Town Heretic
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  • Well done on that post, regardless of the flak you got.

    He used his service as an avenue to sainthood and infallibility, which is funny when you think about how much he hates Catholics...
    I've given out enough thanked posts that I'll probably never be able to leave an actual rep comment again, but I wanted to note that your responses to drbrumley on the Civil War have been especially eloquent. I've really enjoyed reading them, even if they fall on some determinedly deaf ears.
    1/3 (Original message too long)

    Hi TH. It's always good to see you. :) You've got it perfectly. I'm here "from a distance."

    I've long thought of TOL as a microcosm, as you know, and I see the extreme post-Trump polarization here as just another facet. And I acknowledge that I'm also polarized because I can't (won't) separate the alt-right viewpoint from the alt-righters themselves and there seems to be no common ground for mediation. I understand the negative potential to that, but I'm unwilling at this point to cede any ground.

    I'm reminded of cultural psychology experiments showing that opposing groups could find common ground through exposure to each other only when the situation provided equal standing for both. That observation is borne out here. There isn't, and won't be equal standing for opposing views at TOL. The kind of hijacking done to my thread would never have been tolerated if it had been done by myself or someone with a similar opinion to mine. I would have been either blocked from the thread or banned for being disruptive. She was able to do it without repercussion (and in fact with praise) because she has social capital and entitlement here that she cannot see so she cannot admit.

    In saying that, I understand it's a minuscule and perhaps even offensive comparison to actual real life injustice to say that I feel a certain discrete disgust (not well-formed yet but I'm working on it) borne from the impotency resulting from the lack of agency here. And I'm not at all hopeful for the future, either in this microcosm or the world at large. I don't think it's at all dramatic to say we're at a pivotal point in history both within our borders and without.

    But even so, I share my own flavor of your "strange sort of peace" which allows me a certain detachment.

    I hope you'll expand on your interesting beginning to the summer. If not here then elsewhere.

    In the meantime I wish you, my friend, the very best of days. :)
    Hey TH!
    I understand completely. I have trouble with that too.
    I wonder who removed them? That actually made my day!
    To be honest, he started it and I think he did it on purpose. A bit of a troll actually.
    Many blessings. G.
    Great final post. Really nothing much to respond to. Some, I think is trying to support other's I've heard and express those concerns, mostly because you and I can discuss things others cannot 'discuss.' Thank you for the reading material as well. I love history books as it is. -Lon
    No... :chuckle:

    I recall well when people tried to tell me what Catholics believe.

    Then as now, no matter how badly anyone illustrates their faith, I accept them for what they call themselves.

    The never-ending battle in the religion forum over who holds the keys to the kingdom is mystifying to me.
    Very true, and it rains down everywhere I go although I've got an umbrella. More thoughts I want to share on that but I'll do it elsewhere, when I have a chance today.

    (A very busy week coming up with visiting family arriving today and then I leave for Europe with them and I won't be here here until whenever.)
    Well enjoy your break, then. :) I have my last exam today, and that's it for me. Graduation is on Friday, although I'm not walking. Having a little celebration with some family and friends, and that's all I want. :)

    I don't think I'll be here too often anymore. My life is much more peaceful when I'm not here, although I'd like to drop by and correct some fake news once in a while.
    I just saw this .. not sure why I didn't get notified. Sorry for my tardiness in replying. What has happened is horrible. It was bad at times before, but I think the Trump mentality of of viciousness has spread unfortunately.
    There is no lack of sloppy thinking at this site. It vexes me daily to the point of having to pick and choose what to say and when to say it. How I miss the TOL of 2007-2010. I have decided to try a new path of existence given my current situation: It is a work in progress at present. My son ran across this and wondered if Dad's proclivities for the old ways might just find the idea worth pursuing. I am going to give it a try.
    I know that's what he tries to do, which is why I rarely answer (encourage) him and keep posting around him and sometimes bump something for the next page.

    No problem at all, I appreciated your posts, and actually would rather see you post additional information/analysis and basically ignore him. :)
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