Why would God need a hell?

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You have a lying deceitful spirit.

I am curious, why are you reading what you think a lying deceitful spirit has to say? Why?

You know, you call me all these insulting names, why are you reading what I have to say?

If you think that about me, why not ignore me?

Totton Linnet

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Those times are over. The times of men leading the true church of God is over, in John 16:13 Jesus explains how this works, or will work after he is gone from the earth. One reason WHY the church of God is messed up now, is from years and years of leaders who had the power to bind the members, and loose all kinds of traditional mess into the church. Now we have a bunch of pew sitting church members who are addicted to the leadership; they are really just a big set of ears, listening to a big mouth preacher who has their minds in a bind.

So people who sat and listened to Jesus or the apostles were wrong in your view.

Who are YOU to say the church is messed up? is it your church?

I do not find God's church to be messed up.

You do not belong to the church.

Totton Linnet

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I disagree; men with authority caused the confusion. If you would be a student of the bible, show me where God sends a man during our times to clear up the confusion. Show me that. Nowhere in the bible does it reveal prophets or teachers of God coming out in our times; not true prophets; it only reveals that our time will be full of false prophets and teachers.

God ALWAYS send men in the old and new testament church.

Why have YOU come? teaching a different message than Christ's message


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The Holy Spirit is The One Who reassures us that the Truth about hell is real.

Major case of mistaken identity there. The Holy Spirit does not contradict what the Word of God says. Sorry about that. I don't know WHO is "reassuring you" that eternal torture in hell is real, but it isn't the Holy Spirit.

Totton Linnet

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The world has always been full of broken hearted people; sad people who never really knew what to believe. Notice God in Ps. 34:18, " The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and SAVES those who are of a contrite spirit."

God is saving people, he is not planning on a hell fire pot roast.

God will save everyone who comes to Him, He turns no-one away if they come according to the truth....you are teaching lies

Totton Linnet

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Were you born a Child of God? If you say no, then you believe there was a time you were not his child. Who's child were you before your conversion?

Others hear the same gospel I heard, they are not saved.

I am an adopted child.

The person I used to be was fit for hell, but God had mercy


New member
So people who sat and listened to Jesus or the apostles were wrong in your view.

Who are YOU to say the church is messed up? is it your church?

I do not find God's church to be messed up.

You do not belong to the church.

I go by what I read God and Jesus say in scripture. In Jer. 23:11 God himself said both Prophets and Priest in his church are wicked. In Revelations 2nd-3rd chapters, Jesus describes his church and things he had against them; in 2:4, 14, 20, and 3:14-20 Jesus describes how messed up HIS churches are. In fact, in 2:15 Jesus said they were doing things that he " Hated!"

The final stage of God's church is described in Rev. 3:20, Jesus is standing at its door and knocking, he is not even " In" this church, this stage of HIS church; he's on the outside, trying to get in.

I go by what I read.

Totton Linnet

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A time comes when you just have to fight Christians, to keep them from thinking they can condemn the world. To keep them from throwing people into their hell.

We preach the good news of Christ's salvation, we condemn nobody, we throw nobody into hell.

Actually it is YOU who spend your entire waking life transfixed with hell.

You are dedicated to it

Totton Linnet

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I see Christianity with my natural eyes as well, how they are self righteous and condemning the world of unbelievers. The Apostle Paul was murdering Believers in God before he was converted, if you were God, he would have never became an Apostle, because you would have thrown him in your hell.

And God desires that all men be saved, Christians in no manner trust in that judgment of God.

This post is a condemnation, full of self importance

You are more righteous than Christ, more important than He or His apostles.

You have a lying deceiving spirit, I have NEVER thrown anyone into hell.

Once I was asked do I believe the bible I said yes, then you believe in hell, I said yes, the fellow fell to his knees and sought pardon.

He belonged to a razor gang.

I don't preach hell fire, but we must tell the truth when asked


New member
We preach the good news of Christ's salvation, we condemn nobody, we throw nobody into hell.

Actually it is YOU who spend your entire waking life transfixed with hell.

You are dedicated to it

I am dedicated to it in this thread, dedicated in showing that the Christian hell is one of the greatest deceptions that satan has ever pulled off on humanity. Its the most powerful deception that I have ever seen in my 60 years of living. A stunning , cunning, versatile deception that has perverted the true gospel of God and spoiled the good news to humanity. Its an infection.

Totton Linnet

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Mankind has not fallen, that's a bunch of Christian baloney; we were born in sin, there has never been a time that humanity has lived upright. The fall is a Christian myth, God created us in sin and conceived us already down and out.

Show us where God created Adam a sinner....if you believe God is responsible for sin you are in serious trouble friend.

God would need to be a sinner Himself...how do you know that everything He says is not a lie?

You believe SOME things are a lie, and now we understand that you think sin comes from God

Totton Linnet

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I am dedicated to it in this thread, dedicated in showing that the Christian hell is one of the greatest deceptions that satan has ever pulled off on humanity. Its the most powerful deception that I have ever seen in my 60 years of living. A stunning , cunning, versatile deception that has perverted the true gospel of God and spoiled the good news to humanity. Its an infection.

To what purpose would the devil deceive man? You believe in Satan, you believe he is evil...do you believe he will spend eternity in hell?


New member
Show us where God created Adam a sinner....if you believe God is responsible for sin you are in serious trouble friend.

God would need to be a sinner Himself...how do you know that everything He says is not a lie?

You believe SOME things are a lie, and now we understand that you think sin comes from God


In Genesis 3:7, speaking of the condition of Adam and Eve, "And the eyes of both of them were OPENED!" This does not mean their physical eyes, it meant their spiritual condition, because we know they were not physically blind. This verse reveals that everything BEFORE Gen. 3:7, which includes Adam and Eves creation, and their dealings with the serpent, they were SPIRITUALLY BLIND! They were just as suspectable to sin as any of us; they were not perfect and they did NOT have Gods spirit; they were BLIND!


"...Show me a scripture that claims salvation is only for Christians."
Abraham would be the father of many nations (Ge 17:5). The Jew should haven known that. The Christian should know that (Ro 11:24-25).

"...alvation is for us all."
If a Jew thinks he is saved because he's a Jew and he can live any way he pleases, he's wrong (Ro 8:13, 9:6). Salvation is for those who love his word (Jn 14:21).


New member
To what purpose would the devil deceive man? You believe in Satan, you believe he is evil...do you believe he will spend eternity in hell?

I am not sure about the fate of satan and demons, I don't know. Its not clear. I personally think God will simply " Will them out of existence." But 2 Pet. 2:4 gives their punishment an eternal sense; so I don't know.

Its just hard for me to see God punishing any creature for an eternity. Why should God keep something around forever that he does not like?


New member
His spirit will not always strive with man (Ge 6:3, Josh 24:15).

God's Holy Spirit will " Thrive" with man forever, but the use of the term " Strive" here means God will not always struggle against human flesh, that he will bring flesh to an end.

This scripture is also proof against the Christian concept of eternal hell punishing, that concept would force God to strive forever with man and his sin.


"...[W]hy would God need a hell...What is it that Jesus can't do..."
He's holy (Is. 11:4, 5). He cannot look on evil (Hab 1:13).

God is comfortable with sinners--not sin--sinners. ~ David Jeremiah
"...[W]here God would need a geographic location in eternity to herd humans into, because they were beyond the reach and ability of Christ?"
"Jesus saves from the guttermost to the uppermost." ~ Michael Youssef
"Rev. 1:5...Unto him that loves us."
"He loves you but he will live without you." ~ J. Vernon McGee

Cleanse yourself (Pr 30:12, Mt 22:11-13). :granite:

"Re 1:5 Jesus Christ … the firstborn from the dead guarantees the Christian’s future resurrection through His own resurrection (1 Cor. 15:20, 23). Though He is the rightful ruler, Christ will not fully exert His authority (Matt. 28:18) over the kings of the earth until His second coming (19:17–21). At that time, He will establish His kingdom on earth (19:6) and will appoint prepared rulers who will share His sovereignty in submission to Him (2:26, 27; 3:21; 5:10; 20:4; 21:24)." Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1999). Nelson’s new illustrated Bible commentary (Re 1:5). Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers.


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In Ezk. 33:11 God speaks that he has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that they turn from that way and live. How can a dead person turn from their ways, and then live? Well, the answer is the resurrection to life.
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