[Hell] "...[T]o punish people for not holding up to the weight of sin."
The baggage of sin is not welcomed in heaven.

[Hell] "...[T]o punish people for not holding up to the weight of sin."
Adam and Eve were not evil, nor did they ever become evil. Adam and Eve did not " Choose a state of sinfulness", they sinned one time, and it was the first time they sinned; they did not do anythingelse wrong. They were not crooked or perverse; in my personal view, they were better humans than any human believer in God is now. Adam and Eve NEVER rejected God.
But see, when a Christian is explaining your life, its no telling how they are going to describe it. In my view, Adam was one of the greatest humans to ever live. I think he just did not know God that well. I don't think God trained Adam, and God certainly did not protect Adam from satan. God let them get hoodwinked, in order to create the need for Christ to come.
The world is suffering, and believers are preaching eternal hell suffering...
Well examine the curse God placed on her in Gen. 3:16, he multiplies the pain she will have giving birth to her children, and he makes her " Submissive to Adam, that he would rule over her", which obviously means she was the one in charge before this curse. She was ruling over Adam. I think Adam was just a very loving man, destined, like Judas, to have to ignite humanity in historical ways.
Its not imagination, its scripture and common sense. God cursed Eve with being submissive to Adam, meaning she was not that way before. Why curse someone with something that is already in place? That means Eve was a manipulating woman, perhaps beautiful and comely, smart and convincing. She was the leader, which is why she confronted the serpent in Eden. Its WHY the serpent dealt with only her. And its exactly what God wanted! If God wanted Adam to put up a fight, he would have trained him to do so; he did not. Its not like God did not have the time. And Adam did NOT have the Holy Spirit inside of him, that is nowhere in scripture. If Adam would have had God's spirit, he would have behaved totally different than he did.
Adam and Eve were blind to what the serpent was and how to deal with it. Notice closely Gen. 3:7, " The eyes of both of them were opened". Now this is NOT talking about their physical eyes, they were not physically blind; it means they were NOT spiritually prepared or equipped BEFORE this verse 7, after the serpent had left. They were stupid in very important areas. They did not even know they were naked. And God fore knew all of this, because God is not stupid either. He would NOT leave the destiny of humanity up to Adam.
"Why would he [God] co-exist with such a place in eternity?"
5 solid reasons to suspect Adam and Eve were sinners before they ate the fruit:
1. They were called naked, the same word used to designate the serpent's evil when a perfectly good world for being nude without connotation of evil was available. Since there is no sin in being naked yet it was their nakedness they saw when their eyes were opened to their sin, this nakedness must be symbolic for being unclothed before the Lord, that is, evil.
2. The sin they become aware of by eating was their nakedness which they had before they ate.
3. Adam tried to mate with the animals but did not find one suitable to be his helpmate. Was this GOD's idea? Doubtful, eh. But why did GOD not just tell him HE had a suitable mate for him, that is, Eve, if Adam was not rejecting her or the idea of her as the one who could help him? Was GOD holding back necessary input or was HE just resigned to Adam's rebellious, that is, evil pov?
4. Before they ate, they fellowshipped with the serpent, discussed theology and were inclined to follow his definitions of reality. Such an acceptance of the serpent, GOD's great enemy, is obviously idolatry even before Eve ate, a sin that is glossed over because it was already included in the word naked.
5. They were given a command 'not to eat.' The purpose of the law is to teach us (open our eyes) about our own sinfulness: Romans 7:7 ...Nevertheless, I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law. The fact of the law proves sin.
Since it is obvious that A&E were sinful when they were moved to the garden: (sown there, as it were, as according to Matt 13:37-39 …37 And He said, "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, 38 and the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one; 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil,)
it is easy to see that their eating opened their eyes to their sin which they had been rejecting (they were not ashamed) so they could repent and be brought to Christ (symbolized by the skin coats). At the same time they learned the true nature of the evil of their friend and mentor, the serpent who sold them out for his own ends, and with their idolatry broken by the truth, they would never follow him again.
This event was a great blessing to them and the only reason this story is called the Fall instead of the First Great Blessing on Earth is because of the theory that they were created here on earth and therefore had to be innocent, a fallacy that has caused no end of blasphemy.
In John 12:47, again Jesus, "And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him NOT, for I come NOT to judge the world, but to save the world."
But why would Eve believe the lie of two parts: you will not die and you will be like GOD?
The Holy Spirit is The One Who reassures us that the Truth about hell is real.
Matthew chapter 24 is where I think we are headed...
The world has always been full of broken hearted people; sad people who never really knew what to believe. Notice God in Ps. 34:18, " The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and SAVES those who are of a contrite spirit."
:yawn: Jud 1:9"Let me tell you why Christians can't condemn you..."
"...n Luke 5:24 Jesus said that he has power to forgive all sins on earth."
A time comes when you just have to fight Christians, to keep them from thinking they can condemn the world...
In Ezk. 33:11 God speaks that he has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that they turn from that way and live. How can a dead person turn from their ways...
Why would God need a hell, when he is a super expert at changing the human heart? In Jer. 24:7, " And I will give them a heart to know me, that I am God; and they shall be my people, and I will be their God; they will return to me with their whole heart." God can give people a heart to know him, meaning he can manipulate the human consciousness toward him.
This is good news for unbelievers.
Why would God need a hell, when he is a super expert at changing the human heart? In Jer. 24:7, " And I will give them a heart to know me, that I am God; and they shall be my people, and I will be their God; they will return to me with their whole heart." God can give people a heart to know him, meaning he can manipulate the human consciousness toward him.
This is good news for unbelievers.
The real question here is this:
Do you regret voting for Obama?