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Of what Hebrew word do you speak of here...?
naked - עֲרוּמִּ֔ים plural, cunning - עָר֔וּם singular
Of what Hebrew word do you speak of here...?
Because that was not a lie, they did not die right then and they were in God's image. Adam lived 930 years, and Eve may have also.
Why would God need a hell, when he is the Savior of ALL Mankind?
Listen, no matter how you search the bible for the condemnation of humans, I will search and find life with God for them; because that is already in my mind.
So your accusations fall on deaf ears.
Why talk about the people called goats going into the eternal fire created for Satan and his angels? Matthew 25:41 "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Is He a liar or stupid He should say such a thing, a phrasing designed to terrify His listeners which, according to you, is a blatant lie? 8th time a charm eh, will you answer this this time?
do you have any reason to believe everyone will ultimately accept love?
So,...there are many different streams to explore![]()
:yawn: Let the reader decide (Eph 4:14).each:
It's written in the law of Moses.
The soul who sins shall die.
We have all sinned however.
Ex 23:2, Mt 7:14[Christians] "...[T]hey believe many will be lost."
Jesus has chosen every person (Jn 3:16). Men must choose him (John 3:19–21, Heb. 11:8–10)."...They think that Jesus is only reconciling those who accept him..."
"2 Co 5:19 God was in Christ. God by His own will and design used His Son, the only acceptable and perfect sacrifice, as the means to reconcile sinners to Himself (see notes on v. 18; Acts 2:23; Col. 1:19, 20; cf. John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:5, 6).[2 Corinth. 5:19]
Eze 18:32"God has said that he wants all saved."
"Nu 23:19 that he should change his mind Doesn’t imply that God cannot change His mind—there are ample illustrations of God doing so. Rather, God will not change something He has decreed or promised. See 1 Sam 15:29, 35; Exod 32:9–14; Jonah 3:10." Barry, J. D., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Mangum, D., & Whitehead, M. M. (2012). Faithlife Study Bible (Nu 23:19). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.[Num. 23:19]
Heb 10:31 :burnlib:"Here is good news for unbelievers and those who reject Christ; your not doomed, there is hope for you!"
Appropriate the gift (Acts 16:30–34)."In 1 John 4:14, I am testifying to you that the Father God sent his Son Jesus, to be the Savior of the world!"
Explain to yourself why you think the bible keeps calling Jesus, " The Savior of the World!" John 4:42. Maybe its a serious mistake? Maybe a misprint!
Many (Mt 7:13)."I know you can't tell us how many people you are projecting to be in your hell..."
:yawn: Save you from what?"God save us from your hell beliefs!"
Ge 12:3, Pr 31:9, Esth 4:14. Rut 1:16-17, Re 18:4Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Why do you want to talk with me, and you think I am full of quibble?
For what?
Why waste your time?
Ge 12:3, Pr 31:9, Esth 4:14. Rut 1:16-17, Re 18:4![]()
Should Christians Judge? Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name by Bob Enyart
I like your passion and your compassion but these do not make your theology correct. Are we really supposed to choose between our theological options based on emotional appeal? You know you have a problem with Matthew 25:41 - why avoid it?