Arthur Brain
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  • Told quip that while I realize everyone has a tendency to overestimate their intelligence, some people make a cottage industry out of it...okay, I used it a bit more pointedly, but. . . :eek:
    I think I'm going to nominate it for best post just because he asked for it. No idea what's wrong with him. He wades into a conversation with me insisting on personalizing it when my aim was at the unknown author and post. Well, after the second or third bit I decided to end on a cautionary note.
    Minecraft is essentially a three dimensional etch a sketch, except you can create things that move. It's great for kids, as it furthers problem solving, binary coding principles, circuitry and even English (they can create signs and slogans). And it comes with different skins (fantasy is a great look) so you have a lot of choices. I just finished an enormous circular wall and put a medieval castle, church and village in it. A blast to play with. :D
    Man, has the ignore feature improved my enjoyment around here. :D And did you see Knight kicking around the joint again? A good day to be mucking about. The weather here is cold and drizzly. . . Jack is busy playing Minecraft on his Xbox One S thanks to his Papa Ben (my dad). :)

    Didn't get my box of Shittens for Christmas an off note. :plain: I was going to use them to wipe down the screen after I read a post by X (take your pick).
    Speaking of Merry Christmas (and whatnot) see: this product (linked) the Q @ A and the user reviews. Absurdly funny stuff.
    You know, I heard Trump did have a mandate.

    It was with Mitt Romney. They didn't leave together, though.

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