Town Heretic
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  • The three of you, yes. This fourth knew when to slip away and let the rest of you work your alchemy. :chuckle:
    Can't argue any of that, although I was never very good at repartee. I'm not fast enough, and I'm not good enough - I always tended to duck out when you, Arthur and zoo would start something. As aCW was fond of telling anyone who would listen: I know my limitations. :chuckle:
    :chuckle: Good summation. Depending on the day I'm either bemused or disgusted. But for some reason I just pulled up short four days ago - it just hit me over the course of our running conversation: what's the point? What am I accomplishing here? And I didn't have an answer that satisfied me. I kept thinking of that "someone's wrong on the internet!" meme, and knowing that I could sit here for the next ten years and come up with a decent rebuttal to every one of their stupid, hypocritical, bigoted comments... but why?

    I'll add something more to this elsewhere.
    The two aren't mutually exclusive, so I vote for both.

    I'm continually grateful for your thoughtfully rational input, but I'm thinking I'm ready to take the summer off - I haven't posted the last couple days and I'm finding myself more at peace when I'm elsewhere. I've been busy, and it's been good.
    :chuckle: Keep in mind that you haven't lived until you've achieved the literary loftiness of "Everyone Poops."

    On the other... excellent response to him, and thank you once again for your presence in the thread.
    And part of the reason why Nick and his cadre have flourished here is that not enough Christians stepped up to counter his hate.

    Not enough Christians were willing to cross the thin line to show that what he and his cadre were promoting wasn't Christian.

    Not enough Christians were willing to stand in the gap.

    And so Nick and his cadre are allowed to speak for all Christians.
    I don't know if the previously larger pond diluted the hate or if the hate has intensified under Trump. But it's disturbing, and I don't think it's going to get better - and I don't think your wish will come true, Aladdin.

    Nick and his core group are fomenting a deep and bitter hate in themselves and stoking the flames in others who are influenced by them. Frankly, they're a good illustration of how mobs are capable of degenerating into savagery.

    I read a really good couple of articles this morning, and while I know people rarely click on the links and read them entire, maybe a few will. So After I post them, I don't know how much I want to be here. I don't see how in good conscience I be a willing participant anymore in a forum which allows such ugliness. This is no longer about whether I need a sabbatical, but whether I want to share my time going forward with people who hate so deeply.
    :chuckle: Mine was on the kitchen counter ... and is now back in my wallet. :D
    I can't remember the character you're thinking of. But with the person here, I've tried to have a discussion with him before and it's like he's in a trance. He doesn't veer off his talking points except to offer a vague dismissal of "dialectic." Very strange. But harmless enough, as far as I can tell. :)
    Yeah. Putin must have given him a crash course in disinformation because his base has taken his repeated "fake news" as gospel truth and now they won't believe anything unless it comes from Trump or the Breitbart echo chamber. Classic dear leader propaganda.
    They're exactly what I posted yesterday - hiding their bigotry behind a so-called pushback against "the left and multiculturalism."

    And pretending that Trump, their political messiah, doesn't and hasn't dog-whistled the alt-right the whole time.

    They're only fooling themselves.
    Good. :)

    Sometimes less really is more, but sometimes more is more. You've made some great longer posts in these subjects, and I know they've been appreciated.

    I've always leaned toward a shorter post because that's just my natural style - but lately, even that much has been a challenge. I'm desperately seeking a muse. Or something.
    Well said. I think you should have said it just like that in your post, as well put together as it was.
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