Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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More from the ever so 'tolerant' LGBTQueer movement:

Court: Farmers can’t refuse same-sex ‘wedding’ in backyard, fines them $13,000

ALBANY, New York, January 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Farmers who host weddings in their backyard cannot refuse ceremonies where two people of the same sex are trying to get married, a New York court has ruled.
and they can't refuse interracial couples or Jewish couples either




... This 4 part thread has been extremely hard on Art. The information provided about the deadly homosexual lifestyle and the God hating-child indoctrinating/molesting agenda has really taken it's toll on him. While I probably should put the guy on ignore, I pray that he'll get the spiritual and psychological help that he so desperately needs, and ignoring him won't deal with the problem that we as Christians need to address.
These kinds of rants, devoid of any trace of "love" or "charity," are far more a reflection of the "spiritual wasteland" that "äCultureWarrior" inhabits than those individuals he's attempting to target!


I wasn't talking about gender reassignment surgery. I was saying the Oregon is aimed accommodating hermaphrodite teenagers. But the law is worded is worded in such a way as to offend fundies like ACW.


I wasn't talking about gender reassignment surgery. I was saying the Oregon is aimed accommodating hermaphrodite teenagers. But the law is worded is worded in such a way as to offend fundies like ACW.

Anyone with an ounce of decency should be offended that a State allows minors to get abortions and have gender reassignment surgery without their parents even knowing about it (this isn't about hermaphrodites, who usually have the extra genital removed shortly after birth).

"Fundies"? Chuck is that you?


And now a word from the GOP Establishment:

Dole: GOP would suffer 'cataclysmic' losses if Cruz is the nominee

While there have been plenty of political endorsements this campaign season, there have also been a few disses.

One of the most recent was from former Kansas Sen. Bob Dole. When speaking about Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, he told The New York Times, "Nobody likes him," referring to members of Congress. The former presidential candidate issued a warning that the party would suffer "cataclysmic" and "wholesale losses" if Ted Cruz is nominee.

"Nobody likes him (Cruz). He's too conservative".

Sounds good to me.




#3) The "Liar liar pants on fire!" award goes to none other than my good Christian friend and ardent homosexual activist (how you can be both is beyond me, but then I haven't caught onto the "new Christianity" yet) TracerBullet:

This lie AGAIN???

annadettibebbi was the previous winner of this prestigious award by calling me a "LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!" 4,372 times in several posts (ok, I...ahem...stretched the truth a bit on that one). TracerBullet surpassed that astronomical number by calling me a "LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!" 4,373 times in several posts.

Congratulations TracerBullet!

Liar liar pants on fire


Cruz has the distinction of having virtually no prominent Republicans endorse his candidacy.

If he were to be elected president, he would receive no tangible support from either the Democrats or the Republicans, making him a "lame duck" president from day one!

Its all fine and good to brand oneself as anti-establishment BUT the distribution of federal powers by the Constitution is such that the president can't pass legislation in the Congress without making compromises with the Establishment.


Cruz has the distinction of having virtually no prominent Republicans endorse his candidacy.

That's a good thing....no that's excellent!

If he were to be elected president, he would receive no tangible support from either the Democrats or the Republicans, making him a "lame duck" president from day one!

If the American people vote in Ted Cruz, they'll vote in like minded legislators (i.e. Congress) as well. Cruz has many friends and is respected for standing his ground on the issues.

Its all fine and good to brand oneself as anti-establishment BUT the distribution of federal powers by the Constitution is such that the president can't pass legislation in the Congress without making compromises with the Establishment.

See my above statement. The Establishment is hopefully out after the November elections.

And now for the really really bad news jgarden:

Your monologue wonder posts didn't make it into the Top 5 Posts of the Year. :(


New member

#3) The "Liar liar pants on fire!" award goes to none other than my good Christian friend and ardent homosexual activist (how you can be both is beyond me, but then I haven't caught onto the "new Christianity" yet) TracerBullet:

annadettibebbi was the previous winner of this prestigious award by calling me a "LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!" 4,372 times in several posts (ok, I...ahem...stretched the truth a bit on that one). TracerBullet surpassed that astronomical number by calling me a "LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!" 4,373 times in several posts.

Congratulations TracerBullet!
Thank you aCW. But without you posting all of those the fake studies, bogus data, photoshoped pictures and your reliance on material from hate groups I could have never won this award.


Regarding the Top 5 Posts of the Year awards:

I guess I didn't make the Top 5 ? :devil:


Thank you aCW. But without you posting all of those the fake studies, bogus data, photoshoped pictures and your reliance on material from hate groups I could have never won this award.

I'm sure if I look close enough there are the words "Liar! liar! pants on fire!" somewhere in your gracious acceptance speech.


But you forget that in any state, a girl can have an abortion without her parents permission. And there is no such policy of removing on pair of hermaphrodite gentiles when a hermaphrodite is born.

Secondly, Cruz is a Republican with extremely fascist tendencies. Fascists care more about delaying the end of socialism than advancing conservative causes.


But you forget that in any state, a girl can have an abortion without her parents permission.

Unless laws have changed drastically in the past 3 weeks, you're wrong (but then why ruin a perfectly good record?).
From the baby butchers at the Guttmacher Institute (Alan formerly ran Planned Parenthood) :

State Policies in Brief as of January 1, 2016
An overview of minors' consent law

"2 States and the District of Columbia explicitly allow all minors to consent to abortion services."

It goes on to talk about what is needed in the way of parental consent in other States (one or two parents).


And there is no such policy of removing on pair of hermaphrodite gentiles when a hermaphrodite is born.

As I pointed out, that is usually done shortly after the child is born and is able to handle minor surgery. Of course you're trying to downplay the severity of the Oregon law by saying that these poor kids just want to have a genital removed that should have been done at birth, but those big ole mean parents thought it was cute that he or she had both sets of genitalia.

Secondly, Cruz is a Republican with extremely fascist tendencies. Fascists care more about delaying the end of socialism than advancing conservative causes.

Get it right: Ted Cruz is a homophobic, Nazi, racist, bigoted fascist.

There, much better.

Which defender of baby murdering, sodomy and socialism are you backing in this upcoming election? Maybe you vote your true beliefs: The Communist Party USA?

I see one of my obsessed admirers shared part of their culture in the tags at the bottom of the page.

"aCW: stall cop".

LOL...oh the stories I could tell (and will again sometime) about dealing with the homosexual 'culture'.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW, which baby murdering-sodomite loving socialist are you backing jgarden, Colonel Sanders or Mrs. Bill Clinton?

BTW, which pro-choice, tolerant, fair minded, middle-of-the-road, Democrat should become the next leader of the free world aCW?

You must have not gotten the memo Al: the words "abortion" (i.e. murder of the innocent unborn) and freedom don't go together.

As far as "tolerant" and "fair minded" go : It's of no surprise that Mrs. Bill Clinton will march on with the current 'gaystapo' tactics if she should be elected POTUS:

Hillary would ban reparative therapy for minors, says top LGBT group in endorsement

Human Rights Campaign endorses Hillary

Have I mentioned that the Human Rights Campaign was founded by pederast Terry Bean? (them thar homos just love their little boys).

I doubt that the old codger would be any different (if you want to get anywhere on the democratic party ticket, you must bow to the abortion and homosexual movements).

Re: Middle of the road: In comparison to who, Joseph Stalin or Mas Tse Tung? (the body count is comparable between the pro abortion/pro homosexual American sexual anarchist movement and Stalin and Mao's communist regimes).


I've noticed that there are a few so-called conservatives that are still backing Donald Trump for President (I think that Trump caters more to godless Libertarians). While I acknowledged early in his campaign that he had some good things to say, looking back, I was reacting to the attacks on him by the left and the media, which the left owns and operates.

Since it's pretty much come down to a Ted Cruz vs Donald Trump race for the Republican Party nomination for President, I think it's time to show the real Donald Trump, hence:

The Donald Trump Files

Back on page 93, post #1383, I posted an article by the Human Rights Campaign (founded by pederast Terry Bean) that showed a "mixed message" coming from Trump on the issue of homosexuality (if you can't get "one man-one woman, united in matrimony" right, what makes you think that you can get other moral issues right?).

HRC: Donald Trump's mixed messages on LGBT issues

And then on page 98, post #1466, I ran an interview of Ted Cruz talking about Donald Trump's "New York values" (a term Trump used).

Ted Cruz on Donald Trump's "New York values"

There is much to expose about this power hungry TV celebrity, and you'll see and hear it all in "The Donald Trump Files" in this thread.

Trump’s Questionable Political History

Donald Trump, Vera Coking, casino parking lots and imminent domain

The Trump Tapes: Volume 1 (video)

Donald Trump's interview with "The Advocate" (AFTAH link)

Trump on Drugs: The Donald adopts another dumb Democrat health care position

No more deals! (Donald Trump: the left wing/establishment deal maker)

White Nationalists Make Calls For Donald Trump In New Hampshire

Openly homosexual Kyle Kittleson explains why he loves Donald Trump

Excerpts from Donald Trump's interview with Playboy Magazine (he was on the cover), a MUST read.

Donald Trump's 3 positions on abortion in 3 hours

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like marbles on glass
Since it's pretty much come down to a Ted Cruz vs Donald Trump race for the Republican Party nomination for President, I think it's time to show the real Donald Trump, hence:

The Donald Trump Files

Shouldn't a friend of Ted Cruz be a friend of yours?

I like how Ted Cruz handled it:

"Folks in the press love to see Republican-on-Republican violence, so you want me to say something bad about Donald Trump or bad about John McCain or bad about anyone else. I’m not gonna do it. John McCain is a friend of mine. I respect and admire him and he’s an American hero. And Donald Trump is a friend of mine."

But wait, there's more:

What kind of follower of Christ would support (and publically endorse as Sarah Palin has recently done) someone as sick and twisted as Donald Trump?
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