In 1 Tim. 2:14, " And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." This is why I first said Adam did not sin, but one can argue that he did; he listened to his wife, and he allowed her to confront satan, and he did nothing about it. I think its because he was totally smitten with Eve, because satan did not deceive him. I think Eve was, at first, a controlling woman, perhaps more powerful than Adam. She knew she could manipulate Adam, and I think at first, Eve was the one in charge; she was the leader. Why do I think that?
Well examine the curse God placed on her in Gen. 3:16, he multiplies the pain she will have giving birth to her children, and he makes her " Submissive to Adam, that he would rule over her", which obviously means she was the one in charge before this curse. She was ruling over Adam. I think Adam was just a very loving man, destined, like Judas, to have to ignite humanity in historical ways.