Your opinion on God’s Law.


TOL Subscriber
Thank you for your concern. I choose to obey God. But Gentiles do not need to do what I am doing. You are right, it is voluntary. As for Hebrew Roots I don't know that I follow. I do attend a Messianic Congregation, but Passover, for example, is Jewish. Hebrew Roots may or may not be the same as the Messianic movement, but most importantly I desire to be Biblical. I am a new covenant believer, but Jewish and Christian both by choice.

No. By your own profession, you are not a Christian. Stop pretending. You're only lying to yourself.


No. By your own profession, you are not a Christian. Stop pretending. You're only lying to yourself.

I have been a Christian since the time I accepted Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior at about age 5. That was 30 years ago. I understood Jesus to be my Savior. I believe I understood Him to be my Lord. I most assuredly believe Jesus to be not only Savior but Lord.


I desire to. I can explain more and I am still studying it.

Leviticus is not just for priests. There is no temple so no sacrifice. And, I am a new covenant believer so I am learning about the place of the Law in the life of the believer as a new covenant believer in Yeshua as Messiah.

Many know nothing of the old covenant, the covenant God made with the nation of Israel. The new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Now Gentiles are included.

then you should be reading it instead of posting here.

it will take many, many hours to read.

Priests had to know all of them. They could do it because that's all they did. and that was their job.

I cannot communicate with you. I won't even try anymore.

good day.


then you should be reading it instead of posting here.

it will take many, many hours to read.

Priests had to know all of them. They could do it because that's all they did. and that was their job.

I cannot communicate with you. I won't even try anymore.

good day.

Passover is this week, but aside from that the one year Torah reading cycle is in Leviticus (we go through the Torah each year). I have no problem both studying and posting.

Are you asking from your knowledge of Leviticus? There should be nothing preventing you from studying it, but if there is I can pray that you would be able to in God's timing.


New member
Thank you for your concern. I choose to obey God. But Gentiles do not need to do what I am doing. You are right, it is voluntary. As for Hebrew Roots I don't know that I follow. I do attend a Messianic Congregation, but Passover, for example, is Jewish. Hebrew Roots may or may not be the same as the Messianic movement, but most importantly I desire to be Biblical. I am a new covenant believer, but Jewish and Christian both by choice.

Hebrew Roots is a type of Messianic Judaism, but specifically organized and lead by Gentiles.


Are you asking from your knowledge of Leviticus?

Nope, I skimmed through.

You seem to ignore Jesus' simple commands and go into something unnecessary word from OT.

Do you know Jesus says to "make disciples of all nations"?

Have you even tried?


Nope, I skimmed through.

You seem to ignore Jesus' simple commands and go into something unnecessary word from OT.

Do you know Jesus says to "make disciples of all nations"?

Have you even tried?

Yes. I believe I am to make disciples as Jesus commanded His disciples to do.

Matthew 28:16-20 NASB - 16 But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."



Do you know Jesus gave His followers responsibility to spread His good news to the world?

Christianity is not just for your own. You have responsibility to reach out to the world.

You are so busy trying to be godly just for yourself. It is so selfish of you.



You seem to be so proud of your faith being a Christian since your childhood.

but you don't seem to be learning to be effective servant.

All you are doing is just for your own education. You are not a beginner yet you are not maturing, friend.

You need to reexamine your faith honestly.


TOL Subscriber
I have been a Christian since the time I accepted Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior at about age 5. That was 30 years ago. I understood Jesus to be my Savior. I believe I understood Him to be my Lord. I most assuredly believe Jesus to be not only Savior but Lord.

Beyond doubtful, especially by your own current profession.



Do you know Jesus gave His followers responsibility to spread His good news to the world?

Christianity is not just for your own. You have responsibility to reach out to the world.

You are so busy trying to be godly just for yourself. It is so selfish of you.

Not at all. My life is about making disciples. But not disciples for myself. Disciples for God and Jesus.


Not at all. My life is about making disciples. But not disciples for myself. Disciples for God and Jesus.

When do you reach out?

You sure are not reaching out in this site.

all you are doing is asking questions, it seems.



You seem to be so proud of your faith being a Christian since your childhood.

but you don't seem to be learning to be effective servant.

All you are doing is just for your own education. You are not a beginner yet you are not maturing, friend.

You need to reexamine your faith honestly.


My life is about serving God and Jesus, meshak. Study for one's own self brings spiritual growth. If you lack spiritual growth you can study. But study for other people brings their spiritual growth.

2 Timothy 2:15 NASB - 15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.


When do you reach out?

You sure are not reaching out in this site.

all you are doing is asking questions, it seems.

Your opinion matters meshak, like anyone else's, which is why I asked. And we can all learn from each other, especially if we have God, Jesus, and the Bible to learn from. Many hear someone preach the law and they feel ashamed or that the person is not genuine. They miss out on what God has for them.


You have a bible, you can get the answers for yourself from it.

Of course, but so can you. This site is to learn from each other, otherwise we would be learning from our own study of the Bible only, or not on this site.


at your lengthy Christian life, you ought to be a spreader, not asking around questions.

Questions are always for learning. Sometimes the learning is in the question. Answers are good too, and some people have them. The Bible has them.