Town Heretic
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  • Thanks. :) Had the interview a coupla weeks ago and couldn't have asked for better feedback from it. It's working with a home care company although I might be more on the admin side of it.

    I see CS is being his usual charming self...


    All stars go supernova in the end...

    Although all black holes suck so there's that.

    Starting to feel like an episode of the big bang theory without the laughs...
    Thanks. That is the gist I thought, I'm not sure what augmentation would convey it more clearly, so have nothing really in the way of suggestion.
    Perhaps 'self-best' rather than selfish :idunno: In Him and to your best interests -Lon :)
    I think I repped it already. I'd actually posted the same thing a page or two before, but I'm happy to have you post it again, I'd forgotten about it and I need to keep up with the installments, so thanks. :) I appreciate it.
    Yes, I have been, the only way to be assured of intelligent whatnot etc...:eek:

    I'll clear some space...

    Trolls, even places aside from bridges have their uses from time to time...:)
    Not worth it. He knows fine well what the question is and had enough of trolls for the day I think. Oh, and anna's been banned...:plain:
    They didn't seal it? I'm surprised.

    I was an avid reader before I ever started kindergarten, but believe me, being the fourth of six kids, a lot of things get lost in the shuffle. No one made a fuss over me, that's for sure. :eek:
    Figured I'd stick my head in the door and see what's going on...Not many changes I see. :chuckle:
    I understand and agree with you about the profane video. Usually people put a warning at least, but that was uncalled for. I would have never posted that and I would be concerned if my 5 year old heard that.
    I just saw your response re: the teacher, it's here on your page. Yeah, I hope she goes for early retirement for the sake of the kids. I always hope there's a good teacher who to follow a bad teacher, good enough not only to repair damage but to encourage new growth. Sadly, I don't know how often that happens.
    Hope these next crushing days are rewarding as heck. :)

    And you're sure due some good health, hopefully that's right around the corner too. :chuckle: at Jack being on break, and happy for your horizon lights. Take good care. :)
    Agreed, the theme isn't remarkable in itself and I was wishing he'd branch out more into the chords and improv around those as that's where I find more of an interest in jazz, the harmonies generally rooted in tonality but 'loose'...
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