ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
No, I must disagree. Some sins do indeed disqualify us from being overseers..........
Then you missed the point. A homosexual who remains chaste commits no sin, just as an alcoholic who stays clean commits no sin or a kleptomaniac who does not steal commits no sin. People who check their disordered desires and avoid sin should actually be praised, not condemned. Why don't you get that.


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Then you missed the point. A homosexual who remains chaste commits no sin, just as an alcoholic who stays clean commits no sin or a kleptomaniac who does not steal commits no sin. People who check their disordered desires and avoid sin should actually be praised, not condemned. Why don't you get that.

do you understand why homosexuals cannot be priests?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
do you understand why homosexuals cannot be priests?
Can you please show me a canon law that says that, or a catechism section that says that?

Do you not understand that because of original sin, we ALL have disordered desires which tempt us to different sins and which we must keep in check through prayer and living in Christ. The person who suffers from a same-sex attraction disorder is no different than you or me for we all suffer from disordered desires of different kinds. If you prevent a man who suffers from a same-sex attraction disorder from becoming a priest then you must prevent every man who suffers from disordered desires from becoming a priest. In other words: Everybody.

Result: No priests.

So again, please show me a canon law or a catechism section or a Papal statement or any official document that says homosexuals cannot be priests.
Then you missed the point. A homosexual who remains chaste commits no sin, just as an alcoholic who stays clean commits no sin or a kleptomaniac who does not steal commits no sin. People who check their disordered desires and avoid sin should actually be praised, not condemned. Why don't you get that.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
. Catechism of the Catholic Church


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Can you please show me a canon law that says that, or a catechism section that says that?

Do you not understand that because of original sin, we ALL have disordered desires which tempt us to different sins and which we must keep in check through prayer and living in Christ. The person who suffers from a same-sex attraction disorder is no different than you or me for we all suffer from disordered desires of different kinds. If you prevent a man who suffers from a same-sex attraction disorder from becoming a priest then you must prevent every man who suffers from disordered desires from becoming a priest. In other words: Everybody.

Result: No priests.

So again, please show me a canon law or a catechism section or a Papal statement or any official document that says homosexuals cannot be priests.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
. Catechism of the Catholic Church

I can see you don't understand why homosexuals cannot be priests
that you are looking in the wrong place

look at the facts
over 80% of the victims were boys
nearly all of the repeat offenders were homosexuals
have you seen the data on priests with aids?

homosexuals do not see celibacy the same as others
they don't see homosexual activity as being all that bad
they don't see a big problem with doing it with boys

there are many fine homosexual priests and bishops
they are far too sympathetic with the homosexual problem
are more likely to cover it up

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I can see you don't understand why homosexuals cannot be priests..........
Likewise, I see that you cannot show me a canon law or a catechism section or a Papal statement or any official document that says homosexuals cannot be priests.

And I also see that you don't understand how original sin resulted in ALL of us being disordered, nor do you understand that a homosexual priest who remains chaste commits no sin just as an alcoholic priest who remains sober commits no sin.

And buddy, there are alcoholic priests out the for sure.

EDIT: For the record, I would prefer that homosexuals don't enter the priesthood. But then I think to myself, what if I were barred from the priesthood because I am an alcoholic, which I am, even thouigh I have not drank in years? That would not be fair. So how can I impose the same unfairness on somebody else.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
well do I have to show you how politically correct the Church is?
THAT I do understand. Liberals have infected and corrupted the Church. But be that as it may, we cannot cannot be unfair to someone who is actually doing what they are supposed to do, avoiding the sin that they are prone to.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
THAT I do understand. Liberals have infected and corrupted the Church. But be that as it may, we cannot cannot be unfair to someone who is actually doing what they are supposed to do, avoiding the sin that they are prone to.

the Church has never really acknowledged that they were ordaining homosexuals
always had a policy against it
it was never really enforced until about 20 years ago
that is when the priest shortage started

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Okay, so you have a response from one Congregation to an inquiry from another, and that response is, in essence, their "advice":

Ordination to the diaconate and the priesthood of homosexual men or men with homosexual tendencies is absolutely inadvisable and imprudent and, from the pastoral point of view, very risky. A homosexual person, or one with a homosexual tendency is not, therefore, fit to receive the sacrament of Holy Orders.

The last sentence would seem somewhat set in stone, but the bolded sections leave wiggle room, something that Vatican officals are good at. But either way, it is not a final authoritative "Yes" or "No".

But in fairness, I'll say that it may well be on the way to being a final authoritative "No". When it arrives there, being the sort of Catholic I am, I will submit and tell eveyone that's the way it is. However, listening to our current Pontiff, I doubt that such an authoritative up-or-down decision will be forthcoming any time soon.


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EDIT: For the record, I would prefer that homosexuals don't enter the priesthood. But then I think to myself, what if I were barred from the priesthood because I am an alcoholic, which I am, even thouigh I have not drank in years? That would not be fair. So how can I impose the same unfairness on somebody else.

for you to equate the two
suggests that
you do not understand either

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
for you to equate the two
suggests that you do not understand either
You're wrong. They are both disorders that have disordered desires as a symptom. Neither can be "cured", yet both can be controlled.

Homosexual sex is a sin.
Drunkeness is a sin.

Homsexuals can stay chaste and not sin.
Alcoholics can stay sober and not sin.

Both are born that way.

And by the way, how are you going to tell an alcoholic who has remained sober for years that he does not understand alcoholism. You take a little to much upon yourself.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You're wrong. They are both disorders that have disordered desires as a symptom. Neither can be "cured", yet both can be controlled.

Homosexual sex is a sin.
Drunkeness is a sin.

Homsexuals can stay chaste and not sin.
Alcoholics can stay sober and not sin.

Both are born that way.

And by the way, how are you going to tell an alcoholic who has remained sober for years that he does not understand alcoholism. You take a little to much upon yourself.

One is NOT born a homosexual or a drunkard! Homosexuality
is a 'lust of the flesh!'

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
One is NOT born a homosexual or a drunkard! Homosexuality
is a 'lust of the flesh!'

You have medical proof that one is not born a homosexual or an alcoholic? Because there are medical findings that say they are.

Do you think that people can "choose" to be afflicted with disorders?

disorder - noun
: a mental or bodily condition marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, and emotions to seriously impair the normal psychological functioning of the individual—called also mental illness

: an abnormal physical or mental condition : ailment <an intestinal disorder> <a nervous disorder>

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You have medical proof that one is not born a homosexual or an alcoholic? Because there are medical findings that say they are.

Do you think that people can "choose" to be afflicted with disorders?

disorder - noun
: a mental or bodily condition marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, and emotions to seriously impair the normal psychological functioning of the individual—called also mental illness

: an abnormal physical or mental condition : ailment <an intestinal disorder> <a nervous disorder>

The Bible calls homosexuality, and drunkenness a sin! We need
not look to the opinions of "professionals" after accepting that!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
One chooses to be an alcoholic! One chooses to be a homosexual!
Otherwise, why would the Bible call them sins? Sin is what we choose
to do, according to our flesh!

Sheila B

I have been Evangelical Protestant most of my life, even spending some time living in a fulltime religious community.

The more I researched the origin of the bible and the history of my faith, the more I discovered the Catholic Church.

I am taking steps towards joining the Catholic Church and my question is this....'Why shouldn't I?'

I am not asking because I doubt my journey, I am asking because I haven't come across a good enough reason NOT to join.

Each side, for and against may debate, I look forward to reading each side's responses.

So, why shouldn't I convert to the Catholic Church?

Hi Rich Rock!! Welcome Home!! It has been 10 years since my husband and I became Catholic at the Easter Vigil mass and we are rejoicing still!

As an evangelical protestant, born and raised, my journey was very Jewish as I saw the New Testament believers were also full of this heritage. It was this line of understanding that brought me home. However, aside from any reading on my part, it was really the GRACE of God that made it possible for me to receive the fullness of His revelation which resides in the catholic fold.

The book of Leviticus is a glorious heritage that explains and points to many things of the One Priesthood of Christ.

In God's One True Church resides the fulfillment of all the OT promises to His Bride!!

God bless you,
your sister -in Christ- and -in the Body-


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And by the way, how are you going to tell an alcoholic who has remained sober for years that he does not understand alcoholism. You take a little to much upon yourself.

let me give it a try

an alcoholic does not need a drink until he has one

that will never be the case for a homosexual