8/6 Republican Debate Thread


like marbles on glass
"Nothing wrong with getting ahead, but she's not a victim of anything?"
Sure. She's aware of who and what Trump is and isn't. She leveled a sensational inquiry and got a sensational response. I don't think it could have gone much better for her.

You don't think it could have gone much better for her?

Do you realize how condescending and patronizing that sounds?

What about his talking about "the blood coming out of her wherever?" Do you know that when you search for that phrase, there are pages of search results with her name on it, and have you considered that she'll be forever associated with it? And he did that to her. The guy who wants to be president.

Have you considered how he's encouraged and emboldened sexists everywhere to say the most vile and despicable things to and about her, using every four-letter name and epithet aimed at women in the book? That you can go to a right-wing website right now and the comments being made about her are enough to make your skin crawl, and he's loving every minute of it? And so is his sycophant THall, who was crowing that Megyn Kelly was being "crucified" on Twitter.

I would expect and hope that any woman who's endured sexism or sexual intimidation, harassment, or worse in the workplace is paying very careful attention.


You don't think it could have gone much better for her?

Do you realize how condescending and patronizing that sounds?

What about his talking about "the blood coming out of her wherever?" Do you know that when you search for that phrase, there are pages of search results with her name on it, and have you considered that she'll be forever associated with it? And he did that to her. The guy who wants to be president.

Have you considered how he's encouraged and emboldened sexists everywhere to say the most vile and despicable things to and about her, using every four-letter name and epithet aimed at women in the book? That you can go to a right-wing website right now and the comments being made about her are enough to make your skin crawl, and he's loving every minute of it? And so is his sycophant THall, who was crowing that Megyn Kelly was being "crucified" on Twitter.

I would expect and hope that any woman who's endured sexism or sexual intimidation, harassment, or worse in the workplace is paying very careful attention.
Oh please stop with the PC screed. She knew the risks inherent in attacking the Donald and she took them. She thought she could best him.


What values do you have to set aside in order to support him?
The tongue can't taste itself and the eye cannot see itself (except by using a mirror). Likewise, I cannot see the gaps in my values as I feel the groundswell within myself to be interested in Donald Trump.

I don't feel the lack of any of my bedrock values, but I wait for criticism and focused challenges from others to know the truth.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You don't think it could have gone much better for her?
Given the response and her networks lame support, I'm amending. Within the context of getting what she had to expect, if not to the degree, yes. Beyond that, Kelly is looking like the more in controll, mature and rational of the two. Whatever calculation went into raising the flag on Donald's tendency to say stupid things in public is overwhelmed at this point by the stupidity of many who appear to be taking his side in the dust up...just remarkable to me.

Do you realize how condescending and patronizing that sounds?
I realize how it sounds to you. I also realize it isn't either, has nothing to do with either her sex or politics, where I'm concerned, so how it sounds to you isn't something I can control. What I mean by it and how I approach answering you is. I didn't like the question. I thought it was a calculated shot meant to do precisely what it did. That said, both his responses and the support they've engendered are bafflingly stupid to my mind.

What about his talking about "the blood coming out of her wherever?"
Hadn't heard that when I made my initial comments. I'm mostly out of the news cycle these days running about tying up educational loose ends.

Horrifically wrong headed. The more he makes comments like that the more unreasonable he looks and the better she should look to anyone with a working noggin. That he isn't already falling in the polls, that he's getting so much groundswell on the point is disturbing and surprising to me.

Do you know that when you search for that phrase, there are pages of search results with her name on it, and have you considered that she'll be forever associated with it? And he did that to her. The guy who wants to be president.
He's a jacka...nape. But forever associated? I don't think most people could even list the candidates at this juncture from the last election cycle.

Have you considered how he's encouraged and emboldened sexists everywhere to say the most vile and despicable things to and about her, using every four-letter name and epithet aimed at women in the book?
I didn't think that would be the response. I suppose I gave the rank and file too much credit. Seems like, though we'll see how it shakes out over the course of things. Maybe it's a good thing in another way, demonstrates to the moderate center he would need as a candidate how unacceptable he is as that thing, in case some were actually confusing him with the old Ross movement.

No matter how many closet misogynists come out of the closet to rally I'd say in the long run this is a nail in Trump's coffin.

That you can go to a right-wing website right now and the comments being made about her are enough to make your skin crawl, and he's loving every minute of it? And so is his sycophant THall, who was crowing that Megyn Kelly was being "crucified" on Twitter.
I only read THall if he funnies aren't included in the paper and I'm frankly surprised by how much of the conservative rank is siding with the buffoon over Kelly. I thought and I'd supposed she'd thought that his answer would expose one of his shortcomings as a candidate to a generally reasonable electorate...the response I'm seeing since we began talking about it is both shocking and disappointing to me. I've given too much credit where credit doesn't appear to have been due.

I would expect and hope that any woman who's endured sexism or sexual intimidation, harassment, or worse in the workplace is paying very careful attention.
Then it could and hopefully will work to a greater good, but given Trump's past comments don't believe that Kelly wasn't prepared for him to put his foot in his mouth.

And her job was to help the rest of us know who and what Trump is and isn't, and in that she succeeded.
Okay. I think his comments on Mexicans already gave us an insight into his tendencies and his comments about Rosie are already the stuff of internet fodder.

I'm not crazy about some aspects of the debate, including the fact that the moderators did more talking than the debaters, but as a woman and as a voter, I'm not at all sorry that she asked the question.
Wasn't crazy about the moderator approach in general.

I'm more than a little surprised that you'd say that. I expect more from the candidate.
It's almost a stereotype at this point, the way politicians are asked a question and then launch into whatever talking points they've prepared, related or not. I don't expect them to do much more than stump.

One of those candidates, from one of those parties, will hold the highest office in the land.
Do you realize how condescending that sounds? Well, if I decided to take it that way, anyway...
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New member
Hall of Fame
So I suppose it's true, after a fashion, that I expect more (or hope for more) from any moderator/journalist within the limited context of the debate.

I tend to agree with this. But at the same time I think it's sad that I do. :plain:

Not the agreeing with you part, the part about expecting more from a moderator than from someone who wants to be President. :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I tend to agree with this. But at the same time I think it's sad that I do. :plain:
I'm not happy about it either. It's simply the way I see it shaking out.

Not the agreeing with you part, the part about expecting more from a moderator than from someone who wants to be President. :eek:
I don't know why you felt you had to clarify that. . . :noid:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
He speaks to the lowest common denominator, because he is the lowest common denominator.

As opposed to Hillary, Obama, or Jerry Brown for that matter who are the lowest common denominator....

None of them will be sitting in the Oval Office.

You don't know that...you are just hoping. You may get your chance to vote for Hillary yet given you would rather have a polished political hack over this field of candidates.

And seriously, would you want him sitting in the Oval Office?

I would take any of them over the dimwit that is currently destroying this nation.

I can't believe I'm even having this conversation.

I said the same thing when Carter, Clinton 2nd term & Obama 2nd term...like you I thought it could never happen...but...don't count your chickens just yet.

This guy boasts of using his money to buy favors, and no one seems to care. It's crazy.

Please...don't be so darn naive, or ignorant that all these turds in Washington on both sides are bought & sold by big business, I thought it was quite refreshing that he is candid that politicians are bought & sold. Don't act so surprised by someone actually not pandering & being factual of how things are done, it may be offensive to you but, it is the truth...you gotta give the guy credit for being brutally honest of how things really are in Washington D.C. anyway.
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Trump buying his way into politics like a self investment, is a sad state of affairs for America's true dedicated and educated politicians.

:rotfl: "a sad state of affairs for America's true dedicated and educated politicians"... that's rich...these dedicated & educated people are nothing more than pandering puppets bought, sold, & operated by big business...very few are noble and those that are noble are quickly destroyed before they ever get a voice. The comment was great though...too funny. :chuckle:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Sure. She's aware of who and what Trump is and isn't. She leveled a sensational inquiry and got a sensational response. I don't think it could have gone much better for her.

Exactly! I am glad to see that others saw her & the other moderator's motives also. She kind of got what she was looking for in the end...a reaction, she should not be surprised by it.

I find everyone involved calculating, but I think the job of a moderator and a journalist should be to examine the candidate, preferably on the issues (outside of building a wall what does Trump particularly stand for?). I expect a politician vying for party head will do his or her best to avoid being nailed down on issues and to expend a great deal of rhetorical energy on bumper sticker ideology and negativity aimed everywhere but inwardly.

Well said, I thought the entire debate was nothing more than FOX's stab at reality T.V., it was hardly a serious debate on specifics of serious issues, I was not impressed with it at all.

So I suppose it's true, after a fashion, that I expect more (or hope for more) from any moderator/journalist within the limited context of the debate.



like marbles on glass
As opposed to Hillary, Obama, or Jerry Brown for that matter who are the lowest common denominator....

Non sequitur. It was pretty obvious I was talking about Trump speaking to the lowest common denominator among Republican voters, not Democrat candidates or the CA governor.

You don't know that...you are just hoping. You may get your chance to vote for Hillary yet given you would rather have a polished political hack over this field of candidates.
And you'd like an unpolished political hack in the Oval office instead? Is that what really attracts you to him? That he's unpolished? Because he's now a politician.

Which is funny, since he once said "good people don't go into government."

I would take any of them over the dimwit that is currently destroying this nation.
Any of them, meaning you'd take Trump. Just come out and say it. I'm not talking about "any of them," I'm only talking about one of them.

Please...don't be so darn naive, or ignorant that all these turds in Washington on both sides are bought & sold by big business, I thought it was quite refreshing that he is candid that politicians are bought & sold. Don't act so surprised by someone actually not pandering & being factual of how things are done, it may be offensive to you but, it is the truth...you gotta give the guy credit for being brutally honest of how things really are in Washington D.C. anyway.
He does the same exact thing as they do, but he does it in the private sector. If he's in office, he'll be doing the same exact thing, only then he'll be using your money. But in your mind, as long as the politician openly brags about his crony capitalism, we're all good?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I tend to agree with this. But at the same time I think it's sad that I do. :plain:

Not the agreeing with you part, the part about expecting more from a moderator than from someone who wants to be President. :eek:

that was good


Hall of Fame
what would you call someone who defends trump no matter what he does?

like someone who would call me a whore for the republicans

Didn't you state that if Trump were the nominee you would vote for him? :freak:


New member
I think it is amazing how the debate showed how far the GOP has come recently.

The crowd cheered Kasich’s response about gay marriage.

If anyone here still has a critical political memory, last night's reaction contrasted starkly with the 2011 Republican presidential debate in which audience members booed a gay combat veteran for speaking favorably about the repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

SCOTT WALKER...Repeal ObamaCare.
Uh, right. Kick millions to the curb off their health insurance. Great.

JEB BUSH...Trickle down economics again?
When George left office America was losing close to 100,000 jobs a month.
We're supposed to go back to that?

DONALD TRUMP...Single-payer Healthcare?
There may be hope for the GOP yet!
Isn't trickle down economics the core philosophy of the republican party (now referred to as "pro growth economics")?


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