Abortion-a crying shame. (HOF thread)


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If "personhood" is the quality that entitles a human to life, and "personhood" hinges on sentinence, the comatose and the fetus have the same condition--potential for sentinence. This potential is considerably higher in the fetus. Kill the comatose, and they don't know what they're missing. Literally. The same as the fetus.

I guess neither of us will budge on the comatose vs. 1 week old zygote issue, so I propose we move on.

Question for you: Why do you believe that a human's life is more precious than say a dolphin's, a cow's, or even an insect?

I know that living humans, whether comatose, retarded, sleeping, or fetal have an inherent right to not be hacked to death. Because of humanity.

What, preciesely, do you mean by "humanity"? Are you referring to the mere quality of being a member of the homo sapiens species? Or is there something else that makes human life precious (or more precious than any other life)? If so, why?

I'd like to clarify that I personally believe a human's life is worth more than an animal or other being. I just want to explore why you believe it, in an effort to figure out where my reasons differ from yours. I believe we hold a difference of opinion in this area and it would be interesting to explore it.
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Originally posted by Art Deco

The Party is Evil and the majority of those that support the Party are by extension evil. Those who are pro-life need to join the Pro-Life Republican Party.

Posted by Zak:

They need to wise up and abandon this Godless perverted Political Party. They are mentally conflicted.

Posted by Zak:

These RINOs need to leave the Republican Party and move over to the Democrat Party where they would be right at home. They can find it by following the smell...

Not all voters are single-issue voters. Hence the split in the GOP and the Democrats.

Art Deco

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Originally posted by granite1010

Not all voters are single-issue voters. Hence the split in the GOP and the Democrats.
I see, envronmental issues trump butchering a defenseless child in the womb. These are the evil sob's I'm talking about. :madmad:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Actually, Hill was behind the times. Remember his forerunner, John Brown. Another murderous fanatic wrapped in self-righteousness.

I don't recall John Brown hanging for defending the unborn child. Paul Hill was not allowed, by the trial judge, to use the defense that he was acting to protect the life of an unborn child. Paul Hill's blood is on the hands of the trial judge and the wimps in the jury.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010 And people wonder why the pro-life movement's starting to spin its wheels.
If self proclaimed Christians would wise up and vote for the Republican Party instead of the perverted pro death Party, we could end abortion within ten years.


New member
Originally posted by Art Deco

If self proclaimed Christians would wise up and vote for the Republican Party instead of the perverted pro death Party, we could end abortion within ten years.
I wish that werew true but the Republicans are hardly as pro-life as that.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Imrahil

I wish that werew true but the Republicans are hardly as pro-life as that.
You don't know what your talking about. Republicans passed the Bill banning "Partial Birth" abortion twice under Bill Clinton. He vetoed it twice being the good Nazi Democrat he is. The Bill was passed again under GW. Bush signed the Bill into law while the pro-abortion Democrats whined and pitched a hissy fit.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Imrahil

And how many children do you think that bill saved?

If it saved one it was worth the effort. Please note the Secular Humanist Democrats would not have saved any.


New member
I am by no means supporting the Democratic Party or Secular Humanism. I am merely saying that bill was of little if any use and the Republican Party is not nearly as pro-life as I wish it was.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Imrahil

I am by no means supporting the Democratic Party or Secular Humanism. I am merely saying that bill was of little if any use and the Republican Party is not nearly as pro-life as I wish it was.
That Bill was extremely important in defining the Political Party's stand on the issue of abortion. That they would not relent in the most barbaric method of killing the child speaks volumes about their evil nature.

The Republican Party would be more anti-abortion if there were less anti-God Democrats and more Republicans in Congress.


New member
How do explain the Republicans who opposed that bill or the Democrats who supported it?


New member
My point is it contradicts your point about the Republican Party being pro-life. If all the pro-abort republicans left the party then yes it would be a pro-life party but that is not the case at the moment.


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Originally posted by avatar382

I guess neither of us will budge on the comatose vs. 1 week old zygote issue, so I propose we move on.

Question for you: Why do you believe that a human's life is more precious than say a dolphin's, a cow's, or even an insect?

What, preciesely, do you mean by "humanity"? Are you referring to the mere quality of being a member of the homo sapiens species? Or is there something else that makes human life precious (or more precious than any other life)? If so, why?

I'd like to clarify that I personally believe a human's life is worth more than an animal or other being. I just want to explore why you believe it, in an effort to figure out where my reasons differ from yours. I believe we hold a difference of opinion in this area and it would be interesting to explore it.

What I mean by humanity is a living organism of the human species at any point in the life cycle.

Why I feel that human life is more precious than other life is the human being posseses a soul and the possibility of eternal life and relationship with God.

I am certain that we hold a difference of opinion in this area.


New member
Regarding the 1 week zygote you (Avatar382) keep harping about. Do you have any statistics of the number of abortions being performed on unborn babies that are only 1 week old? Probably not, the mother wouldn't even know she was pregnant yet. The earliest the mother could find out that she was pregnant would be about three weeks along when the baby's heart is already beating. Most abortions are performed between 6 and 9 weeks when the baby already has brain waves.

Question for you: Why do you believe that a human's life is more precious than say a dolphin's, a cow's, or even an insect?

The answer is found in God's word: Genesis 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

Maybe one day this madness of killing unborn children will be stopped and the abortionists will be tried and executed. The modern methods of capital punishment seem too merciful for the ruthless killers of babies. Maybe something like being drawn and quartered may be more suitable punishment. They may then be able to identify with all those unborn babies who suffered their final moments in agony.:aikido:


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

I don't recall John Brown hanging for defending the unborn child. Paul Hill was not allowed, by the trial judge, to use the defense that he was acting to protect the life of an unborn child. Paul Hill's blood is on the hands of the trial judge and the wimps in the jury.

You miss my point (maybe deliberately). Brown was another self-appointed warrior of God who tried to justify his murder and terrorism. He hanged and Hill was executed as well because they happened to be murderers defending themselves through self-righteousness. Hill was a fanatic and a murderer; nothing in the world changes that. Either just come out and say you agree with what he did, or condemn Hill's shotgun justice. Quit dancing around this.


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

If self proclaimed Christians would wise up and vote for the Republican Party instead of the perverted pro death Party, we could end abortion within ten years.

We've been saying that since 1980 (dominated the White House for an entire decade) and we still have abortion. We elected two Republicans in nationwide landslides. Obviously we're doing something wrong.


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Originally posted by Art Deco

I see, envronmental issues trump butchering a defenseless child in the womb. These are the evil sob's I'm talking about. :madmad:

Don't know where you got that. I'm just saying a lot of people are not single-issue voters.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Imrahil

My point is it contradicts your point about the Republican Party being pro-life. If all the pro-abort republicans left the party then yes it would be a pro-life party but that is not the case at the moment.

It does no such thing. The Republican Party is Pro-life. The Democrat Party is Pro-abortion. Your argument is for the weak minded. :thefool: