time for payback!"

The best to you in this...


Well-known member
To be clear: I have no belief that blacks are naturally inferior to whites, nor do I wish harm, collectively speaking, on the black race. We are bound to wish them, and all men, the best, insofar as all men are made in the image and likeness of God. I think that, for any given black person you come across, all other things being equal, you should treat him or her with the utmost respect and consideration.

I just personally don't want to have to deal with them, or else, be inconvenienced even by the mere sight of them. :)

This is strange.

I can think of a few other descriptions besides "strange," but yeah.

Traditio says that black people "are made in the image and likeness of God" and then says that he doesn't want to be "inconvenienced even by the mere sight of them."

Stop and think about that. Traditio doesn't want to have to look at someone who he says is the image and likeness of God?

Nothing to do wth who they are, nothing to do with their belief, or their culture, or the way they live life... All those things aside, Traditio is simply disgusted by the mere sight of black people. Even though he says they look like God.

If that doesn't reveal something about the little pissant's superiority complex, I don't know what does.

Either he doesn't have much genuine faith in his God, or his racism is more powerful than his faith.

It reminds me of when aCW had said that if God allowed homosexuals into heaven, he'd rather go somewhere else. Such intense issues that their disgust trumps their God.


like marbles on glass
I'll just get straight to the point.

Why are Rusha, The Horn and Zoo (and any other posters like them) still here?

Seriously. :plain:

I can think of a few other descriptions besides "strange," but yeah.

Traditio says that black people "are made in the image and likeness of God" and then says that he doesn't want to be "inconvenienced even by the mere sight of them."

Stop and think about that. Traditio doesn't want to have to look at someone who he says is the image and likeness of God?

Nothing to do wth who they are, nothing to do with their belief, or their culture, or the way they live life... All those things aside, Traditio is simply disgusted by the mere sight of black people. Even though he says they look like God.

If that doesn't reveal something about the little pissant's superiority complex, I don't know what does.

Either he doesn't have much genuine faith in his God, or his racism is more powerful than his faith.

It reminds me of when aCW had said that if God allowed homosexuals into heaven, he'd rather go somewhere else. Such intense issues that their disgust trumps their God.

That, Trad, is why he's still here.

Seriously. :plain:

patrick jane

Consider that you have just proved the validity of what I posted.

I know, I know; time for more of the same from you.

You might do well to pause and consider, though, that all you are actually doing by that is further enmeshing yourself in the flesh's delusion that what our fleshly mind lies to us about what's what, together with its' thumbs down urging one to unleash a payback, is the way to go.

The Apostle Paul might point out...

Ephesians 4:20 But ye have not so learned Christ; 4:21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: 4:22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. 4:25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. 4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 4:27 Neither give place to the devil.

Join me in that, PJ.

Enough of this giving in to the fleshly mind's belief in perceived injury together with its urging "time for payback!"

The best to you in this...

Then stop with your mocking attempts. I heard how you harassed heir, and you constantly try correcting everybody while taking pot shots at MADs here. Maybe you should examine yourself and your motives.


like marbles on glass
Bump for Trad. Here's your chance to dialogue:

I'll just get straight to the point.

Why are Rusha, The Horn and Zoo (and any other posters like them) still here?

Seriously. :plain:

I can think of a few other descriptions besides "strange," but yeah.

Traditio says that black people "are made in the image and likeness of God" and then says that he doesn't want to be "inconvenienced even by the mere sight of them."

Stop and think about that. Traditio doesn't want to have to look at someone who he says is the image and likeness of God?

Nothing to do wth who they are, nothing to do with their belief, or their culture, or the way they live life... All those things aside, Traditio is simply disgusted by the mere sight of black people. Even though he says they look like God.

If that doesn't reveal something about the little pissant's superiority complex, I don't know what does.

Either he doesn't have much genuine faith in his God, or his racism is more powerful than his faith.

It reminds me of when aCW had said that if God allowed homosexuals into heaven, he'd rather go somewhere else. Such intense issues that their disgust trumps their God.

That, Trad, is why he's still here.

Seriously. :plain:


Hall of Fame
Bump for Trad. Here's your chance to dialogue:

That, Trad, is why he's still here.

Seriously. :plain:

The few posts that Zoo makes are always well thought out and reasoned. It's fairly easy to understand why someone who is incapable of debating him would request that he be banned.


Well-known member
Stop and think about that. Traditio doesn't want to have to look at someone who he says is the image and likeness of God?

Nothing to do wth who they are, nothing to do with their belief, or their culture, or the way they live life... All those things aside, Traditio is simply disgusted by the mere sight of black people. Even though he says they look like God.

Surely you realize that man being made in the image and likeness of God has NOTHING to do with how a man looks or the color of his skin.

If that doesn't reveal something about the little pissant's superiority complex, I don't know what does.

If that doesn't say something about your superiority complex, I don't know what does.

Either he doesn't have much genuine faith in his God, or his racism is more powerful than his faith.

It reminds me of when aCW had said that if God allowed homosexuals into heaven, he'd rather go somewhere else. Such intense issues that their disgust trumps their God.

Or they simply don't see that their opinions about such "intense issues" have a single thing to do with their faith in God.

You aren't a believer, yourself, are you? :think:


The few posts that Zoo makes are always well thought out and reasoned. It's fairly easy to understand why someone who is incapable of debating him would request that he be banned.


You'd compliment Buddha's leanness if he took your side in a discussion.
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