Abortion-a crying shame. (HOF thread)

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Deal with Skull and Bones. Until then, you're fooling yourself.

You mean GW's and Kerry's membership in this exclussive,by invitation club, at Yale? :think:


New member
Originally posted by Art Deco

I don't wear rose colored glasses when it comes to evaluating politicians or politics in general. My honest evaluation of the Republican Party as of now, (it may change if they change) is that by and large the Republican Party is clearly Pro-life. The Democrat Party is beyond all doubt clearly pro-abortion with few exceptions. Am I over stating the political party's positions on abortion?
I'd say you're understating their position. Look at other "pro-family" issues such as the Federal Marriage Ammendment. Even with a Republican dominated house and senate if failed.

Christine, you claim to have "seen the light" re: the Republican Party. Exactly what has this light exposed to you about the Republican Party?
I'm willing, unlike you, to admitt that the Republican party is just as corrupt as the Democratic party. I've "faced up" to that light.

I respect your assertion that you are a "pro-life" conservative. Under the circumstances, calling you a Democrat was certainly hurtful and I apologize. I promise to be on my best behavior in future discussions. I stand corrected. :eek:
Good. :)


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

You mean GW's and Kerry's membership in this exclussive,by invitation club, at Yale? :think:

Yep. Considering the history and influence of Bones, the fact that both candidates are members means this is pretty much just a beauty contest.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Don't change the subject. Your candidate's a Bonesman and so is his opponent. You've got blinders on, Art.

I'm not changing the subject, just bringing a little clarity to the discussion. :think:


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

I'm not changing the subject, just bringing a little clarity to the discussion. :think:

It's clear these guys are members of the same clique. If this isn't a rigged "election" I don't know what is.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by avatar382

Absolutely right. I am one of these people - opposing abortion only in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters...
What will you think when we have the technology to support the life of a first trimester baby outside the womb.


New member
Originally posted by deardelmar

What will you think when we have the technology to support the life of a first trimester baby outside the womb.

I don't believe a embryo/fetus is a person until it has a functioning central nervous system, brain, spine, etc and is capable of some kind of awareness.

It doesn't matter if it's developing in a real womb, or a surrogate one...

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by avatar382

I don't believe a embryo/fetus is a person until it has a functioning central nervous system, brain, spine, etc and is capable of some kind of awareness.

It doesn't matter if it's developing in a real womb, or a surrogate one...
Using your criteria for a person, leaves you clearly on the outside looking in. You obviously are not cabable of any clarity of thought, or awareness. :nono:


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Re: Abortion-a crying shame.

Re: Abortion-a crying shame.

Originally posted by Crow

This thread contains pictures of aborted babies.

I am placing this warning here not to sensationalize this thread, but because when an image of an aborted child was posted in another thread, a person requested that there be a warning posted. This is a reasonable request. I would not want young kids to be looking over my shoulder when these images load. Many people are unable to stand looking at graphic pictures of dead babies.

It was made evident in another thread that some people still do not realize the extent to which our society condones the murder of children. There is a misconception that lumps of unrecognizable human tissue are being aborted. This thread is going to show exactly what goes into the incinerators and medical waste containers, so if you have a weak stomach or cannot bear to look at the images of dead children, please procede no furthur in this thread. If you wish to add photographs, please do so. Sometimes it is necessary to see the fruits of evil to understand the wickedness of those who promote the murder of babies. Look at these pictures yourself and decide if these are lumps of tissue.

This thread contains pictures of aborted babies.
Just a reminder of what this thread is about!


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Anne

The Partial Birth Abortion ban is not much of a ban at all:

In what can only be described as the mildest abortion restrictions that one could possibly put into words, Sec.1531 instructs the "doctor" to make sure and kill the child before "in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother". Or "in the case of breech presentation", make sure the child is killed before "any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother". (Actual text of SB S.3 in quotes)

With toothless restrictions like that, it is highly unlikely that even a single life will be saved. The only thing this will do is to make sure all the children are killed before the "entire fetal head" or the "fetal trunk past the navel" is showing. We waited thirty years for this?

Partial Birth Abortion ban - THE BETRAYAL IS NOW COMPLETE
That is a great article, Anne. I'm going to post it in a new thread.


New member
The key issue for me on abortion is doing what we can to save the needless slaughter of the innocent in the long term. In a democracy you cannot just ban abortion even though that is the end game. You first need to persuade people that this is the right thing to do. Otherwise they will just elect another person who will reverse all the changes that you make and probably make things worse by reaction.

GW Bush is good for America on this issue cause he is moving the nation in the right direction. He is also unlike Kerry clear in his opposition to abortion on a personal level.

The key argument used to favour abortion before 24 weeks has been viability. However a child can already survive outside the womb as early as 22 weeks so the case to put the limit back is already there. As technology improves artificial wombs may preserve the life of the child at an even early stage. Eventually the argument of viability will not be a viable one. Since most abortions occur before 12 weeks why is such an issue to those who favour abortion to put the limit back even further.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
The SCOTUS could and should overturn Rowe VS Wade! They had no right to declare that unborn people are not people! People , under the constitution,can't be deprived of life without due process!