ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?


His testimony is great. He is my favorite lay theologian and speaker.

Just listened to this guy too...(video at bottom of link page).

Retired Presbyterian pastor Norman McCrummen: Why I became a Catholic (video).

In June 2011,*the last time we talked to the Norman H. McCrummen III,*he was retiring from Spring Hill Presbyterian Church (USA) in Mobile, at that time the largest congregation among 28 in the Presbytery of South Alabama. Today, McCrummen is a layman. What’s more, to the shock of many in the community, he is also a Catholic.Three months after his retirement as pastor, McCrummen was accepted into full communion with the Catholic Church. He sat down with us recently to talk about his faith today and what compelled him to leave Protestantism – to “swim the Tiber,” as he puts it.


Seems that I am far from alone in thinking about and beginning to take these steps.

Interesting patern I am discovering..individual members of Catholic congregations convert to protestant evangelicalism, but protestant ministers, pastors and vicars convert to Catholicism. Why do you think that is?


New member
Stop, before you even say it. I know what you are going to say. Bowing down to a king was giving honor to him as a king. However...
I've already answered---and corrected---you on these points. See my previous posts above.

Besides, the Bible says to avoid having any appearance of evil.
Here we have a clear indication that you simply do not know how to interpret the Bible. You're tripping over the archaic language of the KJV, it seems. Consider the text in the Revised Standard Version:
"...abstain from every form of evil" (1 Thess. 5:22).​
Believers are to stay away from every form---every type or kind---of wrongdoing. You've both misinterpreted and misapplied this text.

For there is no difference between bowing TO vs. bowing BEFORE a statue. You are attempting to split hairs. Both ARE the same thing.
Your assertion that "to" ("toward") and "before" ("in front of") "are the same thing" is noted. Better alert the folks at the Oxford English Dictionary! :doh:

Gaudium de veritate,



Join the Catholic Church if you agree that the scriptures cannot be understood by your own studies.

I understand the entire counsel of the word of God.

If you join the Catholic faith you give up the right to study God's word yourself.

You however don't have a problem with this approach now. Therefore if you are not convicted by God to examine His word then by all means disappear into the masses...


New member
Join the Catholic Church if you agree that the scriptures cannot be understood by your own studies.

I understand the entire counsel of the word of God.

If you join the Catholic faith you give up the right to study God's word yourself.

You however don't have a problem with this approach now. Therefore if you are not convicted by God to examine His word then by all means disappear into the masses...

lol sorry man I just HAVE too. The spirit led me :)

for, "Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

There is a vanity that takes place on earth, that there are righteous people to whom it happens according to the deeds of the wicked, and there are wicked people to whom it happens according to the deeds of the righteous. I said that this also is vanity.

Romans 11:34 For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became his counselor?

The thoughts of God are not the thoughts of men.

Where were "YOU" Michael when God laid the foundations of the Earth?
Where were you? Did you help? did you say , "Hey this goes here,not there."

You know not the entire counsel of God.And to say you do only shows your man pride and the gulf between you and God.
Humble yourself, man.


Join the Catholic Church if you agree that the scriptures cannot be understood by your own studies.

I understand the entire counsel of the word of God.

If you join the Catholic faith you give up the right to study God's word yourself.

You however don't have a problem with this approach now. Therefore if you are not convicted by God to examine His word then by all means disappear into the masses...

You see, I just can't take any of that seriously.
Do you understand? I understand more and more of the bible, hence my steps towards the Catholic Church.


I doubt they are, but what difference does that make?

Well, I was under the impression that Catholics discourage personal bible study. I apologize.

My faith is convicted to study scripture from the Jewish perspective. While much of the New Testament can benefit from the study lens of Greek and roman culture, there is much that is imperative to be seen from a first century Jewish believers perspective such as the gospels. That Jewish frame of reference is zero from the Catholic's vantage point as they adhere to replacement theology.

My advice is that you follow your conscience but that you keep in mind that for the past 19 centuries there has been little to no Jewish converts to Christianity until the 20th century and now we are seeing multitudes of Jews coming to faith in their Messiah. Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum is the leading Hebrew Christian scholar of our generation. You do well to compare your studies against his at some point in the future. In our world of vast information we are inexcusable to be ignorant of the Jewish frame of reference concerning Jesus' teachings. Many do not represent sound biblical doctrines just like within Protestant and Catholic circles there are degrees of error, so it is within Messianic Judaism. Which is why the Dr prefers the label of Messianic Jew.

Good luck Richo


Well, I was under the impression that Catholics discourage personal bible study. I apologize.

My faith is convicted to study scripture from the Jewish perspective. While much of the New Testament can benefit from the study lens of Greek and roman culture, there is much that is imperative to be seen from a first century Jewish believers perspective such as the gospels. That Jewish frame of reference is zero from the Catholic's vantage point as they adhere to replacement theology.

My advice is that you follow your conscience but that you keep in mind that for the past 19 centuries there has been little to no Jewish converts to Christianity until the 20th century and now we are seeing multitudes of Jews coming to faith in their Messiah. Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum is the leading Hebrew Christian scholar of our generation. You do well to compare your studies against his at some point in the future. In our world of vast information we are inexcusable to be ignorant of the Jewish frame of reference concerning Jesus' teachings. Many do not represent sound biblical doctrines just like within Protestant and Catholic circles there are degrees of error, so it is within Messianic Judaism. Which is why the Dr prefers the label of Messianic Jew.

Good luck Richo

Presumption, but polite, I will reply in kind.
I always study Jesus' teaching from a Jewish perspective, trying to understand the dramatic effect his words would have had on his listeners. For instance, 'Eat my flesh and drink my blood' was so horrific to a first century Jew's ears...but therein is one example of a reason for my steps towards the Catholic Church...the Eucharist, unadulterated and passed down through tradition and biblical soundness through the centuries.


Presumption, but polite, I will reply in kind.

I always study Jesus' teaching from a Jewish perspective, trying to understand the dramatic effect his words would have had on his listeners. For instance, 'Eat my flesh and drink my blood' was so horrific to a first century Jew's ears...but therein is one example of a reason for my steps towards the Catholic Church...the Eucharist, unadulterated and passed down through tradition and biblical soundness through the centuries. As a protestant I was taught it is just symbolic...

That's awesome.
By the way, I do care what you think. Jewish perspective site

Bright Raven

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Hall of Fame
Presumption, but polite, I will reply in kind.
I always study Jesus' teaching from a Jewish perspective, trying to understand the dramatic effect his words would have had on his listeners. For instance, 'Eat my flesh and drink my blood' was so horrific to a first century Jew's ears...but therein is one example of a reason for my steps towards the Catholic Church...the Eucharist, unadulterated and passed down through tradition and biblical soundness through the centuries.

Do you believe in the transubstantiation of the host and blood of Christ?


Movies: not a great source for one's comprehension of Catholic belief and doctrine. I love the book, though.

As much of an appetite I have for Catholic bashing, I have to believe that some Catholics are truly saved. Same for Protestants.