Arthur Brain
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  • Is it rated 10/10 or is it not rated 10/10?


    You have a high tolerance, so for you it's probably only 3/10. I don't have a high tolerance, I'm a wuss. :eek:
    Well, I just looked at IMDB and it's rated 10/10 for frightening and intense scenes.... so that's probably going to be a "no." :chuckle:
    :plain: Um... no.

    A little scary, a lot suspenseful, quick gore that I can cover my eyes for - something like Get Out is a perfect example of all that. I really wish I hadn't binged on Stranger Things and I could have done that tonight. And I just watched Donny Darko, so I've kinda messed myself up for a Halloween night. :(

    Maybe I can find Get Out online and watch it again, I'll have to look.
    Ah, sounds like a good week shaping up then. Good for you. :)

    Tonight's Halloween but I'm going to be staying in and looking for something good to watch.
    Thanks. If you see anna smile at her for me and tell her while I'm dropping the odd, quick line here I haven't read a personal email in a bit. Dad went down with a bum knee that's going to need replacement. Mom hurt her back helping him and now I'm running my last semester while becoming a home care guy for the foreseeable. :cheers:
    I was serious about the worms, I also brake for butterflies when driving, and save turtles too. I let flies and bees etc. outside instead of swatting them. It all started when I was about 7, I used a water gun to squirt ants on the sidewalk and watch them float and get carried away by the water. One day it occurred to me that I was killing them and playing god in a way. I found out that ants don't drown and can live underwater for days :chuckle:
    - ANOTHER hot topic and recent study of mine is a more secular research into the 'historicity' of Jesus and another look at the mythicist view of Jesus...which i've toyed a bit with anyways over the years, but this new book and work of scholars like Richard Carrier are making headway into Academia to at least consider an agnostic or mythicist view about Jesus :) - see here. (book review forth coming after I finish. Nothing new to freelight of course,...but i think some paradigm shifts are coming in the future ....:surf:
    Doin some searches, and going back in my subscribed threads I found this post here, which also links back to the "Queen James Bible' thread, which I added lots to, but it got deleted! - interesting some older thread are still extant, not sure if thats 'creative purging' or some 'random purging' which Knight does do from time to time to get rid of older threads, making more 'space' at time goes on. I'll consider a 'clobber passage' thread if resources afford.
    Hi AB :) - well,....I thought it was fun to jump in again and banter with it has been so long, and seeing a 'Part 4' to his rant was just the "kicker" :) - the Alan Chambers ordeal certainly isnt helping his cause. I didnt read the whole thread (did I miss anything?) but remember our former threads on homosexuality dealing with the 'clobber verses' usually used against homosexuality, where I posted a bit. Not sure if any current ones are going dealing with the biblical passages, but will look and maybe consider a new thread debating those :cool: - thoughts and suggestions appreciated :thumb:
    No fund drive? I thought when the lifetime memberships stopped he was signaling the end. But things are still idea if this will all just wink out or what. :idunno:
    And I reported a couple of CS's link without comment spam. He did that 12 times so idea why. Nudged Sherman on it to be clear I was only looking for someone to nudge him off the practice.
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