Abortion Photos Real, NY Times Fake

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Problem: the corpse of Emmett Till was thrown into the Tallahatchie River like trash by his killers, then retrieved by the police. His mother and Jet Magazine, in turn, displayed and photographed this dead child. Such activities displayed a lack of respect for Emmett, to put it mildly...

Solution: when the remains of Emmett were retrieved, he should have been buried in a cemetery either on church property designated for such purposes, or in a public cemetery in a plot specially set aside for this.


Well for one thing the proper burial of Emmett Till would certainly hve been the least his mother could have done for him. The Tallahatchie River was hardly the best she could have done for his last resting place.

For another this is, to be blunt, a move that is certain to draw some attention. Before Emmett's murder, civil rights activists had engaged in nonviolent protests; an actual cemetery with the actual remains of Emmett Till would have lent much greater impact.

Should any attempt have been made to block the cemetery, certainly those advocating for it and the public at large would have been entitled to an explanation. This as well would have proven provocative.

If the white racist lynchers objected to the retrieval of the Emmett's remains their explanation as well would be rather revealing.

This would have set Emmett to rest with dignity and compassion. It would not have, however, victimized other murdered blacks one more time by handling and posing them like cheap props used for shock value and attention
Kinda puts it in perspective, huh Granite?


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Maybe a casket and a plot should be required? or at least a proper cremation in a licenced creamatorium. That would drive the cost up, if we can't convince em on morals hit em in the pocketbook.

On the pictures.
If during WWII you had pics of those gas chambers and the bodies in them wouldn't you plaster those on the side of a truck and drive it thru the nearest town? So the towns people couldn't say they didn't know?

Obviously that analogy is lacking because you would have been picked up and shot by the Ghestapo or SS or whoever but in that difference is something quite telling.
We CAN show the world what's happening behind those walls, we are without excuse.


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Maybe a casket and a plot should be required? or at least a proper cremation in a licenced creamatorium. That would drive the cost up, if we can't convince em on morals hit em in the pocketbook.

On the pictures.
If during WWII you had pics of those gas chambers and the bodies in them wouldn't you plaster those on the side of a truck and drive it thru the nearest town? So the towns people couldn't say they didn't know?

Obviously that analogy is lacking because you would have been picked up and shot by the Ghestapo or SS or whoever but in that difference is something quite telling.
We CAN show the world what's happening behind those walls, we are without excuse.

A dignified burial strikes me as a very obvious and right thing to do. Again: I've never gotten a straight answer on what exactly is done to these children once they've been photographed. Seems a little odd.

Well, as you said, the analogy isn't perfect (neither's Jefferson's) but the people in most cases did indeed know what was going on. They could smell the stench of burning flesh for miles around Auschwitz.


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A dignified burial strikes me as a very obvious and right thing to do. Again: I've never gotten a straight answer on what exactly is done to these children once they've been photographed. Seems a little odd.
From the article I gathered that they were buried in a mass grave, presided over by a Priest, although how they figured they were all Catholic is beyond me.
The new abortion mill in Denver featured it's own incinerator if I recall. Good way to reduce any evidence leaking out while they wait for the truck ride to the commercial site, imagine how proud they must be, they kill so many people they need their own disposal unit.

That actually gives me an idea! Someone could make a small bussiness selling tiny caskets in front of the abortion mill.
"Going to kill you child? Don't send em to the burn barrel! Get one of these nifty caskets for you unborn child! After $300 for the murder the least you can do is invest $20 on a casket to assuage your guilt!
Every casket comes with a post mortum Baptisim! You can't beat these prices!"
Mahogany with brass and silk lining =$50
Oak with pewter and velvet = $30
Pine with stainlees and felt =$20
Balsawood with buble wrap and plastic=$10
Well, as you said, the analogy isn't perfect (neither's Jefferson's) but the people in most cases did indeed know what was going on. They could smell the stench of burning flesh for miles around Auschwitz.
FDR knew as well, the Air Corps had noticed that people went in but none came out, they asked for permission to bomb the rail lines into Aushwitz in 1944 but FDR felt that the industrial complex was more important.

Perhaps if the newreels had shown the truth priorities could have been changed.


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I've never gotten a straight answer on what exactly is done to these children once they've been photographed. Seems a little odd.
Regarding the most famous abortion photo of baby Malachi, from Operation Save America: "We buried Malachi at the Cemetery of the Innocents in Dallas, Texas, in the summer of 1993. The funeral was held at the mammoth front portico of the Dallas City Hall."

Well, as you said, the analogy isn't perfect (neither's Jefferson's)
Give us an example of what you would consider to be a "perfect" analogy.


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Regarding the most famous abortion photo of baby Malachi, from Operation Save America: "We buried Malachi at the Cemetery of the Innocents in Dallas, Texas, in the summer of 1993. The funeral was held at the mammoth front portico of the Dallas City Hall."

Give us an example of what you would consider to be a "perfect" analogy.

Well, good to know what happened in at least one case.

Analogies generally aren't, in my experience.


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From the article I gathered that they were buried in a mass grave, presided over by a Priest, although how they figured they were all Catholic is beyond me.
The new abortion mill in Denver featured it's own incinerator if I recall. Good way to reduce any evidence leaking out while they wait for the truck ride to the commercial site, imagine how proud they must be, they kill so many people they need their own disposal unit.

That actually gives me an idea! Someone could make a small bussiness selling tiny caskets in front of the abortion mill.
"Going to kill you child? Don't send em to the burn barrel! Get one of these nifty caskets for you unborn child! After $300 for the murder the least you can do is invest $20 on a casket to assuage your guilt!
Every casket comes with a post mortum Baptisim! You can't beat these prices!"
Mahogany with brass and silk lining =$50
Oak with pewter and velvet = $30
Pine with stainlees and felt =$20
Balsawood with buble wrap and plastic=$10

FDR knew as well, the Air Corps had noticed that people went in but none came out, they asked for permission to bomb the rail lines into Aushwitz in 1944 but FDR felt that the industrial complex was more important.

Perhaps if the newreels had shown the truth priorities could have been changed.

This reminds me that Tiller actually offered some ghastly burial "services" of his own. Bizarre.

Well we won't ever know, although the topic's still debated today...not that I think it has a whole lot of bearing on the subject matter of this thread.

As it stands today the pro-life movement is in no position to end abortion, a war that is designed--with shock tactics such as this--to be fought, not won. The continuation of the struggle, and not its demise, is what is truly motivating the lion's share of the movement. Alienating the public, horrifying them, and deliberately provoking them guarantees no possibility whatsoever of making advances on this issue. I do not believe that's entirely accidental.


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I'd like someone (other than Clete the Clueless) to try to answer the following:

If your mother was raped and murdered would you carry a picture of her naked body to show your support for the death penalty?

What right do we have to photograph the corpses of strangers and use them for any kind of agenda?

What happens to the corpses of aborted children once they're done being posed and photographed?


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If only the baby had Down's Syndrome, then it would be ok to kill it.

I also wholeheartedly support the vast majority of women who choose to abort a Down's Syndrome fetus rather than saddle themselves with a perpetually dependent child.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'd like someone (other than Clete the Clueless) to try to answer the following:

If your mother was raped and murdered would you carry a picture of her naked body to show your support for the death penalty?

What right do we have to photograph the corpses of strangers and use them for any kind of agenda?

What happens to the corpses of aborted children once they're done being posed and photographed?
If raping and murdering my mother were legal, and the natural pictures were shocking; yes, just like Master Till.


New member
Hall of Fame

If rape was legal...wow. You know Clete the Clueless has already tried that asinine qualifier once. And it's not what I asked. Perhaps I should clarify:

Right now, in the actual world we live in, would you walk around with a picture of your mother's raped naked corpse to show how much you support the death penalty?

Yes or no. Why or why not.


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Right now, in the actual world we live in, would you walk around with a picture of your mother's raped naked corpse to show how much you support the death penalty?

Yes or no. Why or why not.
No, because there is a difference between a naked baby and a naked adult. However, Jews today don't protest the films showing the naked bodies of their adult relatives who were holocaust victims.


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Hall of Fame
No, because there is a difference between a naked baby and a naked adult. However, Jews today don't protest the films showing the naked bodies of their adult relatives who were holocaust victims.

Ah, getting closer, I think. What's the difference, in your opinion?

Specific reasons for not parading a picture of a dead infant stranger as opposed to a dead adult loved one.


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Super Moderator
Ah, getting closer, I think. What's the difference, in your opinion?

Specific reasons for not parading a picture of a dead infant stranger as opposed to a dead adult loved one.
Because there are enough rapist perverts out there who would get a sexual thrill from seeing those photos. Same reason why no media outlet publishes naked photos of raped children - it would cater to too many pedophiles out there. But I've never heard of a case of anyone having a fetish about naked infants. And if there are some people out there who have that fetish then their percentage of the population has to be too insignificant to matter to this issue.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Granite: Emmett Till

Granite: Emmett Till

hopefully--provide these children a burial...

Then parade the pictures of the defenseless dead in broad daylight.

Granite, they are defenseless and dead because of those like you who support child killers.

And after having been killed en masse by the child killers you fawn all over, then, by the thousands, they have been lovingly buried, by the thousands, by Christian pro-lifers.

Clete, thanks for your excellent rebuttal of this wicked man. And thanks for mentioning the necessary showing of the grotesque photos of the Holocaust, necessary even until this day, even though that mass murder has ceased.

And Emmett Till's open-casket funeral did not exploit him, and the whole world, that is, the part of the world not mired in the guilt of racism, was thankful for the courage to show his mutilated body.

[UPDATE: I have not read the whole thread, and now Jefferson, I just saw that you linked to Emmett's funeral report. Thanks! It's an honor to fight for the innocent with you men!!]

Granite is evil, and he will realize that if not before, then by Judgment Day, after years of the blood of dead children crying out to God for vengeance (Rev. 6:10).

-Bob Enyart

Bob Enyart

Staff member
As to those ghastly photos offered by Tiller, just go to any combination you can think of for:

The George Tiller Memorial Remembering Dr Tiller

in .org or .com


The Dark Knight
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Because there are enough rapist perverts out there who would get a sexual thrill from seeing those photos. Same reason why no media outlet publishes naked photos of raped children - it would cater to too many pedophiles out there. But I've never heard of a case of anyone having a fetish about naked infants. And if there are some people out there who have that fetish then their percentage of the population has to be too insignificant to matter to this issue.
I think the number of those into dead, torn apart, and bloody naked babies is even smaller.

Granite, they are defenseless and dead because of those like you who support child killers.

And after having been killed en masse by the child killers you fawn all over, then, by the thousands, they have been lovingly buried, by the thousands, by Christian pro-lifers.

Clete, thanks for your excellent rebuttal of this wicked man. And thanks for mentioning the necessary showing of the grotesque photos of the Holocaust, necessary even until this day, even though that mass murder has ceased.

And Emmett Till's open-casket funeral did not exploit him, and the whole world, that is, the part of the world not mired in the guilt of racism, was thankful for the courage to show his mutilated body.

[UPDATE: I have not read the whole thread, and now Jefferson, I just saw that you linked to Emmett's funeral report. Thanks! It's an honor to fight for the innocent with you men!!]

Granite is evil, and he will realize that if not before, then by Judgment Day, after years of the blood of dead children crying out to God for vengeance (Rev. 6:10).

-Bob Enyart
OK, I know Granite's evil, and an idiot, but he has always claimed to be pro-life. But, then again, I think he supports Ron Paul and his idea to let the states choose.


New member
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Because there are enough rapist perverts out there who would get a sexual thrill from seeing those photos. Same reason why no media outlet publishes naked photos of raped children - it would cater to too many pedophiles out there. But I've never heard of a case of anyone having a fetish about naked infants. And if there are some people out there who have that fetish then their percentage of the population has to be too insignificant to matter to this issue.

So you distinguish between exploitation and titillation. A fair enough line to draw, although I wonder if it's easier to manhandle the corpses of strangers (especially small ones without many advocates) than it is to use the picture of someone you care about for shock value.
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