8/6 Republican Debate Thread


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Hall of Fame
I can't imagine how MeGYN could possibly defend the effrontery of such an obviously pertinent line of questioning for a presidential candidate who's tendency towards chauvinistic misogyny is so widely noted...... :doh:

town is a liberal
enough said


New member
He's attractive to the scary kind of ideological conservative.

The strange thing is, until recently, he wasn't a conservative at all, at least based on his stated positions, so it's a little bit weird that he is getting as much support as he is. If you ask me, something kinda smells off about his candidacy, even if you ignore the words coming from his mouth.


like marbles on glass
The strange thing is, until recently, he wasn't a conservative at all, at least based on his stated positions, so it's a little bit weird that he is getting as much support as he is. If you ask me, something kinda smells off about his candidacy, even if you ignore the words coming from his mouth.

If you look back (that's rhetorical for you) you can see how much he's waffled, but not just in the past; he just did regarding Carly Fiorina, pre- and post- Carly's "I stand with Megyn."

I totally agree with you on something being off about his candidacy. What's fascinating and disturbing to me is how many people have set aside presumably strong opinions and/or values to back him. Okay, so some of the so-called grassroots, tired-of-politics-as-usual crowd would be sexist and racist anyway. But they're also pushing down any red flags about Trump's crony capitalism, influence-buying, past ideologies, all kinds of things that if it was anyone else, they'd be on it with a magnifying glass.

This is a guy who's alleged to have paid actors to cheer for him when he announced his presidential bid.

If it's true, it highlights what's essential an empty shell, and it makes you wonder who's moving the shells.


like marbles on glass
no, no

unless you consider a certain type of ideological conservative
doesn't think
does hate

a real conservative could not support trump in any way

But supposedly real conservatives are. Without even questioning things they normally would, like his foreign policy. Can you imagine Trump diplomacy? Boast loudly and carry a big shtick?

Maybe there's a deal going on, or maybe people really are that clueless.


like marbles on glass
based on what?

who are they asking?

is not a trump supporter capable of lying?

is not trump the best thing to happen to democrats this year?

I don't know what they're basing it on, or who they're asking, or whether they're lying to us or to themselves.

And yeah, I'm sure the Democrats are pretty pleased. How could they not be? The entire GOP is in disarray. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The media just doesn't get it. People are fed up with politics as usual. Joe six-pack doesn't want Hillary nor Jeb.

The media doesn't care what we want any more than the politicians do. And for the same reason: we aren't paying them, their corporate sponsors are. All the media wants from us is our attention. All the politicians want from us is our vote. Beyond that, neither of them give a crap about us.

I just hate it when they whine


New member
Hall of Fame
I came across this today:

''When I build something for somebody, I always add $50 million or $60 million onto the price. My guys come in, they say it's going to cost $75 million. I say it's going to cost $125 million, and I build it for $100 million. Basically, I did a lousy job. But they think I did a great job.''

--Donald Trump


What a great guy. :)


New member
Hall of Fame
That's a very good question. Why is MegYn even a topic in Trumps campaign at all, instead of any sign of substance to his grandiose promises?
He says he's going to turn our southern border into what amounts to an Iron Curtain to contain the Mexicans and THEY're going to pay for it?

How exactly is THAT gonna work?

I was talking with someone the other day and he said something could be done with NAFTA. I don't see it happening, but that might be a potential way to make Mexico pay for it.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Really. What does it tell you?
It tells me that she's a self promoter interested in separating herself from the pack. Trump is a perfect means to that end. The lesser light on self answer would have been not to have mentioned her having any need to apologize to begin with, then the "I'm not going to apologize for doing the job" next. Her choice, I thought, was in line with my perception of her. Nothing wrong with getting ahead, but she's not a victim of anything. Her "getting past me" remark was more of the same in terms of focusing some light back onto herself.

She'll likely continue to rise in the estimation and ranks of her cohorts and the conservative wing. Who knows where that will take her?

Megyn Kelly isn't running for office, Trump is.
That explains the seating arrangement. I didn't comment of Trump because he's like a self messing oven. He may end up being the republican version of Nader in this cycle, as far as his impact goes, if he doesn't get the nomination.

And I wonder how many favors Trump is calling in right now.
I think he's a little like Ross in the "don't care" department. Most of his rhetoric is calculated. Like right now we aren't talking much about his opponents.


Well-known member
I was talking with someone the other day and he said something could be done with NAFTA. I don't see it happening, but that might be a potential way to make Mexico pay for it.

Hmmm..maybe we could stop the flow of new Fords, Dodges and Chevys into America until they ante up? :rotfl:

Anything that can be done through NAFTA is subject to the text of that international agreement. It's not at the Presidents discretion.


New member
Hall of Fame
right now there is only one issue
will trump run as an independent
we are wasting our time if he does

I'd be surprised if he does. He'd lose and Trump wouldn't want to lose twice at the same thing. :eek:

If he does then there really must be something going on between him and the Clintons. :plain:


like marbles on glass
It tells me that she's a self promoter interested in separating herself from the pack. Trump is a perfect means to that end. The lesser light on self answer would have been not to have mentioned her having any need to apologize to begin with, then the "I'm not going to apologize for doing the job" next. Her choice, I thought, was in line with my perception of her. Nothing wrong with getting ahead, but she's not a victim of anything. Her "getting past me" remark was more of the same in terms of focusing some light back onto herself.

"Nothing wrong with getting ahead, but she's not a victim of anything?"

You sound like you just walked off the set of Mad Men.

You're setting the bar higher for her than you are for the man who pretends to the Oval Office.


New member
I think he's a little like Ross in the "don't care" department. Most of his rhetoric is calculated. Like right now we aren't talking much about his opponents.

It's really a candidacy for the "reality" TV era. The producers of those shows know that people don't tune in for civil, reasonable people getting through their real lives and struggles. They tune in for the guy who takes off all his clothes and gets into fist fight with another contestant, or who curses at their opponents. Fox knows that too, and Trump knows it as well as anyone. They very well could have excluded Trump from their debate, and they chose not to, perhaps for arguably good reasons, but I think that puts the debate squarely into the realm of entertainment. And it was entertaining.


no, no

unless you consider a certain type of ideological conservative
doesn't think
does hate

a real conservative could not support trump in any way

The separation of the conservative movement is normal and natural.

Look at the little rag-tag band of Jesus followers who were forced to eventually merge into the massive and violent Roman Empire. Anytime you have a monolithic entity that does not tolerate any differences or nuances (such as any tyranny proves) then it is ripe for an overthrow or, at the least, a blend.

Trump might just be the force that can eventually ally the Tea Party/Occupy Wall Street forces on both sides. He is just as hateful and rude as many ideological conservatives we've seen but is also someone who sees the real problems and hopefully will tackle them in ways the average politician is afraid to do.


Well-known member
It tells me that she's a self promoter interested in separating herself from the pack. Trump is a perfect means to that end. The lesser light on self answer would have been not to have mentioned her having any need to apologize to begin with, then the "I'm not going to apologize for doing the job" next. Her choice, I thought, was in line with my perception of her. Nothing wrong with getting ahead, but she's not a victim of anything. Her "getting past me" remark was more of the same in terms of focusing some light back onto herself.

She'll likely continue to rise in the estimation and ranks of her cohorts and the conservative wing. Who knows where that will take her?
I'm trying to think of a nationally televised conservative political commentator (or uncommontator ;) ) that doesn't fall roughly into that same mold. :think: ..... :think: ..... :think: ..... :idunno: ... can I get back with you on that :D

That explains the seating arrangement. I didn't comment of Trump because he's like a self messing oven. He may end up being the republican version of Nader in this cycle, as far as his impact goes, if he doesn't get the nomination.
Or maybe GOP oven cleaner?
Spread it on THICK, turn up the heat, let it work till Nov. 2016 then sweep away the ashes? :rotfl:

I think he's a little like Ross in the "don't care" department. Most of his rhetoric is calculated. Like right now we aren't talking much about his opponents.