Let us dive in again...........
Let us dive in again...........
do you have any reason to believe everyone will ultimately accept love?
From a universalist perspective, all souls ultimately return to 'God' (thru any and by all means).
From a specifically 'Chrsitian Universalist' perspective,...all are made alive in Christ, all are redeemed by Christ, so 'Christ' is naturally the saving personality, power or instrument being used to draw all men unto himself.
On a metaphysical level, if
'God' is always already the one universal all-pervading absolute reality,...
then reality is what always IS, no matter what else arises to challenge or reject it. Absolute Reality IS what IS. - hence the classical attributes of 'God' as 'omnipresent', 'omnipotent' and 'omniscience' holds, as long as we consider what is
'absolute' (timelessly, eternally, infinitely BEING). So,...on this level there is only 'God',...no other. There is not two (this is pure 'non-duality). God Only. God is All There IS, essentially....absolutely. - all 'else' are just 'appearances' and forms'.
Only on relative(dualistic) levels of human perception, distortion, error, ignorance...is the absolute reality obscured, diminished, distorted, fragmented, etc. If an individual human soul or ego suffers from ignorance of any kind, that suffering is in the distortion-field of the mind alone, in the sense of separation, imperfection, a mistaken view, not seeing the whole truth that God IS. 'God' alone is the whole truth, the Only ONE that IS, here, now, always. There is no 'outside' of God in reality. Hence no 'seperation', anywhere, anywhen. A presumed 'seperation' could only be if the soul suffers from the false-perceptions of the ego (by any means), or undergoes a death where it is no longer ever conscious as a funcitioning entity.
Another kicker is 'free will', as you know....if we truly have any measure of free will, and if this freedom of choice allows us to become 'seperate' from God.
Well, the mind itself with all its egoic viewpoints and limited perspectives, is prone to illusion/delusion of many kinds. But whether we can of our own free wills, choose to be divorced from reality to the degree that we ourselves become 'unreal', 'non-existent', no longer alive (conscious), suffering a final and eternal death, is another matter (assuming that some souls may so fully embrace iniquity as to reap the full harvest of such which is non-existence). In 'conditional immortality',...some souls do DIE. They are no more. They become dis-integrated, terminated, ....they PERISH. - they forfeited their opportunities for survival, for fulfilling their life-purpose. They have truly become 'exhausted'.
So,...there are many different streams to explore