2006 TOL Fantasy Football League

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Mr. 5020

New member
BillyBob said:
We are using the CBS site. The other one was temporary.

What players are you missing?
Fred Taylor. I had traded Tony Gonzales for him.

He is supposed to be starting, over Addai.

Mr. 5020

New member
BillyBob said:
Fred Taylor is on your team.
I see that. I think I confused my self.

<looking at lineup>

It looks good. I guess I just thought we were still using the other site.



Well-known member
Here we go again.

I emailed them about a glitch in trading draft picks.

Intial email to them about this problem.

DRBrumley said:
On my transaction setup page, I have that you can trade draft picks. But when I go to make a trade and include a draft pick, it does not give me the option of doing so. Why is that? And can you fix it for me?

I get an auto response listing these options to fix it.

CBS said:
Title: Can I make trades during the draft?
Link: http://rnt.sportsline.com/cgi-bin/s...popup_adp.php?p_faqid=66&p_created=1090357334

Title: My page is not loading. Why am I getting a blank screen when I try to access your site?
Link: http://rnt.sportsline.com/cgi-bin/s...opup_adp.php?p_faqid=544&p_created=1155921810

Title: What adjustments to my web browser can I make to get the GameCenter working?
Link: http://rnt.sportsline.com/cgi-bin/s...opup_adp.php?p_faqid=407&p_created=1126461786

Title: How can I get help with the live GameCenter?
Link: http://rnt.sportsline.com/cgi-bin/s...popup_adp.php?p_faqid=93&p_created=1095972197

Title: Why is a golfer listed that is not in the tournament?
Link: http://rnt.sportsline.com/cgi-bin/s...opup_adp.php?p_faqid=458&p_created=1138836341

I respond back

DRBrumley said:
Auto response did not address the problem.

Again, On my transaction setup page, I have that you can trade draft picks. But when I go to make a trade and include a draft pick, it does not give me the option of doing so. Why is that? And can you fix it for me?

It took them 3 days to finally reply to me and this is all he siad

Commish Corey said:
That is because the trading draft pick feature is only for prior to your draft.

Which now I'm getting fed up. I responded just now with this.

DRBrumley said:
Um, that is not so.....I made a trade after the draft before everything went haywire that allowed me to trade a player and next years #6 pick for another player. Your telling me that isn't allowed?

Let's see how many days before I get another response.


Well-known member
Then i told him

DRBrumley said:
D Generation X gave up Green, Trent KCC QB
Outlaws gave up Clayton, Michael TBB WR; Year 2007 Round 6 Draft Pick from Outlaws

So now I have even told him which trade.


Well-known member

Response (Commish Corey) 09/18/2006 10:49 AM said:
That's not what actually happened. You had setup an online draft and allowed owners to trade draft picks. Then you didn't have an online draft. So the picks that were there were trading were for a draft that will never run. Basically all traded draft picks, unless they are prior to your online draft, have to be kept track of manually.


Well-known member

DRBrumley said:
This is why I want phone support.

That is how it happened. The draft was over. I have drafted 4 times for this league.The first two drafts were automated.The last two were online just so I can re-enter the results from the 2nd automated draft. But thats another story within itself. So, after the 2nd automated draft, when we went to make a trade, there was the two columns (1 for each team.) On my column, it had a list of all my players, along with NEXT YEARS draft picks numbers. It said 2007. On the other column it had the team I was looking to make a trade with, along with 2007 draft picks numbers. NEXT YEARS. Not this year. If I couldn't do it, how did I do it then?


Well-known member

Response (Commish Corey) 09/18/2006 11:38 AM said:
I apologize but that is not possible. There is no way that the draft picks could have said 2007 because that is not how the system is designed, and there is no way to trade future draft picks unless you had next seasons draft setup already and that is not possible since we are in the 2006 season. You must have misread it because that is not how it works.

In which I replied

So to make sure I understand you correctly, This site does not and cannot support the trading of future draft picks? Only for the current year the draft is being held? If so, then thank you for looking into it for me. Maybe we should make that alittle clearer in the rules section. Thanks again.


drbrumley said:
It will be honored 5020. Just I have track it manually is all.

Doc's all over it!!! :cheers:

Hey Doc, it should be easy to track next year if we do a live draft. [We've GOTTA do a live draft next year. I have some ideas to help streamline it]

Mr. 5020

New member
BillyBob said:
Doc's all over it!!! :cheers:

Hey Doc, it should be easy to track next year if we do a live draft. [We've GOTTA do a live draft next year. I have some ideas to help streamline it]
That would be sweeeeeeet!


Hey Doc, I realize the last thing you need is another thing to look into, but the DST scores are inconsistent.

For example:

The Seahawks sho 3 FF's on the Game Center and total 32 points. But if you click on their link, the supposedly got 5 FF's and 38 points.

I'm wondering if anyone else is noticing such inconsistencies.

Also, the Bucs DST was awarded an additional 10 points since last nights game. I have no idea which of these numbers is accurate. It won't make a difference in my game this week [I handily beat Imrahil] but it might make a difference with someone elses score this week or in weeks to come.


Well-known member
BillyBob said:
Hey Doc, I realize the last thing you need is another thing to look into, but the DST scores are inconsistent.

For example:

The Seahawks sho 3 FF's on the Game Center and total 32 points. But if you click on their link, the supposedly got 5 FF's and 38 points.

I'm wondering if anyone else is noticing such inconsistencies.

Also, the Bucs DST was awarded an additional 10 points since last nights game. I have no idea which of these numbers is accurate. It won't make a difference in my game this week [I handily beat Imrahil] but it might make a difference with someone elses score this week or in weeks to come.
Well, I double checked the scores and the Bucs D indeed has 22 points. I really don't see how except the extra things they did, 3 FF a DFR an INT. To be honest, I think the FF is to high. I had thought I lowered the points on that, but I guess I didn't. Let everything update tonight and I'll look into it in the morning.


Well-known member
I just clicked the Seahawk game from the game center and it sent me to NFL.com game pages and it shows Seattle only had 3 FF.
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