Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarriorConfucius say: "Is better to show picture of next President of the United States on avatar instead of having link to his website on signature."

So now you have an avatar of Cruz and yet changed your sig?..

Was it the picture of Ted Cruz and the quote by John Wooden that gave it away Art?

Either way, he ain't gonna endorse your biggest obsession one way or the other..

From a federal perspective, I highly suspect that a President Ted Cruz will overturn B. Hussein Obama's ban on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (no more openly homosexual military personnel and if you want your genitals mutilated to become a pretend man or woman, a military hospital with a psychiatric ward has a room with that persons name on it).

There will be many more things that a President Ted Cruz would do to stop LGBTQueer tyranny (defending religious freedom would be just one).

From a State perspective, a President Ted Cruz would allow the respective States to decide if they want homosexual 'marriage'. By giving power back to the States on this issue, it would mean that those dozen or more States that still have criminal statutes on homosexuality, would be able to enforce those laws.

patrick jane

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarriorConfucius say: "Is better to show picture of next President of the United States on avatar instead of having link to his website on signature."

Was it the picture of Ted Cruz and the quote by John Wooden that gave it away Art?

From a federal perspective, I highly suspect that a President Ted Cruz will overturn B. Hussein Obama's ban on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (no more openly homosexual military personnel and if you want your genitals mutilated to become a pretend man or woman, a military hospital with a psychiatric ward has a room with that persons name on it).

There will be many more things that a President Ted Cruz would do to stop LGBTQueer tyranny (defending religious freedom would be just one).

From a State perspective, a President Ted Cruz would allow the respective States to decide if they want homosexual 'marriage'. By giving power back to the States on this issue, it would mean that those dozen or more States that still have criminal statutes on homosexuality, would be able to enforce those laws.

Can you show sources that Cruz will do those things ? Has he said so ?


Can you show sources that Cruz will do those things ? Has he said so ?

While I haven't received Art Brain's permission to post Ted Cruz's website (or did I just need his permission to put it back on my signature?), much of what he plans on doing is here:


And how about you, which godless Libertarian are you backing since old man Paul isn't running and Paul Jr. is pretty much out of the race, Gary Johnson?


aCW: stall cop

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Was it the picture of Ted Cruz and the quote by John Wooden that gave it away Art?

No, it was the fact that your sig changed even before your avatar. Frankly though, your avatar would fit you now given how it befits the general pompous image of a blowhard so well...done.

From a federal perspective, I highly suspect that a President Ted Cruz will overturn B. Hussein Obama's ban on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (no more openly homosexual military personnel and if you want your genitals mutilated to become a pretend man or woman, a military hospital with a psychiatric ward has a room with that persons name on it).

There will be many more things that a President Ted Cruz would do to stop LGBTQueer tyranny (defending religious freedom would be just one).

From a State perspective, a President Ted Cruz would allow the respective States to decide if they want homosexual 'marriage'. By giving power back to the States on this issue, it would mean that those dozen or more States that still have criminal statutes on homosexuality, would be able to enforce those laws.

Oh but, don't forget his backing of anything but those things you'd decree and lest not forget his admiration of MLK dude...

Did ya forget that?

Go read your beloved 'Creativity Movement' site...


More on Donald Trump:

Has anyone ever heard of this woman, Vera Coking?


Vera Coking, an elderly widow from Atlantic City, knows firsthand the power of unaccountable government agencies. The Institute for Justice successfully defended Vera against the condemnation of her home by a State agency that sought to take her property and transfer it—at a bargain-basement price—to another private individual: Donald Trump. Trump convinced the State agency to use its “eminent domain” power to take Vera’s home so he could construct a limousine parking lot for his customers—hardly a public purpose. And unfortunately, cases in which government agencies act not as protectors of constitutionally guaranteed rights, but instead as agents for powerful, private interests, have become all too common.

Thanks to IJ’s advocacy, Vera Coking won in court and enjoyed her home of more than three decades.

Donald Trump: the king of sleaze.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While I haven't received Art Brain's permission to post Ted Cruz's website (or did I just need his permission to put it back on my signature?), much of what he plans on doing is here:


And how about you, which godless Libertarian are you backing since old man Paul isn't running and Paul Jr. is pretty much out of the race, Gary Johnson?


aCW: stall cop

Eh? I just noticed you'd done away with your kiss butt Cruz sig, that was all...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'll be sure to ask for your permission to do so next time.

I'd talk about John Wooden and character, but a has been ping pong player who incessantly defends homosexuality in an internet forum has most likely never heard of the late great UCLA Bruins head basketball coach, and definitely doesn't possess character.

Erm, if you're gonna talk about some guy, then at least try to get some punctuation going on yeah?

For example:

I was completely outplayed by a backhand sliced shot, so had the good grace to respond to such a winner as to moan and complain until the giraffes came home and set up a marsupial convent etc...



New member
Or maybe Ted Cruz is educated about homofascism.

300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

This garbage again? You really need to get some new material.


14 year old receives death threats for defending traditional/natural marriage…

Technically she was speaking in support of discrimination.
That aside.
What evidence is there that these death threats were made (if they were made at all) by homosexuals? It would be just as easy to claim that the threats were made by fundamentalists who wanted to create a story and to use the threats to attack gays.


Supporters of Proposition 8 in California were subjected to harassment, intimidation, vandalism, racial scapegoating, blacklisting, loss of employment, economic hardships, angry protests, violence, at least one death threat, letters mailed with white powder in them (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705262822/Powder-scares-at-2-LDS-temples-Catholic-plant.html),
and for how many years have gays been subjected to harassment, intimidation, vandalism, scapegoating, blacklisting, loss of employment, economic hardships, angry protests, violence, and death threats?

As for the white powder...no one has any clue who sent it or why.

“15-year-old Brandon Wegner was reportedly punished for sharing this opinion: Homosexual couples shouldn’t be able to adopt.”

Lopez there sort of left out the fact that the school pulled the kids newspaper article not because of his opinions on adoption but for the fact that he advocated gays be hunted down and killed.

and so on and so on and so on
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

LOL...oh the stories I could tell (and will again sometime) about dealing with the homosexual 'culture'.

will any of them be true?

You must know about LGBTQueer 'culture' TB. How can they not be true?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

This garbage again? You really need to get some new material.

Do you know what's really sad TB? Each and every day your LGBTQueer movement supplies us (people of faith and those who just believe in decency) with "new material".

Technically she was speaking in support of discrimination.

GASP! Discrimination? Say it aint so!

That aside.
What evidence is there that these death threats were made (if they were made at all) by homosexuals? It would be just as easy to claim that the threats were made by fundamentalists who wanted to create a story and to use the threats to attack gays.

Without a doubt a story made up by a 14 year old "fundie" with the intent of making LGBTQueers look bad.


New member
Grab a soft drink and a bag of popcorn folks, it's Friday night at the movies where us "fundies" make things up to so that the LGBTQueer movement looks bad.

Here us "fundies" hired a bunch of people to act like they were chasing some Christians out of the Castro District in San Franswishco.

Chased out of the Castro by the ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement

When you say 'Christians' you mean people with blow horns chanting hate slogans in a residential neighborhood at night.


When you say 'Christians' you mean people with blow horns chanting hate slogans in a residential neighborhood at night.

Like I said, we Christians spare no expense to make your LGBTQueer movement look bad (the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement controls our laws, our culture, our institutions, yet they still play the victim role).


I am going to vote for Hillary in primary, and for president. Sanders is a jerk, too bad his followers aren't feeling the burn yet. I [will] also vote for republican congressmen.

Now why would I vote that way?
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Hall of Fame
I am going to vote for Hillary in primary, and for president. Sanders is a jerk, too bad his followers aren't feeling the burn yet. I was also vote for republican congressmen.

Now why would I vote that way?

You are not a one issue voter and hold no allegiance to either party.


I am going to vote for Hillary in primary, and for president...

Gee, I would have never known.

Sanders is a jerk, too bad his followers aren't feeling the burn yet.

I'm interested to hear what ideological differences there are between Mrs. Bill Clinton and the old codger Sanders. Why are you not pleased with Sanders, does he not have lying down to a fine art?

I was also vote for republican congressmen.

Now why would I vote that way?

Obviously you, as a ultra liberal, are seeing that there are no major differences between the two main political parties. I'm hoping that with this upcoming election that the RINO's, i.e. the Establishment that has been running the Republican Party for decades, are standing in unemployment lines and that there will be a huge difference not only between Republican and Democratic legislators, but between their party platforms (i.e agendas).


And now the WWJD? question of the day:

If Jesus chased people out of a House of Worship with a whip for using it as a place to do business transactions:


what would He do to those that turn a House of Worship into a place that promotes sodomy?

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