Abortion-a crying shame. (HOF thread)

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Christine

The Republican dominated Senate may have passed a Partial Birth Abortion Ban, but it was a Republican dominated supreme court that voted to leagalize abortion in the first place back in 1973. Seven of the nine justices serving during Roe V. Wade were Republicans. With these odds, and the mindset that the republicans are "pro-life" Roe V. Wade should not have passed. Since it did pass, the Republicans can not be considered pro-life. BTW: on the Roe V. Wade decision one of the Democrats had more sense than most of those Republicans and voted against Roe V. Wade.

Listen, a Secular Humanist Republican is no different than a Secular Humanist Democrat. Appointments to the Supreme Court approved and supported by the left-wing American Bar Association and the nominee left leaning enough to get Democrat approval in the Senate, will always give us a less than "conservative" court. When was the last time we had a conservative Supreme Court?

It seems odd that given the effort to appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court by GW and the constant obstruction of these appointments by the Pro-Abortion Democrats in the Senate, that you would discount or dismiss the notion that the Republican Party stands for the defense of the unborn child. :confused:


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

Listen, you're nibbling at the margins here. The Republican Party is Pro-life. The Secular Humanist Democrat Party is emphatically pro- abortion. It's a numbers game in the Senate. You have to get 60 votes to break a filibuster. Any Republican who did not vote with his party to break the Democrat filibuster should be given a closet for an office and no money for staff.

...you still didn't answer my question.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

Would you mind restating your Q for the record? :confused:

If a pro-abort Republican was running for president, would you vote for him or not? Sooner or later, given the GOP's direction, this is going to happen.


New member
Question for you, Deco:

Peroutka, candidate for the Constitution party, has stated on his website, http://www.peroutka2004.com, under the title "An Abortion Free America by January 2005":

I am Michael A. Peroutka and I am running for President on the Constitution Party ticket. I am 100% pro-life, all nine months, no exceptions. In fact, I am so pro-life, that if elected I promise that abortion will end my first day in office.

Now, Dubya has been in office for 4 years, yet abortion is still legal. Now either A.) Peroutka grossly exaggerates or doesn't understand his potential power if elected president, or B.) Bush is not 100% pro-life.

Which do you think it is?


New member
Originally posted by Art Deco

Three Republicans in the Senate (Out of a majority of Republicans) and four in the House (out of a numerical majority in the House). This is your evidence that the Republican Party is not pro-life? Why did you make a statement you can't defend by the facts?
No, that is not my evidence. That is a list of the Republicans who opposed the bill that would ban partial-birth abortion and the Democrats who supported it. You might consider everyone who voted for that bill pro-life but I have my doubts about some of them. Do you really think Tom Dashle is willing to stand up for the unborn? I sure don't but he voted for this bill. All I was saying about this particular bill is it was an extremely easy bill to vote for once conservatives started telling people how cruel this form of abortion really is. But the true on-the-street pro-lifers weren't impressed with it and have told me that they don't think it will save a single child.
Go ahead and get nasty, forget about polite...You made an unfounded assertion that the Republican Party is not anti-abortion. The facts keep getting in our way. You must be a closet Democrat.
Art, I'm not a "closet democrat", a liberal, a humanist, or or anything of the kind. In fact, I doubt many people would consider me anything but a hardcore christian conservative. All I'm saying is that the republicans do not match that description. Are you are so gung-ho about the Republican Party that you can't stand someone asking legitimate questions about it?

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

If a pro-abort Republican was running for president, would you vote for him or not? Sooner or later, given the GOP's direction, this is going to happen.

No, out of principle, I would not vote for a pro-abortion Republican. I would vote for a pro-life Democrat. The issue of abortion is the greatest moral issue of our time. Everything else pales by comparison.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Imrahil

No, that is not my evidence. That is a list of the Republicans who opposed the bill that would ban partial-birth abortion and the Democrats who supported it. You might consider everyone who voted for that bill pro-life but I have my doubts about some of them. Do you really think Tom Dashle is willing to stand up for the unborn? I sure don't but he voted for this bill. All I was saying about this particular bill is it was an extremely easy bill to vote for once conservatives started telling people how cruel this form of abortion really is. But the true on-the-street pro-lifers weren't impressed with it and have told me that they don't think it will save a single child.
Imrahil, it was not an easy Bill to vote for as atested to by the fact that the overwhelming majority of Democrats voted against it and condemned the Bill as a back door attack on the temple of abortion. I have been an on the street pro-life sign carrying anti-abortion foot soldier in Ventura, CA. back in '85. I can tell you any attack on abortion is worthwhule, especially this barbaric form of abortion.

Posted by Imrahil:
Art, I'm not a "closet democrat", a liberal, a humanist, or or anything of the kind. In fact, I doubt many people would consider me anything but a hardcore christian conservative. All I'm saying is that the republicans do not match that description. Are you are so gung-ho about the Republican Party that you can't stand someone asking legitimate questions about it?

Imrahil, as a brother in the faith, you must recognize that of the two major political parties. The Democrats bask in the recognition that they and they alone are the Party of aborton on demand. The Republican Party by default has become the Pro-life Party. Peace bro.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

No, out of principle, I would not vote for a pro-abortion Republican. I would vote for a pro-life Democrat. The issue of abortion is the greatest moral issue of our time. Everything else pales by comparison.

Thanks for clarifying. Although I wonder if you'd stay home on election day if the two candidates for president were both pro-choice.


New member
Originally posted by Art Deco

Imrahil, it was not an easy Bill to vote for as atested to by the fact that the overwhelming majority of Democrats voted against it and condemned the Bill as a back door attack on the temple of abortion. I have been an on the street pro-life sign carrying anti-abortion foot soldier in Ventura, CA. back in '85. I can tell you any attack on abortion is worthwhule, especially this barbaric form of abortion.
Thank you so much for your efforts on behalf of the children you were trying to save. I agree that every little bit helps in this crucial battle but I don't think this was much more than that: a little bit.

Imrahil, as a brother in the faith, you must recognize that of the two major political parties. The Democrats bask in the recognition that they and they alone are the Party of aborton on demand. The Republican Party by default has become the Pro-life Party. Peace bro.
I agree with you that the Democratic Party is evil and corrupt in so many ways. I also think that there is hope for the Republican Party but I don't think it is by any means completely on our side. I hope and pray that we can change it but I have my doubts.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Imrahil I agree with you that the Democratic Party is evil and corrupt in so many ways. I also think that there is hope for the Republican Party but I don't think it is by any means completely on our side. I hope and pray that we can change it but I have my doubts.
My only point in our discussion has always been and will remain, as Christians we know what Party supports and defends abortion, the Secular Humanist anti-God Democrat Party. Knowing that, how could a God fearing Christian vote for a pro-abortion Democrat? :confused:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Thanks for clarifying. Although I wonder if you'd stay home on election day if the two candidates for president were both pro-choice.
I'd vote for a Third Party candidate that ran a pro-life campaign or start a grass roots campaign to start a new Political Party state wide.


New member
Originally posted by Art Deco

My only point in our discussion has always been and will remain, as Christians we know what Party supports and defends abortion, the Secular Humanist anti-God Democrat Party. Knowing that, how could a God fearing Christian vote for a pro-abortion Democrat? :confused:
I don't know. They would either have to be ignorant about this issue or simply not care.


New member
Originally posted by Art Deco

Listen, a Secular Humanist Republican is no different than a Secular Humanist Democrat. Appointments to the Supreme Court approved and supported by the left-wing American Bar Association and the nominee left leaning enough to get Democrat approval in the Senate, will always give us a less than "conservative" court. When was the last time we had a conservative Supreme Court?
Ok, so you admitt that the Supreme Court Justices are, and have been for some time, liberal (even the Republican Justices). Yet, you claim the Republicans are pro-life. Are you saying the the Supreme Court Justices are an exception?

It seems odd that given the effort to appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court by GW and the constant obstruction of these appointments by the Pro-Abortion Democrats in the Senate, that you would discount or dismiss the notion that the Republican Party stands for the defense of the unborn child. :confused:
Bringing up President Bush, even he isn't pro-life! If you search through interviews he's given, etc. you will find that he does not want to get rid of aborion completely. He believes there should be fewer abortions than there are now, but that abortions should be leagal. This is not the opinion of a pro-life candidate, but instead that of a pro-abortion candidate.


New member
Bringing up President Bush, even he isn't pro-life! If you search through interviews he's given, etc. you will find that he does not want to get rid of aborion completely. He believes there should be fewer abortions than there are now, but that abortions should be leagal. This is not the opinion of a pro-life candidate, but instead that of a pro-abortion candidate.

Thank you for this comment.

Question: do you personally think Bush supports abortion because he's pro choice, or that he personally opposes it, but his policy is what it is for political reasons?


New member
Originally posted by avatar382

Thank you for this comment.

Question: do you personally think Bush supports abortion because he's pro choice, or that he personally opposes it, but his policy is what it is for political reasons?
I honestly don't know. For the first lady Laura Bush, I know that she shares this view due to her being pro-choice. I'm not sure if you can apply the same reason to her husband, though.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Christine

Ok, so you admitt that the Supreme Court Justices are, and have been for some time, liberal (even the Republican Justices). Yet, you claim the Republicans are pro-life. Are you saying the the Supreme Court Justices are an exception?
Okay you can beat a dead horse all night long on the issue of how pro-life the Republican Party really is. The fact remanins, only a Republican President and Republican majorities in the House and Senate, could have passed into law the "Partial Birth Abortion ban. All the nay-saying can't obfuscate that fact. Deny the Democrats were fighting the Bill tooth and nail...

Clinton vetoed the Partial Birth Abortion Bill twice. George Bush signed the Bill when it hit his desk. Which one is demonstrably Pro-life?