A portrait of Jesus in a school? Seriously?


New member
There are limitations on the first amendment, obviously. Everyone knows that you can't yell "fire" in a theater. Is that a misapplication as well?
Are you claiming that the Federal Congress wrote a law prohibiting people from yelling "fire" in a theater?

Or are you thinking that the First Amendment is not a prohibition against acts of Congress?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
That's what's do hypocritical about all these self-proclaimed Christians, they would have fits and coniptions if it was done by other beliefs. e.g. Islamic or Satanists.

They'd quickly get laws to ban it. It's been done before, in modern times to boot.
That's where you're wrong.

Except that Islam has been shown by its followers to be anti-America. So I'd oppose it for that, but not for religious reasons.


Are you claiming that the Federal Congress wrote a law prohibiting people from yelling "fire" in a theater?

Or are you thinking that the First Amendment is not a prohibition against acts of Congress?

I'm saying that even though freedom of speech is clearly given in the first amendment, there are still exceptions, such as the fire example. If there are exceptions for that, there will be exceptions to the other freedoms listed as well, religion included


New member
Hall of Fame
That's what's do hypocritical about all these self-proclaimed Christians, they would have fits and coniptions if it was done by other beliefs. e.g. Islamic or Satanists.

They'd quickly get laws to ban it. It's been done before, in modern times to boot.

Go ahead and post a picture of muhammed at the local school, and see how many muslims would be ready to burn down the school with the kids in it.


New member
I'm saying that even though freedom of speech is clearly given in the first amendment, there are still exceptions, such as the fire example. If there are exceptions for that, there will be exceptions to the other freedoms listed as well, religion included

And I am saying that the words of the First Amendment is clear in its prohibitions against acts by the Federal Congress.

There is no way to violate the First Amendment unless you are the Federal Congress making a law.

A State of Kansas employee hanging a picture on a wall is not the Federal Congress making a law, so there is no violation of the First Amendment.

The State of Kansas retains the right to promote a religion (or prohibit the promotion of a religion) in its State through the words of the Tenth Amendment.


And I am saying that the words of the First Amendment is clear in its prohibitions against acts by the Federal Congress.

There is no way to violate the First Amendment unless you are the Federal Congress making a law.

A State of Kansas employee hanging a picture on a wall is not the Federal Congress making a law, so there is no violation of the First Amendment.

The State of Kansas retains the right to promote a religion (or prohibit the promotion of a religion) in its State through the words of the Tenth Amendment.

Perhaps, but if they want to continue to get federal funding, they have to play ball. Grants and federal funding tends to blur the line between state and federal jurisdiction


New member
So your argument is that state and local governments can violate the US Constitution all they want?
Exerting State's Rights is not a violation of the Constitution.

Applying the restrictions of the First Amendment to anyone except the Federal Congress is a violation of the US Constitution.

Jose Fly

New member
Exerting State's Rights is not a violation of the Constitution.

Applying the restrictions of the First Amendment to anyone except the Federal Congress is a violation of the US Constitution.

So a state government could arrest a citizen and hold him indefinitely without charges or access to a lawyer?

Jose Fly

New member
I guess it's a moot point now, since the school has taken down the painting.

Chanute residents protest removal of picture of Jesus from school

The Chanute school district removed the picture after getting a complaint from the national Freedom From Religion Foundation, the school superintendent said Friday.

Richard Proffitt, who just started his first school year as Chanute superintendent, said the picture was taken down after the district’s lawyer advised that the school could not legally display it.

“We were notified and we responded to stay in compliance,” Proffitt said.

Told ya. Once they ran this by their legal department, the answer was obvious "If this goes to court, you'll lose". And despite the "Why would anyone think this is a religious display" pretending from Christians in this thread, it seems the locals knew what the intent of the painting was...

“Oh man, it’s getting bad,” Semey said. “That’s what’s wrong with this world. Not enough people have Christ in their lives.”

And I really have no idea what this quote is supposed to mean. What kind of messed up town is this?

“Nobody else in the school seemed to be bothered by it,” he said. “There were only one or two evolution kids and they didn’t seem to be bothered by it.

"Evolution kids"? :idunno:

But then, what can you expect from a "22-year-old fur trapper". :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
I guess it's a moot point now, since the school has taken down the painting.

Chanute residents protest removal of picture of Jesus from school

Told ya. Once they ran this by their legal department, the answer was obvious "If this goes to court, you'll lose". And despite the "Why would anyone think this is a religious display" pretending from Christians in this thread, it seems the locals knew what the intent of the painting was...

And I really have no idea what this quote is supposed to mean. What kind of messed up town is this?

"Evolution kids"? :idunno:

But then, what can you expect from a "22-year-old fur trapper". :chuckle:

Just because a lawyer told them that, it doesnt make it true, look at hobby lobby, several lawyers told them they would lose, and several courts sided against them, the supreme court though upheld their rights.

Fact, the atheist organization is doing most of these letters just hoping people cave. Lots of people cave, because they either dont have the money to fight it, or just dont know the law.

Jose Fly

New member
Just because a lawyer told them that, it doesnt make it true

As the article notes, an Ohio school district went against their lawyers' advice and it ended up costing them.

Fact, the atheist organization is doing most of these letters just hoping people cave. Lots of people cave, because they either dont have the money to fight it, or just dont know the law.

Do you have an example of a school winning a case like this?


New member
Hall of Fame
As the article notes, an Ohio school district went against their lawyers' advice and it ended up costing them.

Do you have an example of a school winning a case like this?

Yes, you can find them too if you use google. I also personally know of one where an elementary school, posted happy birthday Jesus at Christmas and was threatened by the ACLU, it wasnt removed and they never did anything about it and they still do it every year. Think that would be left alone, if they actually had a legal leg to stand on?