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In Col. 3:1, " If they be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, " Where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God." I mean that is his spot; his place on the throne. Mark 16:19 Jesus was received into heaven and sat on the right hand of God, this simply means on the " Right side" of God. Or right next to him; so when the Father said that he alone is God, and beside him there is not another God, we can biblically and rightly assume that when he spoke that, Jesus was sitting right next to him. Where he always sits. Right besides him.
Now, in my view, once God has spoken something, it supersedes any other biblical person, INCLUDING Jesus! No matter what any biblical writer has written, what the Father says simply is the final authority on the matter.
At least that is how I view this. Jesus is not God the Father, no way biblically possible. But now if one is asking if Jesus is himself an individual God, he could be; I just don't know. I mean, goodness, he created the entire universe, if he is not " A" God, he sure has the power of one. In my opinion, the bible is unclear on this matter; it could be one of several possibilities.