Town Heretic
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  • I'll go give it a listen after this. Jazz encompasses such a multitude of different styles it depends what it is. A lot of electronica I like incorporates jazz elements and there's no denying the technical skill of a lot of jazz musicians...

    Good call on SOD & the like...

    She's put in 19, so I'm hoping she's ready to call it a day. It's not that she's a bad person. It's not that she wouldn't hug that same kid later, but she doesn't edit herself, catch herself, or appear to stop and consider the opportunities she wastes like Rip Taylor going through confetti. She also isn't teaching them to "do math". She's pumping them full of lifeless formulas that won't connect them to the subject, make it a part of how they see life and consider it. I don't want to consider how much of that must be going on and how many kids are being let down by that sort of thing.
    Poor kid. By any chance, is she close to retirement age? Overall my kids had good teachers (because I searched them out every year and made requests) but one year my youngest (2nd grade) got one who was just a year off retirement, and she sounded a lot like this one you just described. When opening her Christmas presents from the kids, she said "just what I need... another coffee mug..." :plain: I'm glad you were there for the little guy.
    Oh, what a bummer, sorry it hear it but not surprised. Not fun... I've had a couple. :eek:

    And I'd rather have kdg. than third grade. :chuckle:
    Ouch. Sounds like you're overdue for a tooth extraction. :eek: Hope it clears up, but don't let it go. Infections in the mouth can lead to more serious problems elsewhere in the body.

    You're close to spring break too, aren't you?
    I saw you'd thanked him, and I did wonder about which part of his post you found agreement. :eek: :chuckle: Thanks, though. :)

    Three midterms down, one to go, then I'm on spring break. Finally!
    A daily creative prompt writing thread might be fun, sort of like Knight's topic of the day. That's another reason I miss him. -Lon
    Is there a referential buried in there somewhere that I'm not seeing or is my fight-or-flight just kicking in?
    Crucible wouldn't post to you if he didn't want the interaction. That's kind of the litmus right there.

    And thank you for that, but please no more. :eek:
    :chuckle: look at SOD's obsession with Barb. Guy is highly intelligent and wound the creationist element up something chronic. He never flamed out and calmly used reason, even if off the mildly barbed variety on occasion. The few bans he received were laughable and the almost hysterical need to paint him as dishonest was more sad than funny. Those of the more rabid zealotry don't like having their own intelligence undermined, likely because they know they just don't have that much of it. Kind of a jealousy thing going on and that's why you're having the likes of SOD stalking you...

    With me it's probably just the hat...

    They're just rabid. They're not enamored where it comes to people who can think objectively and have an intelligence unfettered by dogma. You're the enemy as well...:D
    Isn't that the truth. And funny you should mention this, look what I came across the other day:

    White Evangelicals Believe They Face More Discrimination Than Muslims
    Totally agreed regarding may be right on the latter but excuse my cynicism on the thing...after CS Gas's comments about removing history altogether I'm not that convinced...
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