2004 TOL Fantasy Football League

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Nathon Detroit

I do not favor limiting any team to drafting a certain quantity of any position.

This limitation hurts trading.

For instance in other leagues one team may use the strategy to draft 10 QB's and then use those QB's to trade for his team. Or simply draft 5 or 6 running backs in the hope that one of them is a diamond in the rough.

I like this type of flexibility.


Originally posted by Knight

To be honest....

I am lost.

What we were originally discussing was the idea of Drafting one position at a time.

Start with QB's, draft them 1 thru 12, then draft the second round 12 thru 1.

Now RB's. This time we draft 12 thru 1 then 1 thru 12.

And so on guaranteeing fairly even teams and also teams with the right numbers of players. Remember the begining of this season where some coaches ended up with a bunch of WR's but no QB, for example? This would solve that problem and insure even distribution of good players.


Originally posted by Knight

I do not favor limiting any team to drafting a certain quantity of any position.

This limitation hurts trading.

For instance in other leagues one team may use the strategy to draft 10 QB's and then use those QB's to trade for his team. Or simply draft 5 or 6 running backs in the hope that one of them is a diamond in the rough.

I like this type of flexibility.

How do you do that with an automated draft?


Well-known member

I understand exactly what you mean. I just want to know how many rounds will there be?


Billy suggested that we have 20 players. I am asking you if you think 20 is enough with 10 starters to increase trading?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by BillyBob

What we were originally discussing was the idea of Drafting one position at a time.

Start with QB's, draft them 1 thru 12, then draft the second round 12 thru 1.

Now RB's. This time we draft 12 thru 1 then 1 thru 12.

And so on guaranteeing fairly even teams and also teams with the right numbers of players.
Don't like it.

Remember the begining of this season where some coaches ended up with a bunch of WR's but no QB, for example? This would solve that problem and insure even distribution of good players.
That was only bad because the system made the picks for us.

If owners want more or less of a given position they should be allowed that freedom.


Originally posted by drbrumley


I understand exactly what you mean. I just want to know how many rounds will there be?

Knight doesn't like the idea of limiting the amount of players, but I think we should draft my way for at least the first 10 Rounds [10 eligible players to fulfill a legal roster], so we all have decent teams.

Nathon Detroit

There is one thing I really don't like about our league in contrast to other leagues I have played in....

In our league you have to keep a certain amount of players on your roster.

In other leagues you have a maximum you can keep on your roster (say 24) players but you have NO MINIMUM. This way you can make trades that involve an uneven amount of players.

I.e., I will trade you Peyton Manning for..... Reuban Droughns, Marvin Harrision and the Colts Defense.

Trades happen more when you can "pad" the deal so to speak. Currently we have too few players as "currency" and we cannot "pad" deals WITHOUT dropping players and picking up free-agents etc.

I would favor the ability to keep 24 players on your roster but have NO MINIMUM.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by BillyBob

Knight doesn't like the idea of limiting the amount of players, but I think we should draft my way for at least the first 10 Rounds [10 eligible players to fulfill a legal roster], so we all have decent teams.


Well-known member
What the heck was that about? Billy?

I thought we were discussing. I'm getting a feel for everyone's position. Isn't that what this is for?


Originally posted by drbrumley

What the heck was that about? Billy?

I thought we were discussing. I'm getting a feel for everyone's position. Isn't that what this is for?

I'm not in the mood for namecalling.

I think I have given my share of opinions on this matter, let's see what the other guys say.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yall lost me too. The last Good Idea I heard was when we were talking about 1 QB, 2 RB, 2WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 D/ST. 8 active players and 20 total. As far as drafting goes, as long as it's fairly fair, I don't care.


Well-known member
Ok guys, I have an idea.

This week is really tough on us since many teams are sitting out players.

My suggestion is we reduce the regular season weeks to 13 instead of 14


In weeks 4, 8 and 12: we play two teams instead of one. This will make it a 16 game schedule. Then in week 14, playoffs start and last three weeks. Week 16 being the Championship and Draft Position week instead of week 17 when the majority of the teams sit out the players we have to rest them for the playoffs. See what I'm saying.
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