Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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New member
A few pages back I wrote about the death of Dr. Robert Spitzer, a psychologist who was instrumental in getting homosexuality removed from the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental disorders back in 1973.


As I'd shown in Part #1 of the thread, when the APA removed homosexuality as a mental disorder, it had a huge impact on legislation, i.e. many States decriminalized homosexuality afterwards.

Our friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) has posted a great article about Bob Spitzer, and how later in life he acknowledged (through his own study) that same sex attractions can be changed. Due to 'gaystapo' tactics, Spitzer disavowed his own study, even though it was not retracted.
If you are talking about "Can some gay men and lesbians change their sexual orientation?" Then you are fully aware that this study never passed peer review because it was so poorly designed and executed.

Two years later "Can some gay men and lesbians change their sexual orientation?" was printed in the Archives of Sexual Behavior with the editorial notation that it had not passed peer review and the explanation it was publishing it because of ongoing interest in the paper.

It was never published as a scientific paper and as such does not need to be retracted. Spitzer did however publish retractions in the Archives of Sexual Behavior and in the Journal of Sexual Behavior

Target of Homosexual Pressure Campaign: The late Dr. Robert Spitzer, above, reported in a landmark 2003 academic study that “there is evidence that change in sexual orientation following some form of reparative therapy does occur in some gay men and lesbians.” “Gay” activists barraged him with criticism, so much so that he later disavowed his own study–which, however, was NOT retracted.

Of course there is no evidence for this and Spitzer himself laughed at the suggestion that he had been badgered, harassed or threatened.


LGBTQ activist TracerBullet's eyes perk up when he see's any mention of a study.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
A few pages back I wrote about the death of Dr. Robert Spitzer, a psychologist who was instrumental in getting homosexuality removed from the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental disorders back in 1973.

As I'd shown in Part #1 of the thread, when the APA removed homosexuality as a mental disorder, it had a huge impact on legislation, i.e. many States decriminalized homosexuality afterwards.

Our friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) has posted a great article about Bob Spitzer, and how later in life he acknowledged (through his own study) that same sex attractions can be changed. Due to 'gaystapo' tactics, Spitzer disavowed his own study, even though it was not retracted.

If you are talking about "Can some gay men and lesbians change their sexual orientation?"

Yes, that would be this study, complete with "Acknowledgments":

Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 32, No. 5, October 2003, pp. 403–417 ( C ° 2003)

Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual
Orientation? 200 Participants Reporting a Change
from Homosexual to Heterosexual Orientation1

Robert L. Spitzer, M.D.2;

Then you are fully aware that this study never passed peer review because it was so poorly designed and executed.

Oh yes, "poorly designed and executed" (gee, how many times have we heard that lie?). I'm sure that it had nothing to do with showing that people who have homosexual desires really can change and the fact that the LGBTQueer run psychiatric community doesn't like the idea of change (unless that 'change' involves genital mutilation surgery or 8 year old children "coming out").

Two years later "Can some gay men and lesbians change their sexual orientation?" was printed in the Archives of Sexual Behavior with the editorial notation that it had not passed peer review and the explanation it was publishing it because of ongoing interest in the paper.

It's already been acknowledged that the drag queens, fairies and bull dykes at the APA didn't like what they saw.

It was never published as a scientific paper and as such does not need to be retracted. Spitzer did however publish retractions in the Archives of Sexual Behavior and in the Journal of Sexual Behavior

After all of the flack that Spitzer took by telling the truth (and thus being ostracized by the LGBTQ movement that he helped create) what else was there to do?

With compliments of Wayne "Is my bullhorn disrupting your EX Gay meeting?" Besen, here is Spitzer's retraction:

Homosexual activist Wayne Besen without his bullhorn

Of course there is no evidence for this and Spitzer himself laughed at the suggestion that he had been badgered, harassed or threatened.

Linda Ames Nicolosi, who had worked on the study with Dr. Spitzer, says differently:

Just before the study was due to be published, I received this S.O.S. call from him: “I have been reviewing the emails that I have received and I must admit I had the fantasy of giving up this whole thing….!”

This turn of events was alarming. I considered his new study to be a needed corrective in the scientific literature, and I didn’t want him to back out. I told him so. He wrote back, “Sorry to frighten you. My main concern—other than what this whole thing does to my reputation in the scientific community—is that the effect of this study is to help 5,000 ex-gays or potential ex-gays … [while] I have seriously hurt five million gays.”

But if the study told the truth, why should Spitzer think about “who would be hurt”? Was consideration of “who would be hurt” (or in this case, “who would dislike the results”) something that had propelled him to de-list homosexuality as a disorder in the first place? Was he really so afraid of public opinion?

Those years were the beginning of a long, punishing barrage of attacks on Spitzer from the gay community


Dr. Robert Spitzer, homosexuals can change


aCW, do you think you could choose to change your sexual orientation - whatever that is?


(Yawn, Art Brain asks the same question he's asked a hundred times in this 4 part thread and hundreds of times in other threads).

Yes, if I had been raped as a child or grew up in a dysfunctional home (absent or abusive father, etc.) and because of that had unnatural sexual desires, with spiritual and psychological therapy I could.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(Yawn, Art Brain asks the same question he's asked a hundred times in this 4 part thread and hundreds of times in other threads).

Yes, if I had been raped as a child or grew up in a dysfunctional home (absent or abusive father, etc.) and because of that had unnatural sexual desires, with spiritual and psychological therapy I could.

Er, nope, not the question I asked you. Could you 'choose' to change your sexual orientation - whatever that is?

Don't be shy and don't be a schmuck for once. Just answer the question...


Not acknowledging what causes same sex desires, Art Brain continues with his limp wristed interrogation of aCW:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Yawn, Art Brain asks the same question he's asked a hundred times in this 4 part thread and hundreds of times in other threads).

Yes, if I had been raped as a child or grew up in a dysfunctional home (absent or abusive father, etc.) and because of that had unnatural sexual desires, with spiritual and psychological therapy I could.

Er, nope, not the question I asked you. Could you 'choose' to change your sexual orientation - whatever that is?

Don't be shy and don't be a schmuck for once. Just answer the question...

To appease the limp wrister's obsession with not being able to change, the schmuck replies: No, I could not change from being a happily married heterosexual man to finding males attractive and engaging in buggery.

I suppose that means that those who were sexually molested as children or grew up in a dysfunctional home (had an abusive or absent father, etc.) and contracted unnatural sexual desires because of those negative environmental factors, are incapable of change as well?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not acknowledging what causes same sex desires, Art Brain continues with his limp wristed interrogation of aCW:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Yawn, Art Brain asks the same question he's asked a hundred times in this 4 part thread and hundreds of times in other threads).

Yes, if I had been raped as a child or grew up in a dysfunctional home (absent or abusive father, etc.) and because of that had unnatural sexual desires, with spiritual and psychological therapy I could.

To appease the limp wrister's obsession with not being able to change, the schmuck replies: No, I could not change from being a happily married heterosexual man to finding males attractive and engaging in buggery.

I suppose that means that those who were sexually molested as children or grew up in a dysfunctional home (had an abusive or absent father, etc.) and contracted unnatural sexual desires because of those negative environmental factors, are incapable of change as well?

Oh dude, you're not being "interrogated", so quit being such a drama queen will ya?

Anyhoo, am I to understand that you could in no way, shape or form develop an attraction to another bloke? Don't bother with you're a cop or happily married etc but just answer that question in itself.

Actually, also this one. Why would a straight guy spend such an inexorable amount of time on homosexuality as you do? Seriously, why?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

To appease the limp wrister's obsession with not being able to change, the schmuck replies: No, I could not change from being a happily married heterosexual man to finding males attractive and engaging in buggery.

I suppose that means that those who were sexually molested as children or grew up in a dysfunctional home (had an abusive or absent father, etc.) and contracted unnatural sexual desires because of those negative environmental factors, are incapable of change as well?

Oh dude, you're not being "interrogated", so quit being such a drama queen will ya?

Anyhoo, am I to understand that you could in no way, shape or form develop an attraction to another bloke? Don't bother with you're a cop or happily married etc but just answer that question in itself.

Actually, also this one. Why would a straight guy spend such an inexorable amount of time on homosexuality as you do? Seriously, why?


Here's a thought Art: I'm very impressed with how well you've "designed and executed" your recent posts. How about you consider this a 'study' and you can get your two like minded buddies TracerBullet and patrick jane to "pass it as peer review" and you could submit it to the ultra pro homosexual American Psychiatric Association so that they can put it in various psychological journals as a legitimate study?


Above: Art Brain, TracerBullet and the guy with so many personalities, patrick jane, reviewing Art's recent 'study'.

Back later with #3 on the Top 5 Posts of the Year.


For you LGBTQ fans that voted for B. Hussein Obama, our friend Peter LaBarbera at AFTAH shows that you got your money's worth.

Barack Obama’s Radical LGBT Legacy – An Immoral ‘Transformation’ of America

Anti-Christian lobby group HRC tallies Obama’s long list of pro-homosexual and pro-transgender “accomplishments”

Summary of President Obama’s Commitment to LGBT Equality [the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda]

Note to AFTAH readers: the following is a list of President Barack Obama’s homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda “achievements,” produced by Human Rights Campaign, the world’s most powerful and well-funded LGBT lobby organization. [See the original HRC report on PDF HERE.] Even close followers of Obama’s socially left agenda will be surprised by the magnitude of his LGBT record. We have bolded some of the more important Obama actions–note especially #28 and #33 in which Obama undermined the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), thus accelerating the legal momentum for legalized same-sex “marriage.”

HRC reports:

“Summary of President Obama’s Commitment to LGBT Equality”

LGBT-inclusive Legislation Signed Into Law (3):

Openly- LGBT Federal Judicial Appointees (15):

Openly LGBT Federal Ambassadorial Appointees (7):

Policy / Regulation Changes (111):

LGBT Appointees (overall) (250+):

LGBT Appointments in the Obama-Biden Administration

Executive Office of the President

Presidential Boards and Commissions

Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce

Department of Defense

Department of Education

Department of Energy

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Department of Justice

Department of Labor

Department of State

Department of the Interior[*]

Department of the Treasury

Department of Transportation

Department of the Treasury

Department of Transportation

Department of Veterans Affairs

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Corporation for National and Community Service

Environmental Protection Agency

Export-Import Bank

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Science Foundation

Office of Personnel Management

Peace Corps

Small Business Administration

United States Agency for International Development (US AID)

United States Interagency Council on Homelessness

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2016/0...-legacy-an-immoral-transformation-of-america/


Two More Dubious Obama LGBT “Firsts”: Obviously, Barack Obama is the first U.S. President to turn the White House–the American people’s house–into a symbol of homosexual-bisexual-transgender activism. (The rainbow has been appropriated by LGBTQ activists as the symbol of their de facto sin movement.) Obama is also the first president to sit for a photo-shoot for a homosexualist magazine, OUT Magazine, in its December 2015 issue.

[*]Not to be confused with interior decorators

I wonder if President Ted Cruz will be brought up on 'Hate Crime' charges for firing several hundred LGBTQ federal employees?

In this day and age of lunacy, anything is possible.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Here's a thought Art: I'm very impressed with how well you've "designed and executed" your recent posts. How about you consider this a 'study' and you can get your two like minded buddies TracerBullet and patrick jane to "pass it as peer review" and you could submit it to the ultra pro homosexual American Psychiatric Association so that they can put it in various psychological journals as a legitimate study?


Above: Art Brain, TracerBullet and the guy with so many personalities, patrick jane, reviewing Art's recent 'study'.

Back later with #3 on the Top 5 Posts of the Year.

How about you get a life and stop being such a crank?



New member
Yes, that would be this study, complete with "Acknowledgments":

Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 32, No. 5, October 2003, pp. 403–417 ( C ° 2003)

Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians Change Their Sexual
Orientation? 200 Participants Reporting a Change
from Homosexual to Heterosexual Orientation1
Which also included an editorial note that the study failed peer review

Oh yes, "poorly designed and executed" (gee, how many times have we heard that lie?).
If you have read Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 32, No. 5, October 2003, pp. 403–417 then you would have heard that.

I'm sure that it had nothing to do with showing that people who have homosexual desires really can change and the fact that the LGBTQueer run psychiatric community doesn't like the idea of change (unless that 'change' involves genital mutilation surgery or 8 year old children "coming out").
It had everything to do with the fact that the only"ex-gays" Spitzer managed to find were employees of various ex-gay organizations.

It's already been acknowledged that the drag queens, fairies and bull dykes at the APA didn't like what they saw.
Yep, the don't like a study were the people being touted as a "success" are being paid

Linda Ames Nicolosi, who had worked on the study with Dr. Spitzer, says differently:
If she worked on the study why is her name no where on it?


New member
If she worked on the study why is her name no where on it?

"About 15 years before, Spitzer had asked me to help him with a new research project he was working on—a study of people who had come out of a gay lifestyle. He needed help on his wording and the expression of concepts, and I was, at the time, publications director for NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality)."



Originally Posted by aCulturalError
Oregon Allows 15-Year-Olds to Get State-Subsidized Sex-Change Operations—Without Parental Consent

Was the person a hermaphrodite? Heterosexed at birth?

Welcome to the WHMBR! Part 4 thread SabathMoon. What, no accusations of me being a closeted fag or EX homosexual? (maybe SM is starting off slowly and working up to that).

Regarding your question:

It's a state law.

In Oregon, a controversial new law has been in place since the beginning of 2015 that has left residents of the seemingly forward-thinking state stunned.

Gender reassignment is a procedure that Bruce Jenner underwent to complete his transformation from male to female. While he is a consenting adult, the new law in Oregon allows for minors as young as 15 to get the surgery, even without consent from their parents.

Health Evidence Review Commission (HERC) was petitioned by Jenn Burleton, co-founder of the Portland-based Trans Active Gender Center, to include sex change operations, cross-sex hormone therapy, and puberty-inhibiting medications in the covered procedures for the management of individuals with gender dysphoria. The HERC 12-member panel includes doctors and medical professionals, all of whom are approved by the governor. The change to cover the procedures was settled in January without public debate.

The age of medical consent in Oregon is 15, but how far that consent goes depends on the topic. At 15, teens in Oregon are able to, without their parent’s consent, have sex, receive birth control, take a pregnancy test, and get an abortion. Conversely, according to an article published by IJ Review, 15-year-olds are unable to smoke cigarettes or marijuana, drive alone, send or receive sexts, vote, work more than 18 hours a week, drink, eat unhealthy foods at school, get tattoos, administer aspirin at school or use a tanning bed.


Boy, those Oregonians are sure strict. One would think that if you're old enough to have your genitals mutilated, you could at least drive alone while toking on a joint.
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I think parental approval is involved if someone wants their nuts chopped. Any teen male who wants this would or is the stupidest idiot in the universe. But I digress. Heterosexed people often get sex assignment surgery because they have ambiguous body sex... both kinds of gentiles instead of one set. The heterosexed do not often, and it may be that they never have fully developed brains. It is difficult for me to be threatened by a law which should have been worded better.

Much-like, the way some people talk about marriage equality. Males who don't like women should never adopt male children, and we know they wouldn't be good with female children.


I think parental approval is involved if someone wants their nuts chopped.

As I'd shown in my above post, Oregon law says differently:

Gender reassignment is a procedure that Bruce Jenner underwent to complete his transformation from male to female. While he is a consenting adult, the new law in Oregon allows for minors as young as 15 to get the surgery, even without consent from their parents.

Any teen male who wants this would or is the stupidest idiot in the universe.


But I digress. Heterosexed people often get sex assignment surgery because they have ambiguous body sex... both kinds of gentiles [sic genitals] instead of one set. The heterosexed [sic homosexed?] do not often, and it may be that they never have fully developed brains. It is difficult for me to be threatened by a law which should have been worded better.

How about we start off by agreeing that minors should have parental consent when doing something as life changing as sexual reassignment surgery? From there we can talk about (which I've done numerous times in this 4 part thread), some of the causes of gender identity disorder.

Much-like, the way some people talk about marriage equality. Males who don't like women should never adopt male children, and we know they wouldn't be good with female children.

Homophobe. The LGBTQueer movement harasses, beats up and threatens with death many people that get in their way worked hard for the rights that they have today. Surely you don't want them to return to the closet that they came out of?
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THE GREATEST GIFT (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

For someone who prides himself for adhering to religious teachings, "aCultureWarrior" has completely missed the Christian message!

Without "charity" in our hearts for our "neighbor," just following a set of religious rules, no matter how well-intentioned, counts for nothing.

Like the "Good Samaritan" who showed compassion for the Jew, we are taught not just to extend Christian "charity" to those "neighbors" for whom we approve - the real test comes when we are confronted by those "neighbors" for whom we disapprove!


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

For someone who prides himself for adhering to religious teachings, "aCultureWarrior" has completely missed the Christian message!

Without "charity" in our hearts for our "neighbor," just following a set of religious rules, no matter how well-intentioned, counts for nothing.

Like the "Good Samaritan" who showed compassion for the Jew, we are taught not just to extend Christian "charity" to those "neighbors" for whom we approve - the real test comes when we are confronted by those "neighbors" for whom we disapprove!

Well said ole monologue wonder. That is why I love Matthew 22: 36-40 so much. There is no way that can be misconstrued (although secular humanists try). As Phil Robertson so often says:


"Fear (love) God, love your neighbor and hunt ducks."
-Phil Robertson
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