Recent content by Arthur Brain

  1. Arthur Brain

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    One thing that seems to be a constant with those who believe in literal, eternal suffering. It always happens to other people...
  2. Arthur Brain

    The Election is Being Stolen AGAIN

    "Good" to see the nutty conspiracy tropes are still flying thick and fast - emphasis on the word thick there...still kinda good for a laugh this place on occasion if nothing else. Trump is an absolute clown and the reason he was convicted on all charges is cos he's guilty. His radical supporters...
  3. Arthur Brain

    The Election is Being Stolen AGAIN

    If there's a loving, benevolent God then whether they "got right with him" before they died or not is kinda moot. Thanks though.
  4. Arthur Brain

    Trump News

    Yup, of course he's whining and doing his usual narcissistic shtick but eh, was pretty darn obvious he was guilty and with a unanimous verdict let him. Seriously, anyone would have to have the IQ of a turnip (ironically) not to see straight through this clown.
  5. Arthur Brain

    The Election is Being Stolen AGAIN

    Yeah, that's cool. Am gonna be outta here for the foreseeable and not simply because I find this place to be a shadow of what it was. Why I'm posting this here is anyone's guess but I found out today that both of my parents were found dead in their home after a police visit informing me of it...
  6. Arthur Brain

    The Election is Being Stolen AGAIN

    I was being sarcastic, or ironic, forget which...;)
  7. Arthur Brain

    So guys, what's it like living in a boring echo chamber nowadays?

    Man, you really must make any given party come alive when you step in the room...
  8. Arthur Brain

    The Election is Being Stolen AGAIN

    Well, darn it!
  9. Arthur Brain

    So guys, what's it like living in a boring echo chamber nowadays?

    Hmm, irony all over again...!
  10. Arthur Brain

    So guys, what's it like living in a boring echo chamber nowadays?

    In which case he really didn't need to bring up sarcasm then, did he? See how this works?
  11. Arthur Brain

    Mainstream Science

    Dang, wasn't sure myself there for a while...
  12. Arthur Brain

    The Election is Being Stolen AGAIN

    Sorry, I'm too busy trying to create a sock puppet to respond to this right now...
  13. Arthur Brain

    So guys, what's it like living in a boring echo chamber nowadays?

    Dude, did you seriously think I took your initial comment as a compliment in your earlier post?! Now, look at my reply to you and take the above into account. Then wipe the metaphorical egg off your face. ;)
  14. Arthur Brain

    So guys, what's it like living in a boring echo chamber nowadays?

    Oh dear... RD would or should have known fine well that my original response to him was laced with acerbic humour himself but hey, who knows these days around these parts? He was hardly gonna be paying me an actual compliment was he?
  15. Arthur Brain

    Mainstream Science

    Oh, ya got me dude, I'm Avajis or whatever. Your powers of deduction where it comes to nothing really in particular are beyond dispute!