Another Brilliant Idea from PlannedBarrenHood

Mustard Seed

New member
Originally posted by firechyld

I've seen nothing that suggests they "promote" sex. They accept that it happens, and they try to minimise harm.

Acknowledging something is not promoting it... just like ignoring it doesn't actually make it go away.

This is such a bad argument. They do not simply 'acknowledge' it and they are not trying to minimize the harm.

Say I want to help young, image aware women who are bolemic or anorexic so that the dangers are 'minimized' in their 'lifestyle choice'. So I proceed to 'acknowledge' that anorexia and bolemia happen by distributing materials and setting up a web site to teach these young people that there are 'safe' ways to be bolemic and anorexic. I present suggested diets and distribute suplements designed to keep the anorexic alive and functioning but still in an anorexic state. I concoct ways in which to make the binging cycles less harmfull and perhapse I believe I've found a way to make it as 'harmless' as 'safe sex'.

The problem, firechyld, with the reasoning you give is that it is opening the flood gates of 'well it happens so lets just educate and help people do what they're inevitably going to do in the safest manner possible!' The mafia and gangs are inevitably going to have gang warfare. That doesn't mean we 'make it safer' or more 'convenient' for society. by designating places for their fueds or creating governmental programs to issue silencers for free to hitmen or drive-bye executioners so that they don't wake us up at night as they do what they are going to do anyway. Or we're not going to approach the situation with Iran and nuclear weapons development by saying to them 'It's not good for you to make these weapons but since your most likely going to do it let us show you how to do it without destroying your ecosystems like we and Russia did during the cold war! Here's the way to 'safely' manufacture WMD!'

You are doing the equivalent to removing the shrapnel for long enough to sterilize the wound then reinserting the piece of shrapnel when your done. Humans, in my eye, are agents unto themselves, being promiscuous is not inevitable, we are not animals and we can, if we really try, control our desires and pasions. STD rates did not take off to the devestating levels they are at now independent of the 'sexual revolution'. If you can paint something as 'normal' and have society accept it it will become the norm. That does not mean that it is inevitable. We can acknowledge the problems without facilitating their propegation. Just because we do not make it 'safe' for all to carry out car jackings does not mean that we are not acknowledging that they occure.

Mustard Seed

New member
Originally posted by Skeptic

There is no "epidemic" of teen sex. Teens have been having sex since there have been teens. The epidemic is certain sexually transmitted diseases that are preventable by engaging in responsible sexual behavior.

If you believe such to be the case then present facts that show that the rates of sex among teens has remained near or at a constant throughout history.


Well-known member
It is to bad that every parent in this world teach their children responsible sex education so that an organization like PP is needed.
I don't say everything they do is good, but some of it is. A lot of people who do not believe in what they are doing will always find fault with them. Especially the churches. They should clean out their own closet before cleaning out PP.

Mustard Seed

New member
An answer to skeptic's sig.

Planned Parenthood and the whole of the disciples of the population bomb theory gave the orders, even though no hard evidence of a threat existed, and billions of people died unnecessarily!

A population bomb exists. But it's not exploding it's imploding. Japan, Germany, heck most of Europe will not likely survive with any semblance of their present identities in tact. Germany, if it's to maintain it's population (and it's economy) it will become an islamic state within the next 50 years. Japan's economy cannot and will not survive the comming implosion. Brazil, considered largely part of the 'developing world' may have HALF of it's female population unable to reproduce at this moment. Any economic 'benefit' caused by this rapid drop off will be VERY short lived and then will leave that great country in a downward spiral economicaly, culturaly, etc.

Tell us skeptic, or anyone, who is going to take care of you when you're old? Do you think you can escape the present outlook of senior citizens in European countries where they far outnumber any other single age group? Demographics will catch up with the world and rather than saving the world through 'population control' we will have sent the world stage into a downward spiral with instability and unbalance as the key catalysts. The likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao rise when the world is in such bad times. Communism and all other evil dictatorial regimes thrive in chaos. That chaos is comming and it is largely the effect of 'sexual revolution' and the dogma of and 'exploding population bomb'.

Mustard Seed

New member
Originally posted by keypurr

It is to bad that every parent in this world teach their children responsible sex education so that an organization like PP is needed.
I don't say everything they do is good, but some of it is. A lot of people who do not believe in what they are doing will always find fault with them. Especially the churches. They should clean out their own closet before cleaning out PP.

The illusion that they are 'needed' is a dangerous one. I concure with your illusion to the problems much of society faces in confronting the very organization that their neglegence permited in. I do not see the reasoning in dismissing what they do because others are hypocritical. To allow Hitler to continue on his path of death and destruction is not a sane conclusion for one to reach simply because europe and the world provided an enviroment for him to pop up. If we refuse to fight the problems our neglegence has caused we will all be damned to destruction.

Just because someone is stupid and runs around without a coat on in the cold of winter and catchs a cold does not mean that they should surrender their life to the disease simply because their neglegence let it in.


New member
Pray tell, what is being "measured up" and why? On second thought, don't. Please, just continue on in your lack of wisdom.

"I told my frined about these rulers and he said he wanted to buy one and get another ruler that's 12" long that has the word, "Yes" on it."

Seems lighthouse's friend figured it out.

"Measured up" is a play on a particular concern that, as I understand it, bothers most boys at some stage of their development, regardless of whether they are or plan to be sexually active.

It's also a topic that girls tend to touch on, again regardless of actual sexual activity... probably initially through (non-sexual) contact with aforementioned boys, and later through harmless and inevitable curiousity.

Plays on such concerns bring them into the open and reassure teens that they are normal. I really don't see the harm in that, and I also really doubt that any kid is going to encounter one of these rulers and rush out to lose their virginity to the first passably attractive stranger.


New member
Originally posted by Mustard Seed

An answer to skeptic's sig.

Planned Parenthood and the whole of the disciples of the population bomb theory gave the orders, even though no hard evidence of a threat existed, and billions of people died unnecessarily!

A population bomb exists. But it's not exploding it's imploding. Japan, Germany, heck most of Europe will not likely survive with any semblance of their present identities in tact. Germany, if it's to maintain it's population (and it's economy) it will become an islamic state within the next 50 years. Japan's economy cannot and will not survive the comming implosion. Brazil, considered largely part of the 'developing world' may have HALF of it's female population unable to reproduce at this moment. Any economic 'benefit' caused by this rapid drop off will be VERY short lived and then will leave that great country in a downward spiral economicaly, culturaly, etc.

Tell us skeptic, or anyone, who is going to take care of you when you're old? Do you think you can escape the present outlook of senior citizens in European countries where they far outnumber any other single age group? Demographics will catch up with the world and rather than saving the world through 'population control' we will have sent the world stage into a downward spiral with instability and unbalance as the key catalysts. The likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao rise when the world is in such bad times. Communism and all other evil dictatorial regimes thrive in chaos. That chaos is comming and it is largely the effect of 'sexual revolution' and the dogma of and 'exploding population bomb'.
You're off topic.

But, what's your solution to the population situation?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by firechyld

"Measured up" is a play on a particular concern that, as I understand it, bothers most boys at some stage of their development, regardless of whether they are or plan to be sexually active.

And thank you for pointing out the other obvious problem with the "ruler". Not only are girls being exploited by plannedbarrenhood, but now boys are, too.

Mustard Seed

New member
Originally posted by Skeptic

You're off topic.

But, what's your solution to the population situation?

I thought the topic was the perverse nature of Planned Parenthood. To avoid any further cries of being of topic I'll just stick my answer on a new thread I'll create about population problems.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by firechyld

Uh... am I the only one who bothered to check out the "teenwire" site?

All I'm seeing is some decent answers to questions that teens ask, some news stories, and some fairly decent advice.

As for this...

... almost everything on that site is aimed at reducing pregnancy rates. There's some really sound contraception advice there.

You don't have to accept the site as a positive thing, but at least go to the trouble of looking at it before you condemn it.

Can anything good come from Planned Parenthood? Oh I forgot, eugenics...:shocked:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Skeptic The efforts by fundies to stop teens from having any sex until they are married has been and will continue to be misguided and a failure.
Only in your family.


New member
And thank you for pointing out the other obvious problem with the "ruler". Not only are girls being exploited by plannedbarrenhood, but now boys are, too.

How the hell are they being exploited? They're being reassured that their fears are normal.

Or do you seriously think that concerns over penis size wouldn't exist if Planned Parenthood disappeared? :rolleyes:


Merely Christian

How would you like your "partner" to dismiss you on "over use" with a measuring stick if you didn't "measure up"? You are such a knucklehead.


New member
if Planned Parenthood disappeared?

Good thought - and to add - Planned Parenthood is an abortion referral agency. They seemed to think that if abortion were allowed that every child would be a wanted child - but after promoting their agenda - child abuse has gone up seven hundred per-cent - really strange but they keep plugging along on the idea that what they do is good, and they use underhanded means to talk people into an abortion - not telling them of the facts - like over half of the women who have an abortion will never have a child - they hide that one from the young women who they talk into having an abortion. Women should sue if they have been talked into an abortion and not been told the facts.

With Christ's Love



Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101

Women should sue if they have been talked into an abortion and not been told the facts.

Actually one did, in Australia. She won her case over "informed consent".


New member
How would you like your "partner" to dismiss you on "over use" with a measuring stick if you didn't "measure up"? You are such a knucklehead.

What the hell are you talking about?

Reassuring kids that their fears are normal... how did you get from that to your statement?


Merely Christian
Obviously, you still haven't figured out what is being measured and why....

"Reassuring kids their fears" about their pubescent bodies "are normal"? I wonder why so many girls feel compelled to become anorexic or bulimic. Maybe it's because they aren't "measuring up" to someone else's standard. I've always wondered what sort of nut would support people who murder children, now I know.


New member
Actually one did, in Australia. She won her case over "informed consent".

You are well informed - possibly this is what would do more for the unborn - to have their mothers informed of the facts of abortion.

With Christ's Love
