Good and evil are relative descriptions.....
Good and evil are relative descriptions.....
I can tell you that God not only created evil, of which I showed you the biblical verse, he uses evil, I showed you that, he puts lies in prophets mouths and speaks evil about them, I showed you that, he does evil to his own servants, the book of Job proves that; he creates crooked humans, I showed you that,
now let me show you one more thing about God, he had us all born in sin and heavily influenced by it, Ps. 51:5. In sin and evil we all were born into it with absolutely no choice. Shaped by it, BECAUSE God willed it. I am saying that God can do whatever he wants to do, he can cause evil to do its thing on earth, and that in no manner means that he himself is evil; no. But to say that God has never done anything evil, is just not knowing scripture. Now God never has " Personally done the evil", but he has had others do it for him.
The devil does everything God tells him to do. God completely controls him. In fact, God " Ordained the devil"; look at Rom. 13:1, " Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but OF God! the powers that be ARE ORDAINED OF GOD!" The devil is surely a " Power that be." There would be no evil if God did not want it to be.
In this world of 'dualism', of course there are the relative values or degrees of both 'good' and 'evil', this whole realm of conditional existence is a world of 'contrasts',...all possibilities and probabilities existing in their potentiality or actuality. Hence, if you want to assume
'God' is the originator of all potentials,....then that obviously includes 'evil' and an endless list of conditions that are
Now as to whether the Lord or Satan put lying spirits in people's mouths, there appears to be tampering with the passages here as
later scribes went in and 'edited' the verse, since there are 2 differing accounts (I cant quote the verse at the moment, if any can find it). So,...scribes were even quibbling over whether
the Lord or Satan was doing certain evil actions, so they could alternate at times, and
lay the blame on Satan,
who still is anyways, the Lord's servant, so it all comes out in the wash the same anyways,...since all happens or is allowed in the Lord's providence, whether he personally does something or does it by some other 'agency'.
Dualism must ultimately accept its source in the non-dual ream of origination, the universal unity or primal oneness of life itself (remember, 'God' is One and so 'Creation' is One, no matter how dualistic or multifarious it is), which is prior to duality, yet includes and transcends it, so that ultimately the play of creative potentials is ever arising as a phenomena in space-time,
nothing happening outside of divine providence.
All comes from the infinite One, and returns to the infinite One, since the infinite One is All There IS. - only we humans differentiate, denominate, describe, judge between various conditions and contrasts arising in the total spectrum of potentials and possibilities. 'Hell' is just another possibility of one's experience that is contrasted to 'heaven', and can be remedied by satisfying the requirements to makes its condition a reality in consciousness,
just as 'sin' is a transgression of any law of harmony that makes for one's own suffering.