ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Just listened to this guy too...(video at bottom of link page)...

"What the Book of Order stated was that ordained people who are married would be faithful in marriage, and that people outside of marriage would be chaste in singleness, and if there’s failure, there would be repentance.

When that was removed, what that said to the world was that Biblical authority is to be taken very lightly, because the Bible couldn’t be clearer about conduct for married and unmarried people."

Well, when you are in the PC(USA), a group that has abandoned it Confessional basis, ordains homosexuals, and all manner of other nonsense, running to mystery and high liturgy seems not unexpected.

"The issue was the denomination." -- Indeed.


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Thanks for your NON deeply researched, persuasive and rigorous debate, not to mention absolute defence of the protestant faith. As a current protestant your indepth justification to 'not stay' a protestant has been noted.
I noted you reported a post for being "rude". :AMR:

Anytime you plan on presenting deeply researched, persuasive and rigorous defense based upon your years of study, I am confident a few will have a response.


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
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Tedious. Ask Mr. Religion is now on my ignore list.

Your "I know what I know and you do not" mien is not conducive to discussion at a serious level at any rate. Make a serious attempt at explaining your position and you will be taken seriously.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Tedious. Ask Mr. Religion is now on my ignore list.
Wise idea. The man doesn't know a Bible from a cookbook.

And him and Jason doing doing everything they can to stop you from coming to the truth just shows that their works are of the devil, not God.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Well, I was under the impression that Catholics discourage personal bible study............
Its a shame that people have such ignorant notions.

The best Bible study guides are from Catholic publishers. Every parish has Bible study groups. There are Bible study shows on EWTN. And last but not least, popes have always exhorted the faithful to study the word of God ever since there have been printing presses to print Bibles.

The idea that people in the 21st century still cling to the bigoted anti-Catholic propoganda that Catholics discourage personal bible study is nothing short of pathetically sad.


Well-known member
Wise idea. The man doesn't know a Bible from a cookbook.

And him and Jason doing doing everything they can to stop you from coming to the truth just shows that their works are of the devil, not God.
Too over the top CC, let the RC do the heresy proclamations (probably also a good idea to keep it to yourselves in the RC group or on an RC forum, it generally just starts name-calling). I suppos WoB is comparatively worse though. I'd like to reel them in too.


Well-known member
Its a shame that people have such ignorant notions.

The best Bible study guides are from Catholic publishers. Every parish has Bible study groups. There are Bible study shows on EWTN. And last but not least, popes have always exhorted the faithful to study the word of God ever since there have been printing presses to print Bibles.

The idea that people in the 21st century still cling to the bigoted anti-Catholic propoganda that Catholics discourage personal bible study is nothing short of pathetically sad.

Chrysostom disagrees with you, so if it's pathetic, you have to also do some internal damage control, because this seems to confirm rather than discourage the thought :(

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Too over the top CC, let the RC do the heresy proclamations.........

Noooooo... ...they procalim hereTICS. But hereSY is heresy. No proclamation needed.

And by the way, its the Catholic Church, not "RC".

An OP of mine:

In forums I always see the acronym RCC tossed about. Sometimes it is done in innocence, but very often it is done out of malice by people who know better, or out of sheer ignorance.

The Catholic Church is the "Catholic Church", not the Roman Catholic Church. Within the Catholic Church, there are many "Rites": The Maronite Rite, the Syriac Rite, the Chaldean Rite, the Byzantine Rite, and many many other "Rites" or Churches, and also included is the Latin Rite, or "Roman" rite if you will. The Roman Catholic Church is a part of the Catholic Church, but that is all.

What all these Churches - or "Rites" - have in common is doctrine, and submission to the Pope as the Successor of Peter and earthly head of the Church. Not all Catholics are "Latin Rite" Catholics though, and some Catholics can find it rather offensive when the Church is continually referred to as the RCC.

What does this say:

It says "Catechism of the Catholic Church". It does not say "Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church". That is an important point to remember.


A Rite represents an ecclesiastical, or church, tradition about how the sacraments are to be celebrated. Each of the sacraments has at its core an essential nature which must be satisfied for the sacrament to be confected or realized. This essence – of matter, form and intention – derives from the divinely revealed nature of the particular sacrament. It cannot be changed by the Church. Scripture and Sacred Tradition, as interpreted by the Magisterium, tells us what is essential in each of the sacraments (2 Thes. 2:15).

When the apostles brought the Gospel to the major cultural centers of their day the essential elements of religious practice were inculturated into those cultures. This means that the essential elements were clothed in the symbols and trappings of the particular people, so that the rituals conveyed the desired spiritual meaning to that culture. In this way the Church becomes all things to all men that some might be saved (1 Cor. 9:22).

There are three major groupings of Rites based on this initial transmission of the faith, the Roman, the Antiochian (Syria) and the Alexandrian (Egypt). Later on the Byzantine derived as a major Rite from the Antiochian, under the influence of St. Basil and St. John Chrysostom. From these four derive the over 20 liturgical Rites present in the Church today.

source: Catholic Rites and Churches

For those who mean no malice when using "RCC", I wanted to make this point for your benefit. For the one who do it out of malice, you are revealed.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Its a shame that people have such ignorant notions.

The best Bible study guides are from Catholic publishers. Every parish has Bible study groups. There are Bible study shows on EWTN. And last but not least, popes have always exhorted the faithful to study the word of God ever since there have been printing presses to print Bibles.

The idea that people in the 21st century still cling to the bigoted anti-Catholic propoganda that Catholics discourage personal bible study is nothing short of pathetically sad.
Chrysostom disagrees with you.........
Well, he's wrong.

* The best Bible study guides ARE from Catholic publishers.
* Almost every parish DOES have Bible study groups.
* There ARE Bible study shows on EWTN.
* And: I can start pulling out Papal Encyclicals showing that popes have always exhorted the faithful to study the word of God.

These are not opinions, they are facts not in dispute.


Well-known member
Well, he's wrong.

* The best Bible study guides ARE from Catholic publishers.
* Almost every parish DOES have Bible study groups.
* There ARE Bible study shows on EWTN.
* And: I can start pulling out Papal Encyclicals showing that popes have always exhorted the faithful to study the word of God.

These are not opinions, they are facts not in dispute.
No, not about guides, about Catholics needing to be involved in Bible Study.
He disagrees that Catholics need to do it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I am not going to argue the point. I gave been on this planet for 51 years, have been a Catholic the whole time, and never once have I ever heard any Catholic - clergy or not - even hint that we should not read the Bible. Its insane to even suggest it.


Well-known member
Noooooo... ...they procalim hereTICS. But hereSY is heresy. No proclamation needed.
But when it comes to individual proclamations regarding protestants?
And by the way, its the Catholic Church, not "RC".

An OP of mine:
I forget that it is a bit troublesome to some. It is an easy two letter type so I suppose my subconscious is lazy :(
I'll try to remember/haven't been doing well on remembering.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
That at one time the RC knowingly hired homosexual priests but now no longer knowingly does it. What was it you were talking about? I thought this was it.
Being homosexual is not a sin. It is engaging in homosexual acts that is a sin.

Drunkeness is a sin. But there are alcoholics who have stayed clean and sober for decades. We praise them for what they have done. If a homosexual stays chaste then there is no sin. And a homosexual who stays chaste should be praised just as much as the alcoholic who remains sober.

Remember man, we ALL have weaknesses to certain sins. Its all due to our fallen nature. You cannot condemn someone who suffers the same fallen nature as you do. Straight men have to curb their lusts just as gay men do.

RECENT REPLY: "But not as a priest. Remember David could not build the temple because of spiritual malady (tendency) and sin (action from that malady)."

ANSWER: We ALL suffer from spritual malady, tendency to sin. That is a result of Original Sin and our fallen nature. If that were a disqualifying factor then NOBODY could be a priest, a preacher, a nun, or build a church. David had a little more going on with him than just his fallen nature and his tendancies, which we all share.
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Well-known member
That's an ignorant post. Being homosexual is not a sin. It is engaging in homosexual acts that is a sin.
I'm not so sure on this particular. Romans 1 says God gave these over to 'reprobate minds.' As I had said earlier, a problem with this doesn't mean being harsh, denying them other things, etc. but it does, and rightly so, ban them from being overseers.

Drunkeness is a sin. But there are alcoholics who have stayed clean and sober for decades. We praise them for what they have done. If a homosexual stays chaste then there is no sin. And a homosexual who stays chaste should be praised just as much as the alcoholic who remains sober.
My great uncle was an alcholic Catholic priest so I understand this, but again, you shouldn't put these into the priesthood as 'elders.' It is hard to check past behaviors but alcoholism isn't nearly as devastating and hurtful to the local church as homosexuality and child pedation. An alcoholic mainly hurts himself.

Remember man, we ALL have weaknesses to certain sins. Its all due to our fallen nature. You cannot condemn someone who suffers the same fallen nature as you do. Straight men have to curb their lusts just as gay men do.
HUGE difference between ministering to them and putting them into office. Cruciform already covered this and that the Catholic Church no longer allows it is a good thing but such indiscretion/lack of discernment is a point of pause. To avoid this in the future, you simply do not put one weak in thier faith into an overseer position. Sexuality disfunctional problems always involve hurting others by the same sin for sons, daughters, and couples. For me the answer would always be: "We'd love to have you in our church, with a clean record but not as a priest or other type of overseer. God is now calling you to some other service for Him."