Abortion-a crying shame. (HOF thread)


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If the Republican Party is pro-life why are so many Republicans pro-aborts? Some of the biggest names in the Republican Party are not only pro-aborts, they support partial-birth abortion such as Rudy Guiliani.


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Hall of Fame
It just goes to show that party labels are worthless. There's not a significant difference between the two the higher you go.


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Why I feel that human life is more precious than other life is the human being posseses a soul and the possibility of eternal life and relationship with God.

Ah-ha. You are absolutely right, we have a fundamental difference in opinion. I am not convinced that either God or souls exist, as in my eyes, there is no emphirical evidence to support the assertation that they do.

I believe that our capability for higher thought, reason, advanced range of emotions, etc is what separates us from other animals....

If you think about it, in practice, people instinctivly use the same critera... the "higher" the animal, generally speaking, the more value we assign to its life has. Example:

bacteria vs. earthworms vs. mice vs. parrots vs. people

Anyway, I'm rambling. Since I believe this discussion is now a matter of religious opinion that has been beat to death, I suggest we agree to disagree.

Nice chatting with you. :)


New member
Regarding the 1 week zygote you (Avatar382) keep harping about. Do you have any statistics of the number of abortions being performed on unborn babies that are only 1 week old? Probably not, the mother wouldn't even know she was pregnant yet. The earliest the mother could find out that she was pregnant would be about three weeks along when the baby's heart is already beating. Most abortions are performed between 6 and 9 weeks when the baby already has brain waves.

Could you please provide me with a source? Every single online resource I can find states that the unborn child doesn't fully develop his central nervous system until late in the second trimester. In the first trimester, the brain is developing and the synapses are connecting, but there is no cerebral cortex - and no true brain activity.

The answer is found in God's word: Genesis 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

I know you revere the Bible as Gospel truth, but honestly, it means nothing to me. I do get your point though - you value human life more than other life due to your religious beliefs... which is fine, but since I don't hold the same beliefs you do, we'll just have to agree to disagree on that point...


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

It just goes to show that party labels are worthless. There's not a significant difference between the two the higher you go.
I believe the Democratic Party is basically and fundamentally flawed. I see some hope for the Republican Party because it is better and there are more pro-life Republicans than Democrats but neither of the parties are truly pro-life.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Imrahil

I believe the Democratic Party is basically and fundamentally flawed. I see some hope for the Republican Party because it is better and there are more pro-life Republicans than Democrats but neither of the parties are truly pro-life.

Imrahil, the Secular Humanist Democrat Party is fatally flawed. Only the Republican Party is Pro-life. Democrats in Congress are obstructionists when it comes to advancing the Republican pro-life agenda.


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I realize that the Democratic Party is evil. I'm simply saying that the Republican Party is not very interested in protecting the unborn.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Imrahil

I realize that the Democratic Party is evil. I'm simply saying that the Republican Party is not very interested in protecting the unborn.
I'm surprised you can't seem to find the connection between an obstructionist pro-abortion Political Party and the difficulty passing any pro-life legislation. I think the facts speak for themselves. If you're pro-life, honesty requires one to vote Republican in all national elections.


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

I'm surprised you can't seem to find the connection between an obstructionist pro-abortion Political Party and the difficulty passing any pro-life legislation. I think the facts speak for themselves. If you're pro-life, honesty requires one to vote Republican in all national elections.

...even in situations where a pro-abort Republican's running against a pro-life Democrat? I've seen this before. Voting a straight ticket is easy but not always the best thing. And suppose Rudy or another pro-choice GOP candidate is running for the top spot in 2008?
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New member
Please, I'm not an idiot. (Whatever you may think) I understand our politicall system fairly well. I'm simply saying that because of all the pro-aborts in the Republican Party it can no longer be considered pro-life. You still have not addressed my point concerning that issue.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

...even in situations where a pro-abort Republican's running against a pro-life Democrat? I've seen this before. Voting a straight ticket is easy but not always the best thing. And suppose Rudy or another pro-choice GOP candidate is running for the top spot in 2008?

Listen, you're nibbling at the margins here. The Republican Party is Pro-life. The Secular Humanist Democrat Party is emphatically pro- abortion. It's a numbers game in the Senate. You have to get 60 votes to break a filibuster. Any Republican who did not vote with his party to break the Democrat filibuster should be given a closet for an office and no money for staff.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Imrahil

Please, I'm not an idiot. (Whatever you may think) I understand our politicall system fairly well. I'm simply saying that because of all the pro-aborts in the Republican Party it can no longer be considered pro-life. You still have not addressed my point concerning that issue.
Give me the numbers smart guy. All these pro-abortion Republicans need to be accounted for. They passed the "Partial Birth" abortion ban Bill and you don't consider them pro-life. You are a homer for the Secular Humanist Anti-God Anti-American perverted Democrat Party.


Secular Humanist Anti-God Anti-American perverted Democrat Party.

I admire your judgement and social acumen. A piece of work. No bitterness, I hope. That would poison your relationships.


New member
Art, I don't want to argue or get nasty with you I'm just disagreeing and trying to remain polite. But as requested, here are the Republicans who opposed the bill "Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003". In the Senate: Republican Senators Chafee, Collins, and Snowe opposed it. In the House: Republican Representatives Greenwood, Johnson, Kolbe, and Simmons opposed it. Seven other Republicans did not vote so you will have to draw your own conclusions about them.


New member
Originally posted by Art Deco

Give me the numbers smart guy. All these pro-abortion Republicans need to be accounted for. They passed the "Partial Birth" abortion ban Bill and you don't consider them pro-life. You are a homer for the Secular Humanist Anti-God Anti-American perverted Democrat Party.
The Republican dominated Senate may have passed a Partial Birth Abortion Ban, but it was a Republican dominated supreme court that voted to leagalize abortion in the first place back in 1973. Seven of the nine justices serving during Roe V. Wade were Republicans. With these odds, and the mindset that the republicans are "pro-life" Roe V. Wade should not have passed. Since it did pass, the Republicans can not be considered pro-life. BTW: on the Roe V. Wade decision one of the Democrats had more sense than most of those Republicans and voted against Roe V. Wade.


New member
On the Democratic side for the Senate, Democratic Senators Bayh, Breaux, Byrd, Carper, Conrad, Daschle, Dorgan, Hollings, Johnson, Landrieu, Leahy, Lincoln, Miller, Nelson, Pryor, and Reid supported the bill. In the House, Alexander, Berry, Bishop, Boyd, Carson, Clyburn, Cooper, Costello, Cramer, Crowley, Davis, Davis, Davis, (yes there were three of them) Dingell, Doyle, Etheridge, Ford, Gordon, Hall, Hill, Hinojosa, Holden, Jefferson, John, Kanjorski, Kaptur, Kennedy, Kildee, Kleczka, Lampson, Langevin, Lipinski, Lucas, Lynch, Marshall, Matheson, McIntyre, McNulty, Michaud, Mollohan, Murtha, Neal, Oberstar, Obey, Ortiz, Pascrell, Peterson, Pomeroy, Rahall, Reyes, Ross, Ruppersberger, Ryan, Sandlin, Skelton, Spratt, Stenholm,
Strickland, Stupak, Tanner, Taylor, Turner, and Visclosky voted for the bill.
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New member
As Christine says, one must question whether the Republicans are really pro-life or are they just trying to fool gullible pro-lifers into voting for them.

I found the following article very interesting: Partial Abortion Ban Scam

BTW I am Canadian.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by aikido7

I admire your judgement and social acumen. A piece of work. No bitterness, I hope. That would poison your relationships.
Bitterness??? No indeed. A major Political Party that openly advocates the killing of innocent babies in the womb, deserves nothing less than unflagging contempt and hatred. Anyone who supports and defends the Secular Humanist Democrat Party are Godless humanoids. :madmad:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Imrahil

Art, I don't want to argue or get nasty with you I'm just disagreeing and trying to remain polite. But as requested, here are the Republicans who opposed the bill "Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003". In the Senate: Republican Senators Chafee, Collins, and Snowe opposed it. In the House: Republican Representatives Greenwood, Johnson, Kolbe, and Simmons opposed it. Seven other Republicans did not vote so you will have to draw your own conclusions about them.

Three Republicans in the Senate (Out of a majority of Republicans) and four in the House (out of a numerical majority in the House). This is your evidence that the Republican Party is not pro-life? Why did you make a statement you can't defend by the facts?

Go ahead and get nasty, forget about polite...You made an unfounded assertion that the Republican Party is not anti-abortion. The facts keep getting in our way. You must be a closet Democrat.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Anne

As Christine says, one must question whether the Republicans are really pro-life or are they just trying to fool gullible pro-lifers into voting for them.

I found the following article very interesting: Partial Abortion Ban Scam

BTW I am Canadian.
I read the article. The guy condemns the attempt to ban "Partial Birth" abortion. The sense of the Senate dust-up was explained as a method to move the legislation forward. I'll accept that. The last word on the Republican stand on abortion is this. The Bill was passed over the wimpering protestations of pro-abortion Democrats.